Thursday, November 7, 2019

Menterjemahkan Artikel Bahasa Inggris-Sunda

Virtual Worlds are Useful for Children

A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice what they will do in real life. They are also a powerful and attractive alternative to more passive adventures like watching TV. The research was done with children using the BBC’s Adventure Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. It surveyed and interviewed children who were the first to test the game.

The online world is a themed island built for the BBC’s children channel by Belgian game maker Larian. Children explore the world alone but they use message boards to share what they find and what they do in the different creative studios they find around the virtual space.

At times children were explorers and at others, they were social climbers eager to connect with other players. Some were power users looking for more information about how the virtual space really worked. The children could try all kinds of things without having to be afraid of the consequences that would follow if they tried them in the real world. They learned many useful social skills and played around with their identity in ways that would be much more difficult in real life.

According to the study what children liked about virtual worlds was the chance to create content such as music, cartoons, and videos.

The publishers of the report say that virtual worlds can be a powerful, engaging and real interactive alternative to more passive media. They urged creators of virtual spaces for children to get young people involved very early on because they really do have good ideas to add and they are very good critical friends.

Tarjamahan Basa Sunda

Dunya Virtual Mangpaat pikeun Barudak 
Hiji laporan panalungtikan nyatakeun yén dunya maya tiasa janten tempat anu penting dimana barudak ngalaksanakeun naon anu bakal dilakukeun dina kahirupan nyata. Aranjeunna ogé mangrupakeun alternatif anu kuat sareng pikaresepeun pikeun petualangan langkung pasif sapertos ningali TV. Panaliti ieu dilakukeun pikeun murangkalih barudak anu nganggo ruang soca BBC Adventure Rock, anu dimaksud pikeun jalma yuswa 6-12. Éta surveyed sareng ngawawancara barudak anu pangheulana pikeun nguji pertandingan. Dunya online nyaéta pulo bertema anu diwangun pikeun saluran barudak BBC ku produsén Belgian Larian. Barudak ngajelajah dunya nyalira tapi aranjeunna nganggo papan pesen pikeun ngabagikeun naon anu aranjeunna mendakan sareng naon anu aranjeunna lakukeun dina sababaraha studio kreatif anu aranjeunna mendakan di rohangan maya. Sakapeung barudak mangrupikeun penjelajah sareng anu sanés, aranjeunna pendaki sosial anu hoyong ngahubung sareng pamaén sanés. Sababaraha mangrupikeun pangguna anu kuat anu milari seueur inpormasi ngeunaan kumaha rohangan maya leres dianggo. Barudak tiasa nyobian sagala jinis hal tanpa kedah sieun aya akibat anu bakal kajadian upami aranjeunna nyobian di dunya nyata. Aranjeunna diajar seueur kaahlian sosial anu kapake sareng diulinkeun kalayan idéntitasna ku cara anu bakal langkung sesah dina kahirupan nyata.Numutkeun kana panilitian, naon anu dipikaresep ku budak ngeunaan dunia maya mangrupikeun kasempetan pikeun nyiptakeun kontén sapertos musik, kartun sareng pidéo. Publikasi laporkeun yén dunya maya tiasa alternatif interaktif anu kuat, pikaresepeun sareng nyata pikeun média langkung pasif. Aranjeunna ngadesekkeun panyipta ruang maya pikeun barudak kalibet para pamuda pikeun awalna sabab bener-bener gaduh ideu anu hadé pikeun tambihan sareng babaturan kritis anu saé pisan.


  1. DAFFA HIKARI XII florida

    Aya 1,800 mahasiswa di salah sahiji sakola anu pangsaéna di Amérika, sareng rébuan deui sumpah pikeun asup. Laju ditampa di cinyusu di Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, sakola magnet selektif di luar Washington, DC, nembé 15 persén — Aya sentuhan anu langkung handap ti di Universitas Georgetown.

    Éta sapertos anu dimaksud. Thomas Jefferson, atanapi TJ, didamel pikeun masihan pendidikan anu luhur, atikan téknologi pikeun mahasiswa anu paling berpengetahuan akademik di Virginia Utara. Unggal dinten, pilih murid tina genep yurisdiksi Virginia asup ka gedong dominan inspirasi TJ pikeun diajar anu ketat dina penawaran tingkat kuliah maju sapertos éléktrodinamika, neurobiologi, sareng intelijen buatan. Unggal taun, partisipasi AP, kalulusan, sareng pendekatan pendaptaran kuliah atanapi pencét 100 persen. Janten kéngingkeun angka pass dina ujian statewide dina sadaya mata pelajaran. Sakola sakola rutin ngirut peringkat SMA.

    Statistik sanésna langkung kaganggu. TJ calik di Fairfax County, dimana 80 persén muridna cicing (20 persen sanésna ti kabupaten anu meungkeut). Kinten-kinten 29 persén murid di Sakola Awéwé Fairfax County (FCPS), asalna ti kulawarga anu berpendapatan rendah, dibandingkeun ngan hiji persén murid anu nawiskeun pangakuan ka TJ ragrag salajengna (tingali Gambar 1). Kelas anu nembé ditampi di kelas 2022 nyaéta 65 persén urang Asia, 23 persen bodas, lima persén Hispanik, sareng dua persén hideung. Éntri pendaptaran murid sacara umum di FCPS nyaéta 39 persen bodas, 25 persén Hispanik, 20 persén Asia, sareng 10 persen hideung

    There are 1,800 students at one of the best high schools in America, and thousands more vying to get in. The acceptance rate this spring at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, a selective magnet school outside Washington, D.C., was just 15 percent—a touch lower than at nearby Georgetown University.

    That’s as intended. Thomas Jefferson, or TJ, was designed to provide an elite, high-tech education for the most academically gifted students in Northern Virginia. Each day, select students from six Virginia jurisdictions enter TJ’s inspiring domed building for rigorous study in advanced college-level offerings like electrodynamics, neurobiology, and artificial intelligence. Every year, the AP participation, graduation, and college enrollment rates approach or hit 100 percent. So do the pass rates on statewide exams in all subjects. The school routinely tops high school rankings nationwide.

    Other statistics are more troubling. TJ sits in Fairfax County, where 80 percent of its students live (the other 20 percent are from adjacent districts). Some 29 percent of students in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), are from low-income families, compared to just one percent of students offered admission to TJ next fall (see Figure 1). The school’s newly accepted Class of 2022 is 65 percent Asian, 23 percent white, five percent Hispanic, and two percent black. The overall student enrollment at FCPS is 39 percent white, 25 percent Hispanic, 20 percent Asian, and 10 percent black


  2. Harry Styles announces his new album Fine Line and sends his fans into MELTDOWN after teasing his new project with cryptic tweets  

    Harry Styles has sent his fans into meltdown after announcing his new album Fine Line on Monday after weeks of cryptic social media posts.  

    The former One Direction star, 25, took to Twitter to make the revelation and shared that it would be dropping on Friday 13 December via Columbia Records/Erskine Records. 

    Harry teased the album cover as he shared a photograph of himself taken on a fisheye lens wearing a flamboyant pink ruffled plunging Gucci shirt and high-waisted white flared trousers with gold buttons on them.

    Meltdown: Harry Styles has sent his fans into meltdown after announcing his new album Fine Line on Monday after weeks of cryptic social media posts

    The Sign Of The Times hitmaker penned alongside it: 'FINE LINE . THE ALBUM . DEC 13.' 

    Harry's new 12-track album will feature his hit single Lights Up and he will celebrate the release with a special event called Harry Styles – Fine Line at the Forum – One Night Only in LA on the day it is launched.    

    Harry Styles ngumumkeun albeum énggal na Fine Line sareng ngirim fans na ka MELTDOWN saatos ngagoda proyék jabatanana énggal ku tweets kriptika

    Harry Styles parantos ngirim kipas-kipas saé sanés saenggeus ngumumkeun album énggal na Fine Line dina Senén saatos minggu tina tulisan média sosial kritik.

    Tilas bintang Hiji Arah, 25, nyandak ka Twitter pikeun ngadamel wahyu kasebut sareng ngabagi yén éta bakal turun dina dinten Jumaah 13 Désémber via Columbia Records / Erskine Records.

    Harry ngagoda panutup album nalika ngabagi poto nyalira anu dicandak dina lensa fisheye ngagem jambon flamboyant pink ruffled kaos baju Gucci sareng calana panjang bodas anu ditambat tinggi nganggo tombol emas di aranjeunna.

    Meltdown: Harry Styles parantos ngintun kipas-kipasna saalamana saatos ngumumkeun album Fine Line anyar na dina Senén saatos minggu tina tulisan média sosial kritik

    The Sign Of The Times hitmaker penned sampingna: 'BARAT DINA. THE ALBUM. 13. Dékér '

    Albeum lagu 12 anu anyar Harry bakal nampilkeun na Pencét Lampu tunggal sareng anjeunna bakal ngagungkeun sékrési éta kalayan acara khusus anu dingaranan Harry Styles - Fine Line di Forum - Hiji Peuting Ngan di LA dina poé éta diluncurkeun.

    Kanaya Andhita
    XII Florida

  3. Participants in Bloomberg’s survey, released Tuesday, gave the feature a score of 4.43 points out of 5, with 61% saying they were “very satisfied” with how safe it is, compared with the 1% who were either “somewhat” or “very dissatisfied” with Autopilot’s safety. Autopilot’s more advanced features, like the ability to change lanes and move between highways, received lower scores.

    Twenty-eight percent of respondents said Autopilot had saved them from a dangerous situation, while 13% said the feature had put them in one.

    Respondents also weighed in on “Smart Summon,” a new feature that allows a vehicle to drive to its owner in a parking lot. Seventy percent said the feature was useful, and 75% said it was good at navigation, though just 41% of respondents said Smart Summon’s reliability was sufficient for the average driver.

    Tesla did not immediately respond to Business Insider’s request for comment on the survey.

    Autopilot has attracted controversy for its role in a handful of high-profile – and sometimes fatal – crashes. While Tesla says drivers must keep their hands on the wheel and pay attention to the road while using the feature, which can control steering, braking, and acceleration in some situations, critics have said it is difficult for the human brain to remain attentive when a computer has some control over driving tasks.

    Tesla has argued that, overall, Autopilot makes drivers safer, pointing to data that shows a lower rate of crashes in Tesla vehicles using Autopilot than in all vehicles in the US. But that data doesn’t account for the fact that Autopilot is designed for use only on the highway, something that by itself could result in fewer accidents. Bloomberg’s survey is perhaps the most persuasive evidence that supports Tesla’s position.

    Consumer Reports has been more critical of Autopilot, giving largely unfavorable reviews to its lane-change feature and Smart Summon.
    Langkung 90% tina 5.000 Pamilik Model Tesla 3 anu ditaliti ku Bloomberg nyarios yén aranjeunna percaya fitur semiautonomous Autopilot na Tesla ngajantenkeun aranjeunna langkung aman.

    Peserta dina survey Bloomberg, dileupaskeun dinten Salasa, masihan skor tina 4,43 poin kaluar tina 5, kalayan 61% nyatakeun aranjeunna "puas pisan" ku kumaha aman éta, dibandingkeun sareng 1% anu sami "rada" atanapi "pisan teu sugema ”kalayan kasalametan Autopilot. Fitur anu langkung ageung Autopilot, sapertos kamampuan pikeun ngarobih jalur sareng pindah antara jalan tol, nampi skor anu langkung handap.

    Dua puluh dalapan persén réspondén nyarios yén Autopilot parantos nyalametkeun aranjeunna tina kaayaan anu bahaya, sedengkeun 13% nyarios fitur na nempatkeun éta.

    Réspondén ogé ditimbang dina "Smart Summon," fitur anyar anu ngamungkinkeun kendaraan nyetir ka anu gaduh dina tempat parkir. Tujuh puluh persén nyatakeun yén fitur éta kapaké, sareng 75% nyarios éta saé navigasi, sanaos 41% réspon ujar réliabilitas Smart Summon cekap pikeun driver rata.

    Tesla henteu langsung ngabales pamundut Business Insider pikeun komentar dina survey.

    Autopilot parantos narik minat kontroversi pikeun peranna dina sababaraha profil tinggi - sareng sakapeung parah - ngadat. Nalika Tesla nyatakeun supir kedah tetep dina leungeun kana roda sareng nengetan jalan nalika nganggo fitur, anu tiasa ngontrol nyetir, ngerem, sareng nyepetkeun dina sababaraha kaayaan, kritikus nyarios hese pikeun otak manusa tetep prihatin nalika komputer gaduh kadali sababaraha pikeun nyetir tugas.

    Tesla parantos ngabantah yén, sacara umum, Autopilot ngajantenkeun supir langkung aman, nunjukkeun ka data anu nunjukkeun tingkat anu langkung handap dina kendaraan Tesla nganggo Autopilot tibatan dina sadaya kendaraan di AS. Tapi data éta henteu mangrupikeun kanyataan yén Autopilot dirancang pikeun ukur dianggo di jalan raya, hiji hal anu nyalira tiasa nyababkeun kacilakaan anu nyababkeun. Survey Bloomberg sigana mangrupikeun bukti paling ngayakinkeun anu ngadukung posisi Tesla.

    Habibie 12 florida

  4. The country of Indonesia is a country that has various kinds of ethnicity and culture. But the culture now feels almost gone, which is the cause is the influence of foreign culture, just like in terms of dressing Indonesian women used to wear brackets but now these brackets are considered old-fashioned and replaced with sexy clothes such as short skirts. More and more times are changing now Indonesian culture is changing to follow western culture. The development of technology now has a lot of adverse effects for adolescents, causing juvenile delinquency. Advances in technology have changed the minds of teenagers. Changes in adolescent thinking are also accompanied by changes in adolescent behavior in following the modernization era. Juvenile delinquency is not only caused by the influence of increasingly modern technology, but can also be caused by various factors that plunge adolescents into free sex. Therefore, parents and teachers must provide a lot of guidance. Today's association feels very free, even too free. So many teenagers who abuse that freedom. Keywords: free sex, teenagers

    1. Nagara Indonesia mangrupikeun nagara anu ngagaduhan rupa-rupa etnis sareng budaya. Tapi budaya ayeuna karasa ampir musna, anu nyababkeun nyaéta pangaruh budaya luar negeri, sapertos istilah pakéan awéwé Indonésia biasa nganggo kurung tapi ayeuna kurung ieu dianggap lami sareng diganti ku baju seksi sapertos rok pondok. Beuki sering parobihan ayeuna budaya Indonesia parantos ngiringan budaya barat. Kamajuan téknologi ayeuna seueur épék ngarugikeun pikeun pamuda, nyababkeun delinquency juvenile. Kamajuan dina téknologi parantos ngarobah pikiran rumaja. Parobihan dina pamikiran rumaja ogé disarengan ku parobihan dina paripolah rumaja dina nuturkeun jaman modéren. Delinquency Juvenile ngan ukur disababkeun ku pangaruh téknologi modern, tapi ogé tiasa disababkeun ku rupa-rupa faktor anu nyababkeun rumaja kana jinis kelamin. Ku sabab kitu, kolot sareng guru kedah masihan seueur pedoman. Asosiasi dinten ieu karasa gratis pisan, bahkan gratis. Sangkan seueur rumaja anu nyiksa kabébasan éta. Konci: jinis bébas, rumaja

  5. Galih (12 florida)

    Indonesian Cultural Existence Practically Disappears in its Own Home
    Indonesia is a country that has distinctive social orders. This general public contrasts happens in light of the way that Indonesia country includes a few islands where each island has its own specific culture. Regardless, at this moment Indonesian culture is in danger of being lost because broke down by the times. There are such countless that advance of life is in danger. Those variables are from inside and outside. Through this paper, the makers will depict those parts that cause the peril of neighborhood Indonesian culture. Here are two entries that looking at those parts:

    The primary is component from inside. The decreasing of Indonesia’s lifestyle vicinity in its own specific home is achieved by its own specific people that ignore their lifestyle especially for youngsters. They are quieted by front line life and started to neglect the qualities which is procured by their forerunners. Case in point, close-by vernaculars, social capacity, customs and Indonesian traditions have been lost in general society eye. In the blink of an eye, we could see no one needs to use adjacent lingo in light of the fact that they are mortified called plebeian. Other than the adolescents who couldn’t give a second thought less any more with the lifestyle, government in like manner less responsive in dealing with this issue. There is no veritable try from government to oversee Indonesians society.

    The second is outside components. The Rapid stream of information which comes to Indonesia in like manner effects the deterioration of Indonesian culture. Various remote social orders, especially Western social orders have come and grown in Indonesia. Those western social orders are opposing with the Indonesians values as eastern nations. It in like manner gives dreadful effect in Indonesian’s standard as eastern nation. Nowadays, we can see the styles of dress that does not consent to the principles, penchants tanked, and poor lifestyle has grown in Indonesia.

    Along these lines, the reducing of Indonesian culture vicinity in his own specific country as an eventual outcome of a couple of variables. They are inside and outside components. For keeping up the movement of Indonesia’s Culture, let us keep our own specific culture. Especially we as adolescents don’t feel embarrassed to secure our lifestyle moreover stem western social orders which come into our country. In case we have lost our interesting society infers we have lost our own specific national character.

  6. For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.
    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.
    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

    Leuwih taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu nyoba ngabandingkeun kaahlian maca, matematika sareng élmu ti umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia sanés ngan ukur nagara anu pangsaéna di Éropa, tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu ngajadikeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu béda pisan ti batur di dunya kulon. Anu mimiti, pamaréntahan Finlandia mempermudah sadayana murangkalih atikan prasekolah, anu asalna saatos PAUD. atikan wajib dimimitian dina yuswa 7 taun. Guru damel pikeun mempermudah murid-muridna di sakola salaku gancang-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh PR di bumi badé sakedik balik ka bumi. Upami guru henteu sareng murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola ngulik kurikulum sareng proyék-proyék anyar. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna naha tingkat serelekna rendah dibandingkeun sareng nagara-nagara sanés. Beda sareng nagara-nagara sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia nyaéta profésional anu sangat kaget. Finns milih guru kalayan ati-ati pisan. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan. Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik generasi ngora na.Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging langkung saé tibatan guru nagara anu sanés, aranjeunna nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun hirup. Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran mahasiswa nampi bantosan tambahan dina taun sakola dasar, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.

    Regina Angelica
    12 Florida

  7. Shafira Ainurrafa - 12 Florida

    Italia janten nagara anu munggaran ngajantenkeun diajar ngeunaan perubahan iklim wajib pikeun siswa sakola

    Ti taun hareup, mahasiswa sakola di Italia unggal kelas diwajibkeun diajar parobahan iklim sareng kelestarian, dina usaha pikeun netepkeun nagara salaku pamimpin dunya pikeun pendidikan lingkungan.

    Menteri Pendidikan Lorenzo Fioramonti, tina anti-ngadegna Gerakan Star Star, nyatakeun yén sadaya sakola umum bakal ngalebetkeun kira-kira 33 jam sataun dina kurikula pikeun ngulinkeun masalah anu aya hubungan sareng parobahan iklim.

    Pangajaran anu bakal diwangun kana kelas civics anu tos aya, anu bakal ngagaduhan "tapak suku lingkungan" ti Séptémber 2020, Vincenzo Cramarossa, juru carios Fioramonti, nyarios ka CNN.

    "Gagasan nyaéta yén warga masarakat kedah siap pikeun iklim darurat," saur Cramarossa.

    Salaku tambahan, pamekaran sustainable bakal muncul dina mata pelajaran langkung tradisional, sapertos géografi, matematika sareng fisika, saur Cramarossa.

    "Aya bakal langkung perhatian kana parobahan iklim nalika ngajarkeun matuh tradisional éta," jelasna.

    Fioramonti, salah saurang profésor ékonomi di Universitas Afrika Kidul Pretoria, ngawartoskeun Reuters dina wawancara yén sadayana pelayanan "ayeuna dirobihkeun pikeun nyieun kelestarian sareng iklim pusat modél pendidikan."

    "Kuring hoyong ngadamel sistem pendidikan Italia anu mimiti sistem pendidikan anu nempatkeun lingkungan sareng masarakat dina inti sadaya anu urang diajar di sakola," saur anjeunna.

    Cramarossa nyarios panel panel ilmiah, kalebet Jeffrey D. Sachs, diréktur Pusat Universitas Columbia University for Development Sustainable, sareng teoritis ékonomi ékonomi Amérika, Jeremy Rifkin, bakal ngabantosan kementrian ngarobihkeun kurikulum nasional pikeun langkung perhatian kana parobahan iklim sareng kelestarian.

    "Éta dunya munggaran anu ngagaduhan (nasional) pendidikan nasional dina artosna," saur Cramarossa.

    Gerakan Lima Béntang, anu dipilampah ku Fioramonti, gaduh sajarah ngeunaan masalah lingkungan sareng aktivisme.

    Ti saprak janten menteri, Fioramonti dikritik ku pérang oposisi jangjang pikeun ngadukung mahasiswa anu ngahalangan bantahan protés perubahan iklim sareng nyukirkeun pajeg plastik.

    1. Italy to become first country to make learning about climate change compulsory for school students

      From next year, Italian school students in every grade will be required to study climate change and sustainability, in an attempt to position the country as a world leader in environmental education.

      Education Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti, of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, said all public schools will include about 33 hours a year in their curricula to study issues linked to climate change.

      The lessons will be built into existing civics classes, which will have an "environmentalist footprint" from September 2020, Vincenzo Cramarossa, Fioramonti's spokesman, told CNN.

      "The idea is that the citizens of the future need to be ready for the climate emergency," Cramarossa said.

      In addition, sustainable development will appear in more traditional subjects, such as geography, maths and physics, Cramarossa said.

      "There will be more attention to climate change when teaching those traditional subjects," he explained.

      Fioramonti, an economics professor at South Africa's Pretoria University, told Reuters in an interview that the entire ministry "is being changed to make sustainability and climate the center of the education model."

      "I want to make the Italian education system the first education system that puts the environment and society at the core of everything we learn in school," he said.

      Cramarossa said a panel of scientific experts, including Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of Columbia University's Center for Sustainable Development, and American economic and social theorist Jeremy Rifkin, will help the ministry redevelop the national curriculum to pay more attention to climate change and sustainability.

      "It's a world's first to have a (compulsory) national education in that sense," Cramarossa said.

      The Five Star Movement, to which Fioramonti belongs, has a history of environmental concern and grassroots activism.

      Since becoming minister, Fioramonti has been criticized by right-wing opposition parties for supporting striking students protesting climate change and backing taxes on plastic and sugary drinks.

  8. Inggris

    Character of Education As we know that character of education is important. In the character of education need some effort to be success. Actually the purpose of education is not about make the someone clever but also make the someone has a strong character. The concept of character is not enough to be used as a points in the syllabus and plans to implementation of learning in the school. Should more than that, we have to practice. Began to learn devout about role in the school, and discipline. The school also make character of education as a value that thrive well in the school, and we have to proof it. On the other hand, character of education is an effort to involve all interest in education, both of them is a families, school, and environment on the society. Therefore, the first steps that need to rebuild partnerships and networking education that seems to disconnected in the school like teachers, family, and the community. The establishment character of education would not success if there is no harmony. In the school, students have to get coaching the good character. All of parents have to give an exemplary worth. Thus the household and family should be more support. Because family is the first process of the establishment character of education.


    Karakter Atikan Sakumaha urang terang yén karakter pendidikan penting. Dina karakter pendidikan kedah sababaraha usaha pikeun suksés. Sabenerna tujuan pendidikan henteu ngan ukur ngajantenkeun batur palinter tapi ogé ngajantenkeun batur gaduh karakter anu kuat. Konsep karakter henteu cekap dianggo salaku titik dina silabus sareng ngarencanakeun palaksanaan pangajaran di sakola. Kedah langkung ti kitu, urang kedah ngalaksanakeun. Mimitian diajar taat ngeunaan peran di sakola, sareng disiplin. Sakola sakola ogé ngajantenkeun karakter pendidikan salaku ajén anu subur di sakola, sareng urang kudu buktikeun. Di sisi anu sanés, karakter pendidikan mangrupikeun upaya pikeun ngalibatkeun sadayana minat kana pendidikan, boh nyaéta kulawarga, sakola, sareng lingkungan di masarakat. Maka, léngkah-léngkah anu mimiti anu kedah ngawangun deui gotong royong sareng pendidikan jaringan anu sigana dipegatkeun di sakola sapertos guru, kulawarga, sareng masarakat. Ngadeg karakter pendidikanna moal sukses upami teu aya harmoni. Dina sakola, siswa kedah nampi pelatih karakter anu hadé. Sakabéh kolotna kedah masihan anu patut. Kituna rumah tangga sareng kulawarga kedah langkung ngadukung. Kusabab kulawarga mangrupikeun prosés munggaran pikeun ngadegkeun karakter pendidikan.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Harlequin ichthyosis is a severe genetic disorder that mainly affects the skin. Infants with this condition are born with very hard, thick skin covering most of their bodies. The skin forms large, diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks (fissures). These skin abnormalities affect the shape of the eyelids, nose, mouth, and ears, and limit movement of the arms and legs. Restricted movement of the chest can lead to breathing difficulties and respiratory failure.

    Terjemahan Bahasa Sunda

    Harlequin ichthyosis mangrupikeun karusuhan genetik parna anu parah mangaruhan kulit. Orok sareng kaayaan ieu dilahirkeun ku kulit kandel anu kandelna nutupan awakna. Kulit ngabentuk badag, piring ngawangun inten anu dipisahkeun ku retakan jero (fissures). Abnormalitas kulit ieu mangaruhan bentuk kelopak panon, irung, sungut, sareng ceuli, sareng ngawatesan gerakan leungeun sareng suku. Gerakan diwates tina dada tiasa nyababkeun kasusah engapan sareng gagal engapan.


    Children are being kidnapped by beggars for their organs

    In 2017, Indonesian social media was rife with stories about people abducting children and harvesting their organs. Some posts were accompanied by disturbing images and videos of dismembered bodies. The warnings, repeated by the mainstream media, claimed the kidnappers included truck drivers, street vendors, pregnant women, insane people and beggars. Consequently, several innocent people suspected of preying on children were attacked by hysterical mobs. At least one man was beaten to death. Some needy Indonesians have offered to sell a kidney online or to organ traffickers, but police have not documented any cases of children being kidnapped for their organs.

    Barudak diculik ku pangemis pikeun organna

    Taun 2017, média sosial Indonesia marak carita ngeunaan jalma nyulik barudak sareng panén organna. Sababaraha tulisan anu dibarengan ku gambar sareng pidéo anu ngahirupkeun awakna. Peringatan, diulang deui ku média mainstream, nyatakeun yén nyulik kaasup driver truk, padagang jalan, awéwé hamil, jalma anu teu waras sareng pangemis. Akibatna, sababaraha jalma polos anu disangka ngamangsa barudak diserang ku mobs histeris. Sahenteuna salah saurang lalaki ditelasan maot. Sababaraha urang Indonesia anu kirang parantos nawiskeun ngajual ginjal sacara online atanapi kanggo pangedar organ, tapi aparat kapulisian henteu mendokumentasikeun kasus budak anu diculik pikeun organna.

  12. Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.

    The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus only attacks primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved into dangerous disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. This year, the Ebola virus is raging, the number of deaths has been increased two times more than in 1976, reported by

    The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused anxiety. Ebola virus which attacks the body’s defense system is similar with the HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.The Most Deadly Virus

    What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing to other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. After attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of kidney failure.

    Very Fast Transmission

    Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body fluids, blood, and all the things that have been used by patient. Therefore, ebola patients must be isolated in order to avoid a direct contact with other people. The medical teams who handle the patients also have to wear special cloth in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of the United States has been infected with ebola. Indonesian Health Ministry itself has issued a travel warning for the people who will visit the countries of Guinea, Sierra and Liberia.

    There are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have to keep clean and do not make direct contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs will be discovered so the number of dead can be decreased

    Shendy Ramania
    XII Florida

    1. Waspada tina Ebola EpidemicRecently, wabah Ebola anu nyerang daérah Afrika Kulon, janten perhatian dunya. WHO anu ngaleupaskeun data éta, sahenteuna aya 800 urang anu maot saatos virus Ebola. Panyakit ieu ngagaduhan tingkat kematian anu luhur, 90 persén pasien maot. Hanjakalna, vaksin atanapi ubar pikeun ngobatan Ebola tetep tacan aya.

      Virus Ebola munggaran kapanggih di Afrika di 1976. Asalna, virus ngan nyerang primata sapertos monyét sareng kera. Tapi ayeuna, parantos janten janten panyakit bahaya sabab ebola parantos dikirim ka manusa. Taun ieu, virus Ebola ngaku, jumlah maotna parantos ningkat dua kali langkung seueur tibatan taun 1976, dilaporkeun ku

      Kasalahan ngaronjatna wabah Ebola di Afrika Kulon di taun 2014 nyababkeun karesahan. Virus Ebola anu nyerang sistem pertahanan awakna sami sareng virus HIV. Gejala awal sami sareng gejala flu sapertos demam tinggi, kalemahan awak, nyeri otot sareng nyeri sirah anu paling sering maot

      Anu ngajantenkeun virus Ebola janten bahaya pisan nyaéta kamampuan anakna. Virus ieu tiasa ngambah sel getih, teras kaayaan ieu tiasa ngahambat getih anu ngalir ka organ séjén. Upami organ kurangna getih, éta bakal ngabalukarkeun sababaraha ruksakna. Saatos nyerang getih, virus ebola ogé nyerang organ-organ sanés, sapertos ginjal, uteuk, peujit, ati sareng saterasna. Seueur pasien ebola maot kusabab gagal ginjal.

      Pangiriman Kacida Gancang

      Pangiriman virus Ebola tiasa kajantenan tina kontak cairan awak, getih, sareng sadaya hal anu parantos dianggo ku pasien. Ku alatan éta, pasien ebola kedah diasingkeun supados henteu ngahubungan kontak langsung ka jalma sanés. Tim médis anu ngurus pasién ogé kedah ngagem lawon khusus pikeun nyegah panyebaran virus. Ayeuna, warga Amérika Serikat parantos katépa ku ebola. Kamentrian Kaséhatan Indonésia parantos ngaluarkeun peringatan perjalanan pikeun jalma anu bakal nganjang ka nagara Guinea, Sierra sareng Liberia.

      Aya sababaraha cara pikeun nyegah virus ebola. Urang kedah tetep bersih sareng henteu milarian kontak langsung sareng pasien. Mudah-mudahan enggalna, vaksin sareng ubar na bakal mendakan janten jumlah mayit tiasa turun.

      shendy ramania

  13. English :
    Liquor waste contaminates Bengawan Solo, disrupts water supply

    Liquid waste in the form of a traditional Javanese alcoholic drink called ciu has contaminated the Bengawan Solo River in Surakarta, Central Java, killing fish and disrupting the area’s clean water supply for residents.

    The alcoholic waste has disrupted Surakarta’s Semanggi water treatment installation (IPA) of Pasar Kliwon subdistrict, forcing the IPA to fully halt operations at its three intake points, namely Semanggi, Jebres and Jurug, for two days last week. During that time, water from the river could not be treated.

    "The water in the Bengawan Solo River has changed color to pitch black and has reeked of alcohol since Friday," Semanggi intake guard Purnomo said on Tuesday as quoted by

    As a result, clean water supply for the residents was disrupted. City-owned drinking water company Toya Wening decided to provide water with tanker trucks.

    Purnomo said this was the worst case of contamination Java’s longest river had experienced this year. It is believed that the liquid waste had flowed from the Samin River into Sukoharjo regency.

    "The contamination is an annual incident, but this year is the worst compared to previous years because the water hasn’t been treated in two,” Purnomo said, adding it usually took only a day for the water to be treated again.

    He added that the Semanggi intake began to operate normally on Sunday evening.

    Surakarta-owned water company technical director Tri Atmojo Sukomulyo confirmed that the other two intake points of Jurug and Brebes were still contaminated by the alcohol waste as of Tuesday.

    "For now, we're drawing water from the Semanggi intake," he said.


    Runtah alkohol ngalambangkeun Bengawan Solo, ngaganggu pasokan cai Runtah éncér
    dina bentuk inuman alkohol tradisional Jawa anu disebut ciu parantos ngotorkeun Kali Bengawan Solo di Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, ngabunuh lauk sareng ngarawat pasokan cai bersih daérah pikeun warga. Runtah alkohol na nyababkeun pamasangan perawatan cai Surakarta Semanggi (IPA) kecamatan Pasar Kliwon, maksa IPA pikeun nyegah-terusan operasi di tilu titik asupan, nyaéta Semanggi, Jebres sareng Jurug, salami dua dinten minggu kamari. Dina mangsa éta, cai ti walungan teu tiasa diubaran. "Cai di Walungan Bengawan Solo parantos robih warna janten warna hideung sareng parantos nyentuh alkohol saprak Jumaah," saur penjaga Semanggi Purnomo nyarios Salasa sakumaha dikutip ku Balukarna, pasokan cai bersih pikeun warga diganggu. Perusahaan cai nginum kota anu toya Wening mutuskeun nyayogikeun cai ku treuk tanker. Purnomo nyarios ieu mangrupikeun kasus pangotor kontaminasi walungan pangpanjangna di Jawa taun ieu. Hal ieu dipercaya yén runtah cair parantos ngalir ti Walungan Samin ka Kabupaten Sukoharjo. "Kontaminasi mangrupikeun kajadian taunan, tapi taun ieu paling parah dibandingkeun taun-taun saméméhna sabab cai parantos teu dirawat dua," saur Purnomo, nambahan biasana ngan ukur cai kanggo diobing deui.Anjeunna parantos nambihan asupan Semanggi mimiti beroperasi biasana dina Minggu Minggu. Diréktur téknis cai milik Surakarta Tri Atmojo Sukomulyo negeskeun yén dua titik asupan Jurug sareng Brebes masih kacemar ku limbah alkohol sapertos dinten Salasa. "Kanggo ayeuna, urang ngagambar cai ti asupan Semanggi," saur anjeunna.

    - Iqbal Rizky XII Florida

  14. Star Super & BoA Star dina Video Kasalametan Udara Koréa Korea

    Béntang K-pop sering ngaleupaskeun lagu-lagu anu diulas dina kampanye iklan, tapi dileupaskeun panganyarna tina budak band SuperM nyandak hal anu anyar, tingkat skyhigh. Supergroup SM Entertainment, anu ngahontal nomer 1 dina Billboard 200 sasih bulan kalayan debut EP maranéhna, némbongan barengan BoA - bintang K-pop anu munggaran muncul dina Billboard 200 taun 2009 sareng ogé ikon SM - dina basa Korea Pidéo kaamanan anyar hawa. Visual anu herang, sci-fi-esque pikeun lagu "Ayo, Di Mana-mana" mangrupakeun hibrid video musik énergi tinggi sareng pilem instruksional anu nunjukkeun arah kaamanan Boothing. Éta turun online telat malem Minggu (3 Nopémber 4 Nov di Koréa Kidul) sareng bakal diémutan dina penerbangan Korea Air dimimitian dina Senén.

    Numutkeun ka SM Entertainment, kauntungan tina lagu bakal disumbangkeun ka Global Citizen. NCT 127, kelompok SM anu sanés, ngalaksanakeun di Global Citizen Festival di New York City dina bulan Séptémber; dua anggota kalakuan éta, Mark sareng Taeyong, ogé tampil di SuperM. Dina halaman YouTube pikeun Korean Air, anu ngabagi pidéo, perusahaan nyerat: "Kami bangga ngaluncurkeun Video Kasalametan énggal, proyék munggaran anu dipidangkeun ku Korean Air sareng SuperM! Naha anjeun kantos heran kana kapal terbang Korea Air sapertos di hareupna? Nya, ayeuna anjeun tiasa naek sareng SuperM dina pesawat udara Air Korea ka hareup. Nyampurkeun sareng nonton pidéo kasalametan penerbangan anu ditepikeun ku kelompok K-pop global, SuperM! "

    Star Super & BoA Star dina Video Kasalametan Udara Koréa Korea

    Béntang K-pop sering ngaleupaskeun lagu-lagu anu diulas dina kampanye iklan, tapi dileupaskeun panganyarna tina budak band SuperM nyandak hal anu anyar, tingkat skyhigh. Supergroup SM Entertainment, anu ngahontal nomer 1 dina Billboard 200 sasih bulan kalayan debut EP maranéhna, némbongan barengan BoA - bintang K-pop anu munggaran muncul dina Billboard 200 taun 2009 sareng ogé ikon SM - dina basa Korea Pidéo kaamanan anyar hawa. Visual anu herang, sci-fi-esque pikeun lagu "Ayo, Di Mana-mana" mangrupakeun hibrid video musik énergi tinggi sareng pilem instruksional anu nunjukkeun arah kaamanan Boothing. Éta turun online telat malem Minggu (3 Nopémber 4 Nov di Koréa Kidul) sareng bakal diémutan dina penerbangan Korea Air dimimitian dina Senén.

    Numutkeun ka SM Entertainment, kauntungan tina lagu bakal disumbangkeun ka Global Citizen. NCT 127, kelompok SM anu sanés, ngalaksanakeun di Global Citizen Festival di New York City dina bulan Séptémber; dua anggota kalakuan éta, Mark sareng Taeyong, ogé tampil di SuperM. Dina halaman YouTube pikeun Korean Air, anu ngabagi pidéo, perusahaan nyerat: "Kami bangga ngaluncurkeun Video Kasalametan énggal, proyék munggaran anu dipidangkeun ku Korean Air sareng SuperM! Naha anjeun kantos heran kana kapal terbang Korea Air sapertos di hareupna? Nya, ayeuna anjeun tiasa naek sareng SuperM dina pesawat udara Air Korea ka hareup. Nyampurkeun sareng nonton pidéo kasalametan penerbangan anu ditepikeun ku kelompok K-pop global, SuperM! "

    Davina Amira
    XII Florida

    1. SuperM & BoA Star in Sleek Korean Air Safety Video

      K-pop stars often release songs that are featured in ad campaigns, but the latest release from boy band SuperM takes thing to a whole new, skyhigh level. The SM Entertainment supergroup, which reached No. 1 on the Billboard 200 last month with their debut EP, appear alongside BoA -- the first K-pop star to appear on the Billboard 200 back in 2009 and also an SM icon -- in Korean Air’s new safety video.
      The glossy, sci-fi-esque visual for the song “Let’s Go Everywhere” is a hybrid of a high-energy music video and an instructional film featuring BoA’s soothing safety directions. It dropped online late Sunday night (Nov. 3, Nov. 4 in South Korea) and will be featured on Korean Air flights starting on Monday.

      According to SM Entertainment, the profits from the song will be donated to Global Citizen. NCT 127, another SM group, performed at the Global Citizen Festival in New York City in September; two members of that act, Mark and Taeyong, also appear in SuperM. 
      On the YouTube page for Korean Air, which shared the video, the company wrote: "We’re proud to launch our new Safety Video, the first project presented by Korean Air and SuperM! Have you ever wondered what Korean Air’s airplane might look like in the future? Well, now you can take a ride with SuperM on Korean Air’s airplane of the future. Settle in and watch the in-flight safety video presented by global K-pop group, SuperM!"

  15. Crouching on a tree branch, a hairy animal that looks like a cross between a raccoon and a rat lifts a long finger and taps on the trunk. It’s not politely knocking to see who’s home. Instead it’s trying to locate hollow spots beneath the bark where insects live. (It can tell that it’s found a cavity by the sound of the tapping.) Once it detects a hollow, the animal rips away the bark with its teeth and gobbles up the bugs. This curious creature is known as an aye-aye.

    Ngagorot dina dahan tangkal, sato wulu anu katingalina sapertos kayu antara parun jeung beurit angkat jari anu panjang sareng ngetok dina kalapa. Henteu amit-amit amit kanggo ningali saha bumi. Malahan éta nyobian mendakan bintik-kerung anu aya handapeun babakan tempat cicing serangga. (Éta tiasa nyaritakeun yén éta mendakan guha ku sora anu ngetok.) Saatos mendakan kerung, sato nyababkeun kulitna ku huntuna sareng ngorotan kana bug. Makhluk panasaran ieu dikenal salaku aye-aye.

    Annisa Safira
    XII Florida

  16. Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan

    Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull
    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.
    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.
    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

    Terjemahan Bahasa Sunda

    Salila sababaraha taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu ngabandingkeun maca, matematika sareng élmu ilmiah umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia henteu ngan ukur nagara Éropa anu luhur tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu nyababkeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu sahingga béda ti batur di dunya kulon.

    Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finish ngamungkinkeun sadayana murangkalih pikeun prasekolah, anu asalna saatos sakola. Atikan wajib dimimitian dina 7. Guru damel sareng muridna di sakola saloba-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh sakedik imah pikeun dilakukeun nalika balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu sareng murid-murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola anu damel dina kurikulum sareng proyék énggal. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna kéngingkeun angka serelek dibandingkeun nagara-nagara sanés.

    Kontras jeung bangsa-bangsa sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia mangrupikeun profési anu sangat disukai. Finlandia milih guru-guru kalayan ati-ati. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan. Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik nonoman na.

    Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging, langkung ti guru nagara sanés anu siap nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun kahirupan. Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran murid meunang pitulung tambahan dina taun sakola dasar, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.

    Aditya Prasetio

  17. Luthfi Rizky P 12 Florida

    Toba Lake is a volcanic lake which has been popular everywhere throughout the world. It is framed by 75 calderas, which its length is roughly 100 kilometers and its wide speaks the truth 30 kilometers from the frightening emission of Mount Toba a huge number of years prior.

    It is the biggest lake in Southeast Asia and is situated in the region of North Sumatra. The lake shows the common magnificence of the green and glorious slopes. What’s more, its icy air and mist that showed up in the morning makes this spot is like the scenes in Northern Europe.

    1. Sunda:
      Toba Lake mangrupikeun tasik vulkanik anu parantos populer di unggal dunya. Hal ieu dipigawe ku 75 kalderas, anu panjangna kira-kira 100 kilométer sareng lebar nyarioskeun bebeneran 30 kilométer ti émisi gunung Toba anu jumlahna ageung taun sateuacanna.

      Éta mangrupikeun danau panggedéna di Asia Tenggara sareng ayana di daérah Sumatra Kalér. Danau nunjukkeun kamulyaan anu umum tina lereng héjo sareng gemilang. Naon deui, hawa na halimun anu muncul dina énjing-énjing ngajantenkeun tempat ieu sapertos pamandangan di Éropa Kalér.Kirim masukan Histori Disimpan Komunitas

    2. sabina khansa
      12 florida
      bahasa inggris:
      The Importance of Education for Teen

      Education is an important thing for develop ourself. Education is the tool for progress someone to be succes. If we want to be success person. We have to looking for a knowledge as much as possible. Therefore, we as adult must adjust ourself with the surrounding environment, and norms, values, customs, and ethics in the society. Adolescence is a period of transsition between childhood to adulthood.

      At the time of development, teens start demand to be given the opportunity put his own opinion, like tell of his feelings. Then, teens also can rebelious because he feels that he is not a kid anymore. Usually, teenagers have much admired, but his attitude is not always negative. Teens are also interested in peer groups, seeking attention in the environment, the emotions that an overabundance and physical growth changes rapidly.

      On the other hand, the life of teenager is very complex with a variety of creativity and desire to try everything in the vicinity, both in the social style or intellectual. So we have to provide place for teens to develop the talents of him. Furthermore, education is a way to be success. Education is an important for realize generation intelligent and have an intellectual.

      bahasa sunda:
      Pentingna Atikan pikeun Pameget

      Atikan mangrupikeun hal anu penting pikeun kamekaran diri. Atikan mangrupikeun kamajuan pikeun kamajuan batur. Upami urang hoyong janten jalmi sukses. Kami kedah milarian kanyaho-gancang. Kukituna, urang salaku sawawa kedah nyaluyukeun diri ku lingkungan sakurilingna, sareng norma, nilai, adat, sareng etika di masarakat. Rumaja mangrupikeun periode transsisi antara budak leutik dugi ka dewasa.

      Dina waktos pangwangunan, para pamuda ngamimitian dibérékeun kasempetan pikeun masihan pendapat dirina sorangan, sapertos nyarioskeun parasaan na. Teras, rumaja ogé tiasa berontak kusabab anjeunna ngaraos yén anjeunna henteu langkung murangkalih. Biasana, rumaja ngagaduhan seueur anu kaget, tapi sikepna henteu sering négatip. Remaja ogé kataji ku peer group, neangan perhatian di lingkungan, émosi yén hiji overabundance sareng pertumbuhan fisik gancang-gancang.

      Di sisi anu sanés, kahirupan rumaja rumit pisan kalayan rupa-rupa kréatifitas sareng kersa nyobian sadayana dina lingkungan, boh dina gaya sosial atanapi intelektual. Janten urang kedah nyayogikeun tempat pikeun nonoman ngembangkeun bakat anjeunna. Leuwih jauh, pendidikan mangrupikeun cara pikeun suksés. Atikan anu penting pikeun ngawujudkeun generasi cerdas sareng gaduh intelektual

  18. Henteu aya Rahasia yén murangkalih anu cicing di daérah paduli hésé pisan pikeun hirup anu santun sapertos barudak sacara umum. Aranjeunna héséna kéngingkeun cai beresih, kéngingkeun pendidikan numutkeun wates kamampuan atikan Indonésia sareng mendakan hese tetep dina waktosna. Henteu ngan ukur kitu, aranjeunna henteu mikawanoh alat komunikasi sapertos telepon sélulér. Hal utama anu janten fokus utami nyaéta kumaha hésé pikeun aranjeunna nampi pendidikan anu saé sareng nampi pendidikan dua belas taun. Kanyataanna, éta henteu sadayana salahna, kasusahna dugi ka lokasi sakola mangrupikeun masalah kusabab aranjeunna kedah nyebrang walungan. Éta ogé kedah leumpang kana puluhan kilométer, sareng sawaréh henteu nganggo sapatu suku. Kurangna staf diajar di pedalaman kusabab kasusah milari guru anu hoyong ngajar di daérah ogé musibah. Sanaos kualitas jalma diukur ku ayana tingkat atikan anu dicapai kusabab kualitas hiji lulusan sakola SD béda sareng kualitas sarjana. Janten tiasa disimpulkeun yén pendidikan seueur pisan ngajantenkeun kualitas anak di darat.

    1. It's no secret that children who live in rural areas find it very difficult to get a decent living like children in general. They find it difficult to get clean water, get education according to the limits of the feasibility of Indonesian education and have difficulty following the times. Not only that, they did not even recognize communication devices such as mobile phones.

      The main thing that became the main focus was how difficult it was for them to get a proper education and received twelve years of education. In fact, it is not all their fault, their difficulty in reaching school locations is a problem because they have to cross the river. They also have to walk to tens of kilometers, and some don't even wear footwear.

      The lack of teaching staff in the interior due to the difficulty of finding teachers who want to teach in the area is also unfortunate. Even though the quality of a person is measured by the extent of education achieved because the quality of an elementary school graduate is different from the quality of an undergraduate. So it can be concluded that education greatly influences the quality of an inland child

  19. (Satyagraha P G, XII Seoul)
    Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home. When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.

    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully. Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.

    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

    1. Sunda :

      Kunaon Sakola Findland Maka Suksés

      Leuwih taun sistem sakola di Finlandia suksés pisan. Dina survey PISA, anu ngabandingkeun maca, matematika sareng élmu ilmiah barudak 15 taun di dunya, Finlandia henteu ngan ukur nagara Éropa anu luhur tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu ngajadikeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu béda ti batur di dunya kulon. Mimiti, pamaréntahan Rengse ngamungkinkeun sadaya murangkalih hadir dina prasekolah, anu asalna saatos TK. Atikan wajib dimimitian dina 7. Guru damel sareng muridna saloba sakola sabisa. Aranjeunna gaduh PR di bumi badé sakedik balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu sareng murid, aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola damel dina kurikulum sareng proyék anyar. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperyogikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna naha tingkat serelekna rendah dibandingkeun sareng nagara-nagara sanés. Béda sareng nagara-nagara sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia nyaéta profésional anu pohara dikagumi. Finns milih guru-guru kalayan ati-ati pisan. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan. Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik nonoman na. Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional.Nanging, langkung ti guru nagara sanés anu siap nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun kahirupan. Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun berhasil sareng muridna. Kaseueuran mahasiswa nampi bantosan tambahan dina taun sakola dasar, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.

  20. Naha tekanan darah tinggi sok goréng?
    Hiperténsi, atanapi tekanan darah tinggi, mangrupikeun faktor résiko pikeun sababaraha kaayaan kaséhatan, kalebet masalah kardiovaskular, diabetes, sareng masalah métabolik anu sanés. Tapi, naha tekanan darah tinggi sok ngabalukarkeun perhatian? Penemuan anyar patarosan ngeunaan panyangka.
    Nepi ka 75 juta sawawa di Amérika Serikat ngagaduhan tekanan darah tinggi, dumasar kana Pusat Pengendalian sareng Pencegahan Panyakit (CDC).
    Naon tekanan darah tinggi? Nya, éta hésé akurat ngajawab pertanyaan éta, sakumaha para spesialis anu masih didebat salaku tekanan darah normal.
    Organisasi anu béda ayeuna nawiskeun pedoman anu béda-béda dina tekanan darah tinggi.
    Salaku conto, National Heart, Lung, and Getih Institute ngajelaskeun yén, diantara urang dewasa, hiperténsi mangrupikeun "maca systolic konsisten tina 140 mm Hg [millimiters of mercury] atanapi langkung luhur."
    Nanging, Asosiasi Jantung Amérika (AHA) nunjukkeun yén hiperténsi lumangsung nalika jalma ngagaduhan tekanan getih systik tina 130 mm Hg atanapi langkung luhur. Samentawis éta, CDC nganggap jalma anu ngagaduhan tekanan getih systolic tina 120-139 mm Hg salaku "ukur résiko" hiperténsi.
    Sacara umum, dokter mamatahan pasienna - hususna sawawa langkung kolot - tetep ngawasi tekanan darah sorangan sareng tetep dipariksa.
    Ieu pikeun mastikeun yén éta henteu ngahontal tingkat batesan pikeun hiperténsi, anu seueur ahli Podomoro nganggap yén faktor résiko panyakit jantung sareng stroke, antara anu sanés.
    Ayeuna, kumaha ogé, paniliti anu dilakukeun ku peneliti di Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin di Jerman nunjukkeun yén sababaraha urang langkung sepuh moal nyanghareupan masalah kaséhatan sanés upami aranjeunna gaduh tekanan darah tinggi.
    Nyatana, peneliti maklum, sawaréh jalma dina umur 80an bahkan ningali sababaraha kauntungan.

    Aurellia Ghasani Salsabila
    XII Seoul

  21. Aliyyah XII SEOUL

    Bahasa inggris
    According to a representative from Seoul's Yongsan Police Station on November 8, BTS member Jungkook has been booked in documentation as the offender of a car accident, and will likely face a civil case.
    As previously reported, Jungkook recently caused a car accident back on October 31 at approximately 4 AM KST, mistakenly running into a taxi. Afterward, the idol admitted that he violated traffic laws, giving his testimony to police officers on-site and also coming to a settlement with the victim.
    The Yongsan Police representative curtly revealed that they cannot reveal much more details as the investigation is still ongoing and that the idol may be summoned for questioning soon. 

    Bahasa sunda
    Numutkeun hiji perwakilan ti Balai Polda Yongsan Seoul dina 8 Nopémber, anggota BTS Jungkook parantos dipesen dina dokuméntasi salaku anu ngalanggar kacilakaan mobil, sareng kamungkinan bakal nyanghareupan kasus sipil. Sakumaha dilaporkeun sateuacana, Jungkook nembe nyababkeun kacilakaan mobilna deui dina 31 Oktober sakitar 4 AM KST, kalebet dina taksi. Salajengna, idola éta ngaku yén anjeunna ngalanggar hukum lalu lintas, masihan kasaksian ka perwira pulisi dina situs sareng ogé sumping ka padumukan sareng korban. Perwakilan Polda Yongsan kalahka ngungkabkeun yén aranjeunna henteu tiasa nambihan langkung seueur rinci sabab panalungtikan masih diteruskeun sareng idola anu tiasa diseru pikeun ditaroskeun pas.

  22. Is high blood pressure always bad?
    Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a risk factor for several health conditions, including cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and other metabolic issues. However, is high blood pressure always a cause for concern? New findings question that assumption.
    Up to 75 million adults in the United States have high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
    What is high blood pressure? Well, it is hard to accurately answer that question, as specialists are still debating what counts as normal blood pressure.
    Different organizations currently offer different guidelines on high blood pressure.
    For instance, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute explain that, among adults, hypertension is a "consistent systolic reading of 140 mm Hg [millimiters of mercury] or higher."
    However, the American Heart Association (AHA) suggest that hypertension occurs when a person has a systolic blood pressure of 130 mm Hg or above. Meanwhile, the CDC consider people with systolic blood pressure of 120–139 mm Hg as being only "at risk" of hypertension.
    Generally speaking, doctors advise their patients — especially older adults — to keep monitoring their own blood pressure and keep it in check.
    This is to make sure that it does not reach the threshold for hypertension, which many healthcare professionals consider to be a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, among other things.
    Now, however, a study that researchers at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany carried out suggests that some older people may not face other health problems if they have high blood pressure.
    In fact, the researchers note, some people in their 80s may even see some benefits.

    Aurellia Ghasani Salsabila
    XII Seoul

  23. Rahma raisya 12 seoul

    Waspada tina Ebola EpidemicRecently, wabah Ebola anu nyerang daérah Afrika Kulon, janten perhatian dunya. WHO anu ngaleupaskeun data éta, sahenteuna aya 800 urang anu maot saatos virus Ebola. Panyakit ieu ngagaduhan tingkat kematian anu luhur, 90 persén pasien maot. Hanjakalna, vaksin atanapi ubar pikeun ngobatan Ebola tetep tacan aya.

    Virus Ebola munggaran kapanggih di Afrika di 1976. Asalna, virus ngan nyerang primata sapertos monyét sareng kera. Tapi ayeuna, parantos janten janten panyakit bahaya sabab ebola parantos dikirim ka manusa. Taun ieu, virus Ebola ngaku, jumlah maotna parantos ningkat dua kali langkung seueur tibatan taun 1976, dilaporkeun ku

    Kasalahan ngaronjatna wabah Ebola di Afrika Kulon di taun 2014 nyababkeun karesahan. Virus Ebola anu nyerang sistem pertahanan awakna sami sareng virus HIV. Gejala awal sami sareng gejala flu sapertos demam tinggi, kalemahan awak, nyeri otot sareng nyeri sirah anu paling sering maot

    Anu ngajantenkeun virus Ebola janten bahaya pisan nyaéta kamampuan anakna. Virus ieu tiasa ngambah sel getih, teras kaayaan ieu tiasa ngahambat getih anu ngalir ka organ séjén. Upami organ kurangna getih, éta bakal ngabalukarkeun sababaraha ruksakna. Saatos nyerang getih, virus ebola ogé nyerang organ-organ sanés, sapertos ginjal, uteuk, peujit, ati sareng saterasna. Seueur pasien ebola maot kusabab gagal ginjal.

    Pangiriman Kacida Gancang

    Pangiriman virus Ebola tiasa kajantenan tina kontak cairan awak, getih, sareng sadaya hal anu parantos dianggo ku pasien. Ku alatan éta, pasien ebola kedah diasingkeun supados henteu ngahubungan kontak langsung ka jalma sanés. Tim médis anu ngurus pasién ogé kedah ngagem lawon khusus pikeun nyegah panyebaran virus. Ayeuna, warga Amérika Serikat parantos katépa ku ebola. Kamentrian Kaséhatan Indonésia parantos ngaluarkeun peringatan perjalanan pikeun jalma anu bakal nganjang ka nagara Guinea, Sierra sareng Liberia.

    Aya sababaraha cara pikeun nyegah virus ebola. Urang kedah tetep bersih sareng henteu milarian kontak langsung sareng pasien. Mudah-mudahan enggalna, vaksin sareng ubar na bakal mendakan janten jumlah mayit tiasa turun.

    1. Rahma raisya 12 seoul

      Artikel inggris

      Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.

      The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus only attacks primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved into dangerous disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. This year, the Ebola virus is raging, the number of deaths has been increased two times more than in 1976, reported by

      The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused anxiety. Ebola virus which attacks the body’s defense system is similar with the HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.The Most Deadly Virus

      What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing to other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. After attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of kidney failure.

      Very Fast Transmission

      Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body fluids, blood, and all the things that have been used by patient. Therefore, ebola patients must be isolated in order to avoid a direct contact with other people. The medical teams who handle the patients also have to wear special cloth in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of the United States has been infected with ebola. Indonesian Health Ministry itself has issued a travel warning for the people who will visit the countries of Guinea, Sierra and Liberia.

      There are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have to keep clean and do not make direct contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs will be discovered so the number of dead can be decreased.

  24. Larry 12 seoul


    Sleep serves multiple purposes that are essential to your brain and body. Let's break down some of the most important ones.

    The first purpose of sleep is restoration. Every day, your brain accumulates metabolic waste as it goes about its normal neural activities. While this is completely normal, too much accumulation of these waste products has been linked to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

    Alright, so how do we get rid of metabolic waste? Recent research has suggested that sleep plays a crucial role in cleaning out the brain each night. While these toxins can be flushed out during waking hours, researchers have found that clearance during sleep is as much as two-fold faster than during waking hours.

    The way this process occurs is fairly remarkable:

    During sleep, brain cells actually shrink by 60 percent, allowing the brain's waste-removal system—called the glymphatic system—to essentially “take out the trash” more easily. The result? Your brain is restored during sleep, and you wake up refreshed and with a clear mind.

    The second purpose of sleep is memory consolidation. Sleep is crucial for memory consolidation, which is the process that maintains and strengthens your long-term memories. Insufficient or fragmented sleep can hamper your ability to form both concrete memories (facts and figures) and emotional memories.

    Finally, sleep is paramount for metabolic health. Studies have shown that when you sleep 5.5 hours per night instead of 8.5 hours per night, a lower proportion of the energy you burn comes from fat, while more comes from carbohydrate and protein. This can predispose you to fat gain and muscle loss. Additionally, insufficient sleep or abnormal sleep cycles can lead to insulin insensitivity and metabolic syndrome, increasing your risk of diabetes and heart disease.


    Saré ngaladénan sababaraha tujuan anu penting pikeun uteuk sareng awak anjeun. Hayu urang ngajelaskeun sababaraha hal anu paling penting. Tujuan kahiji sare nyaéta pamulihan. Saban poé, utek anjeun ngumpulkeun runtah métabolik sabab kagiatan saraf normal diteruskeun. Sanaos leres ieu normal, teuing akumulasi produk sampah ieu parantos dikaitkeun kana gangguan neurologis sapertos Panyakit Alzheimer. Teu leres-leres kumaha janten urang ngaleungitkeun runtah métabolik? Panaliti anyar nunjukkeun yén bobo maénkeun peran penting dina meresihan uteuk unggal wengi. Sanaos racun ieu tiasa dibantosan salami jam bangun, panaliti mendakan yén ngabersihan salami bobo dua kali gancang sapertos jam hudang. Cara prosés ieu kajadian rada rongkah: Salami sare, sél otak saleresna ngaleutikan dugi ka 60 persén, ngamungkinkeun sistem pembuangan limbah uteuk - disebat sistem glymphatic - sacara dasarna "nyingkirkeun sampah" langkung gampang. Hasil? Otak anjeun disimpen deui nalika bobo, sareng anjeun parantos disegel sareng pikiran anu jelas. Tujuan kadua tina bobo nyaéta konsolidasi memori. Saré penting pisan pikeun konsolidasi memori, nyaéta prosés anu ngajaga sareng nguatkeun mémori jangka panjang anjeun. Nyuda leuleus atanapi sempalan tiasa ngahambat pangabisa anjeun pikeun ngémutan kenangan beton (fakta sareng inohong) sareng kenangan émosional.Tungtungna, bobo penting pisan pikeun kaséhatan métabolik. Panaliti ngabuktikeun yén nalika anjeun bobo 5,5 jam per wengi, henteu 8,5 jam sapeuting, saimbang énergi anu anjeun bakar asalna tina gajih, sedengkeun langkung tina karbohidrat sareng protéin. Ieu tiasa ngajantenkeun anjeun langkung cenderung kana kauntungan gajih sareng karugian otot. Salaku tambahan, kurangna bobo atanapi siklus bobo anu teu normal tiasa nyababkeun insensitivitas insulin sareng sindrom metabolik, ningkatkeun résiko tina diabetes sareng panyakit jantung.

    Larry 12 seoul

  25. neiva 12 seoul
    Toba Lake, Sumatra Barat
    Toba Lake is a volcanic lake which has been popular everywhere throughout the world. It is framed by 75 calderas, which its length is roughly 100 kilometers and its wide speaks the truth 30 kilometers from the frightening emission of Mount Toba a huge number of years prior.
    It is the biggest lake in Southeast Asia and is situated in the region of North Sumatra. The lake shows the common magnificence of the green and glorious slopes. What’s more, its icy air and mist that showed up in the morning makes this spot is like the scenes in Northern Europe.

    Toba Tasik, Sumatera Kulon Toba Lake mangrupikeun tasik vulkanik anu parantos populer di unggal dunya. Hal ieu dipigawe ku 75 kalderas, anu panjangna kira-kira 100 kilométer sareng lebar nyarioskeun bebeneran 30 kilométer ti émisi gunung Toba anu jumlahna ageung taun sateuacanna. Éta mangrupikeun danau panggedéna di Asia Tenggara sareng ayana di daérah Sumatra Kalér. Danau nunjukkeun kamulyaan anu umum tina lereng héjo sareng gemilang. Naon deui, cai na halimun anu muncul dina isuk-isuk ngajadikeun tempat ieu sapertos adegan di Éropa Kalér.

  26. Kapal selam Perang Dunia II anu leungit pikeun 75 taun parantos kapanggih di Okinawa, Jepang

    Éta parantos 75 taun ti saprak USS Greyback leungit sareng 80 pelaut numpak. Ayeuna, organisasi anu milari kapal selam Perang Dunya II parantos ngalereskeun misteri tempat éta turun.

    Saptu Minggu, penjelajah bawah tanah Tim Taylor sareng timnya di Proyék Leungit 52 ngumumkeun yén aranjeunna parantos aya kapal selam panjang di bumi tanggal 5 Juni ngeunaan 1,427 suku di jero cai di Okinawa, Jepang. Taun ka tukang, peneliti Yutaka Iwasaki mendakan yén Angkatan Laut awalna ngagaduhan kasalahan dina narjamahkeun perang perang Jepang anu detil dimana Greyback parantos dicentoskeun. Sepanjang waktos ieu, rékaman sajarah Angkatan Laut parantos daptar dina bujur salah pikeun lokasi kapal selam.

    Angkatan sareng inpormasi éta, sareng ogé log misi Jepang anu nembe mendakan sareng tarjamah, Taylor nyarios ka CNN yén timnya angkat dina ekspedisi pikeun milarian Greyback, dina waktos ayeuna milarian di wilayah kidul-kuloneun Okinawa. Kalayan bantosan kendaraan jero cai otonom, kendaraan kendaraan sareng téknologi imaging canggih, tim éta mendakan Grekbackus kirang langkung 100 mil ti daérah tempat asalna panginten turun. Kapanggihna sacara resmi dikonfirmasi ku Angkatan Laut, Robert S. Neyland, pupuhu cabang Angkatan Laut Sejarah sareng Cabang Underwater Archeology Branch, nyebatkeun dina siaran warta.

    Dina tanggal 28 Januari 1944, Greyback ngumbara ti Pelabuhan Mutiara pikeun Laut Wétan pikeun kapal tempur tempur ka-10. Ngeunaan sabulan deui, kapal selam ngalaporkeun ngaleliskeun dua kapal kargo Jepang dina 19. Pebruari tapi seranganna ditinggalkeun Greyback kalayan ngan dua torpedo, teras diarahkeun pulang ti patroli. Padahal Grayback dijadwalkeun sumping di Midway dina tanggal 7 Maret, langkung ti tilu minggu dialihkeun tanpa kapal selam kapal selam. Sareng tanggal 30 Maret 1944, Greyback, salah sahiji kapal selam anu paling suksés Perang Dunya II, dilaporkeun leungit.

    Gloria Hurney, anu pamanna Raymond Parks tilar dunya dina Greyback, nyatakeun yén anjeunna henteu yakin yén Greyback bakal kantos pulih. Janten nalika mimiti diajar ngeunaan papanggihanana, anjeunna karasa campuran, henteu percaya, sedih sareng duka. Nanging antukna, parasaan éta janten lega, kanyamanan sareng katenangan. "Pamanggihan éta nyiptakeun panutupanana kana patarosan anu ngurilingan Greyback dugi ka tilelep sareng lokasina," saur Hurney dina pernyataan ka CNN. "Kuring yakin éta bakal nyageurkeun penyembuhan salaku baraya anggota awak ngahiji pikeun ngabahas caritaana." Angkatan Laut ngagema sentimen éta. "Unggal penemuan karajinan anu cerah mangrupikeun kasempetan pikeun émut sareng ngahargaan jasa Pelaut urang," saur Neyland dina hiji pernyataan. "Nyaho tempat istirahat pamungkasna kéngingkeun panutupanana, di sababaraha bagian, pikeun kulawarga sareng para kapal aranjeunna ogé tiasa nyandak tim urang langkung saé ngartos kaayaan dimana kapal éta leungit."

    1. A World War II submarine that was missing for 75 years has been found off Okinawa, Japan

      It's been 75 years since the USS Grayback went missing with 80 sailors aboard. Now, an organization that searches for sunken World War II submarines has solved the mystery of where it went down.
      On Sunday, undersea explorer Tim Taylor and his team at the Lost 52 Project announced that they had located the long-lost submarine on June 5 about 1,427 feet underwater off Okinawa, Japan.
      Last year, researcher Yutaka Iwasaki found that the Navy had originally made an error in translating the Japanese war records that detailed where the Grayback had likely sunk. All this time, the Navy's historical records had listed an incorrect longitude for the submarine's location.

      Armed with that information, as well as newly discovered and translated Japanese mission logs, Taylor told CNN that his team set out on an expedition to search for the Grayback, this time searching in the area southwest of Okinawa.
      With the help of autonomous underwater vehicles, remotely operated vehicles and advanced imaging technology, the team discovered the Grayback about 100 miles from the area where it was originally thought to have gone down.
      The discovery was officially confirmed by the Navy, Robert S. Neyland, the head of the Naval History and Heritage Command's Underwater Archaeology Branch, said in a news release.

      On January 28, 1944, the Grayback set sail from Pearl Harbor for the East China Sea for its 10th combat patrol.
      About a month later, the submarine reported sinking two Japanese cargo ships on February 19. But the attack left the Grayback with only two torpedoes, and it was ordered home from patrol.
      Though the Grayback was scheduled to arrive in Midway on March 7, more than three weeks passed without sight of the submarine. And on March 30, 1944, the Grayback, one of the most successful submarines of World War II, was reported lost.

      Gloria Hurney, whose uncle Raymond Parks died on the Grayback, said that she wasn't sure that the Grayback would ever be recovered.
      So when she first learned of the discovery, she felt a mixture of shock, disbelief, sadness and grief. Eventually, though, those feelings turned into relief, comfort and peace.
      "The discovery brings closure to the questions that surrounded the Grayback as far as its sinking and location," Hurney said in a statement to CNN. "I believe it will allow healing as relatives of crew members come together to share their stories."

      The Navy echoed that sentiment.
      "Each discovery of a sunken craft is an opportunity to remember and honor the service of our Sailors," Neyland said in a statement. "Knowing their final resting place brings closure, in some part, to their families and shipmates as well as enables our team to better understand the circumstances in which the boat was lost."



    A global educational study called PISA (Program for International Assessment ) tests over 500,000 pupils in over 70 countries every three years. The 2010 results showed that pupils in Shanghai are the world’s best in reading mathematics and science. PISA studies 15 year old and their abilities in the three fields. The study did not rank China as a whole but Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macao as separate countries.

    South Korea, Singapore Taiwan and Japan were other Asian nations that ranked well. In many western countries the reading score was down. In Europe, Finland still stays in the number one spot although it is ranking third overall. Americans are, at best, average, ranking 17th in reading, 23rd in science and 31st in mathematics.

    Why have Asian countries overtaken Europe and America in the tests? First, they put more focus on education. Children, parents and teachers know that a good education is the key to being successful. They are not tolerant when pupils fail. Asians believe that if you do hard and succeed in school you will be successful in your job as well.

    Starting at a very early age China teaches its children that you can only succeed if you are better than the others. They are tested as soon as they come to school. Only the best can go to college and then get a good job. Examinations are held very often and lists of students rankings are posted on the walls of a school. Shanghai students study much harder than western pupils do and they spend less time on extracurricular activities or sport. Teachers are also respected , paid well and highly motivated .

    Terjemahan Sunda

    Hiji kajian atikan global anu dingaranan PISA (Program for International Assessment) nguji langkung ti 500,000 siswa di langkung ti 70 nagara unggal tilu taun. Hasilna 2010 nunjukkeun yén mahasiswa di Shanghai mangrupikeun anu pangsaéna di dunya dina maca matématika sareng sains. PISA diajar 15 taun sareng kamampuan di tilu widang. Studi ieu henteu ngagaduhan pangkat sacara utuh tapi Shanghai, Hong Kong sareng Macau salaku nagara anu misah. Koréa Kidul, Singapura, Taiwan sareng Jepang mangrupikeun nagara Asia anu sanés apik. Di loba nagara barat skor maca. Di Éropa, Finlandia masih di posisi nomer hiji sanaos kasohor katilu. Warga Amérika, paling saé, rata-rata, ka-17 dina maca, ka-23 dina élmu sareng 31 dina matematik. Naha nagara-nagara Asia langkung seueur di Éropa sareng Amérika dina tés na? Mimiti, aranjeunna langkung fokus kana pendidikan. Barudak, kolot sareng guru terang yén pendidikan anu hadé mangrupikeun konci pikeun suksés. Aranjeunna teu sabar basa murid gagal. Bangsa Asia percaya yén upami anjeun damel sasarengan sareng suksés di sakola, anjeun ogé bakal suksés dina damel anjeun. Mimitian ti jaman dini, Cina ngajarkeun budakna yén anjeun ngan ukur tiasa suksés upami anjeun langkung saé. Aranjeunna diuji pas aranjeunna sumping ka sakola. Ngan anu pangsaéna tiasa angkat ka kuliah sareng kéngingkeun damel anu saé.Ujian dilaksanakeun sering pisan sareng daptar rangking murid dipasang dina tembok sakola. Siswa Shanghai diajarkeun tibatan tibatan siswa Kulon sareng aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos kirang dina kagiatan ekstrakurikuler atanapi olahraga. Guru ogé dihormati, dibayar saé sareng motivasi pisan.

  28. Nadia Alifia 12 Seoul
    Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.
    The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus only attacks primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved into dangerous disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. This year, the Ebola virus is raging, the number of deaths has been increased two times more than in 1976, reported by
    The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused anxiety. Ebola virus which attacks the body’s defense system is similar with the HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.The Most Deadly Virus
    What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing to other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. After attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of kidney failure.
    Very Fast Transmission
    Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body fluids, blood, and all the things that have been used by patient. Therefore, ebola patients must be isolated in order to avoid a direct contact with other people. The medical teams who handle the patients also have to wear special cloth in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of the United States has been infected with ebola. Indonesian Health Ministry itself has issued a travel warning for the people who will visit the countries of Guinea, Sierra and Liberia.
    There are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have to keep clean and do not make direct contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs will be discovered so the number of dead can be decreased.

    1. Nadia Alifia 12 Seoul
      Waspada tina Ebola EpidemicRecently, wabah Ebola anu nyerang daérah Afrika Kulon, janten perhatian dunya. WHO anu ngaleupaskeun data éta, sahenteuna aya 800 urang anu maot saatos virus Ebola. Panyakit ieu ngagaduhan tingkat kematian anu luhur, 90 persén pasien maot. Hanjakalna, vaksin atanapi ubar pikeun ngobatan Ebola tetep tacan aya.

      Virus Ebola munggaran kapanggih di Afrika di 1976. Asalna, virus ngan nyerang primata sapertos monyét sareng kera. Tapi ayeuna, parantos janten janten panyakit bahaya sabab ebola parantos dikirim ka manusa. Taun ieu, virus Ebola ngaku, jumlah maotna parantos ningkat dua kali langkung seueur tibatan taun 1976, dilaporkeun ku

      Kasalahan ngaronjatna wabah Ebola di Afrika Kulon di taun 2014 nyababkeun karesahan. Virus Ebola anu nyerang sistem pertahanan awakna sami sareng virus HIV. Gejala awal sami sareng gejala flu sapertos demam tinggi, kalemahan awak, nyeri otot sareng nyeri sirah anu paling sering maot

      Anu ngajantenkeun virus Ebola janten bahaya pisan nyaéta kamampuan anakna. Virus ieu tiasa ngambah sel getih, teras kaayaan ieu tiasa ngahambat getih anu ngalir ka organ séjén. Upami organ kurangna getih, éta bakal ngabalukarkeun sababaraha ruksakna. Saatos nyerang getih, virus ebola ogé nyerang organ-organ sanés, sapertos ginjal, uteuk, peujit, ati sareng saterasna. Seueur pasien ebola maot kusabab gagal ginjal.

      Pangiriman Kacida Gancang

      Pangiriman virus Ebola tiasa kajantenan tina kontak cairan awak, getih, sareng sadaya hal anu parantos dianggo ku pasien. Ku alatan éta, pasien ebola kedah diasingkeun supados henteu ngahubungan kontak langsung ka jalma sanés. Tim médis anu ngurus pasién ogé kedah ngagem lawon khusus pikeun nyegah panyebaran virus. Ayeuna, warga Amérika Serikat parantos katépa ku ebola. Kamentrian Kaséhatan Indonésia parantos ngaluarkeun peringatan perjalanan pikeun jalma anu bakal nganjang ka nagara Guinea, Sierra sareng Liberia.

      Aya sababaraha cara pikeun nyegah virus ebola. Urang kedah tetep bersih sareng henteu milarian kontak langsung sareng pasien. Mudah-mudahan enggalna, vaksin sareng ubar bakal kapendak janten jumlah mayit tiasa turun.

  29. Amid the hustle and bustle, street food is a favorite among urbanites, offering authentic flavors at low prices. Despite of the popularity of street foods among city dwellers, most street food is notorious for being unhygienic and having very little nutritional value as the dishes are usually heavily processed and cooked in unhealthy oils. Noticing an opportunity in the heal...


    Ditengah hiruk sareng pikasieuneun, kadaharan jalan mangrupikeun karesep di antawis urbanites, nawiskeun rasa otentik kalayan harga anu murah. Sanaos popularitas pangan jalanan diantara penduduk kota, kalolobaan dahareun jalanan henteu kasohor ku henteu saéna sareng gaduh nilai nutrisi anu saé sapertos piring.

    Daffa Raditya | 12 Seoul

  30. Nadila Mahilaveda A (12 Seoul)


    Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world. First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries. In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth. Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.


    Kunaon Pasantrén Findland Éta Jadi Sukses

    Salila sababaraha taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu ngabandingkeun maca, matematika sareng élmu ilmiah umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia henteu ngan ukur nagara Éropa anu luhur tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu nyababkeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu sahingga béda ti batur di dunya kulon. Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finish ngamungkinkeun sadayana murangkalih pikeun prasekolah, anu asalna saatos sakola. Atikan wajib dimimitian dina 7. Guru damel sareng muridna di sakola saloba-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh sakedik imah pikeun dilakukeun nalika balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu sareng murid-murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola anu damel dina kurikulum sareng proyék énggal. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna kéngingkeun angka serelek dibandingkeun nagara-nagara sanés. Kontras jeung bangsa-bangsa sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia mangrupikeun profési anu sangat disukai. Finlandia milih guru-guru kalayan ati-ati. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan. Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik nonoman na. Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging, langkung ti guru nagara sanés anu siap nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun kahirupan.Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran murid meunang pitulung tambahan dina taun SD, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.

  31. NASA has discovered the eighth planet of a star system, similar to our solar system. The star, Kepler-90  is over 2,500 light years away and larger and hotter than our sun. It is the first star known to have as many planets as our solar system.
    The Kepler-90 star system is much more compact than our solar system. The outermost planet orbits the star at about the same distance as the earth orbits the sun.  its inner planets are small and rocky while the outer ones are larger and made up of gas.
    The newly discovered planet, Kepler -90i, is the third celestial object in the star system. It is probably rocky and similar to our earth, but because of its closeness to its home star has an average surface temperature of about 400° C. It moves around the star once every 14.4 days.
    The discovery was made based on data provided by the Kepler space telescope. Launched in March 2009, the telescope has constantly been scanning certain sections of the universe in search of new stars and planetary systems. Up to now, over 2,000 new worlds have been discovered.
    To help analyse the data NASA has been relying on artificial intelligence software supplied by Google.  This software examines weak signals of light when objects pass in front of a star.  The new way of examining data is expected to reveal even more new planets in the future.



    NASA parantos mendakan planét kadalapan sistem béntang, mirip sareng sistem tatasurya urang. Béntang, Kepler-90 langkung ti 2,500 taun terang sareng langkung ageung langkung panas tibatan panonpoe. Ieu mangrupikeun béntang pangheulana anu gaduh seueur planét salaku sistem tatasurya urang. Sistem bintang Kepler-90 langkung kompak tibatan sistem tatasurya urang. Planét pangcaketna ngorbit béntang kalayan jarak anu sami sareng bumi ngorbit panonpoé. planét jerona leutik sareng taringgul sedengkeun luarna langkung ageung sareng diwangun bénsin. Planét anu nembe mendakan, Kepler -90i, mangrupikeun obyék langit katilu di sistem béntang. Panginten nyaéta taringgul sareng kamampuan bumi sareng bumi, tapi kusabab jarakna deukeut kana bumi bumi kagungan suhu permukaan rata-rata 400 ° C. Éta sakitar sakitar bintang sakali unggal 14.4 dinten. Pamanggihan éta dilakukeun dumasar kana data anu disayogikeun ku teleskop ruang Kepler. Diluncurkeun dina bulan Maret 2009, teleskop parantos ngawas-antosan bagian-bagian semesta tinangtu pikeun milarian béntang anyar sareng sistem planét. Dugi ka ayeuna, langkung ti 2,000 bumi anyar parantos dipanggihan. Pikeun ngabantosan nganalisa data NASA parantos ngandelkeun parangkat lunak intelijen anu dibere ku Google. Software ieu nguji sinyal cahaya anu lemah nalika objék dipayuneun payuneun béntang. Cara anyar pikeun nguji data diperkirakeun nembongkeun langkung seueur planét anyar dina waktosna.

  32. Tyara Shantikarani 12 Seoul

    Technology affects people all over the world. Advances in technology have made our countries safer and our lives easier, they have also negatively affected our lives. Technology have brought us online banking, smart cars, smart TVs, lightning fast computers, and the virtual reality. Also there include cyber warfare, hackers, identity theft, cyber stalking, and a host of other bad things.
    The society has been changed with the evolution of technology. Life was burdensome and everyday chores consumed too much of our time, before the advent of modern day technology. The access to education, medicine, industry, transportation etc. has been simplified due to development in modern day technology. Due to the convenience and efficiency provided by technology, our lives have improved. Information technology give a new face to traditional libraries that include both digital collections and traditional, fixed media collections. We know that traditional libraries are limited by its storage space, but the digital information requires little space to contain information, so digital libraries have the potential to store more documents. The use of information technology in digital libraries that will increase the number of users and increased the expectations of the users.
    Technology has also brought about efficiency and quality in the manufacturing sector. Technological advancement has reduced the risk. Development is closely related with technology and the stage of development the human being has arrived could have been possible without the advancement in technology.
    Agriculture, industry, profession, health, education, art, political processes, recreation, religious activities and daily life activities all are under the influence of technology now. There are some modern technological developments that play a major role in making our daily life more effective. Television is also good servant, it’s considered as the cheapest source of information and entertainment nowadays. Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going whether forwards or backwards as well. It has enable Us to increase our comfort and to achieve efficiency in all sectors of life .We can’t achieve any progress or development, without technology. We can modernize our industry so life becomes easier for us and next generations through the developed technologies.

    1. Téknologi mangaruhan jalma-jalma di seluruh dunya. Kamajuan dina téknologi ngajantenkeun nagara urang langkung aman sareng kahirupan urang langkung gampang, aranjeunna ogé parah mangaruhan kana kahirupan urang. Téknologi parantos nyangking perbankan online, mobil pinter, TV pinter, kilat gancang komputer, sareng kanyataan maya. Ogé aya kaasup perang cyber, peretas, maling identitas, cyber stalking, sareng host hal-hal anu sanés. Masarakatna parantos dirobih kalayan evolusi téknologi. Hirup ngalebetkeun sareng padamelan sapopoé ngonsumsi waktos ayeuna, sateuacan muncul téknologi dinten modéren. Aksés ka pendidikan, ubar, industri, transportasi dll. Disederhanakeun kusabab pangembangan dina téknologi modern. Alatan genah sareng efisiensi anu disayogikeun ku téknologi, kahirupan urang parantos ningkat. Téknologi inpormasi masihan pameunteu anyar kanggo perpustakaan tradisional anu kalebet koleksi digital sareng koleksi média tradisional, tetep. Urang terang yén perpustakaan tradisional diwatesan ku tempat neundeunana, tapi inpormasi digital ngabutuhkeun sakedik rohangan pikeun ngandung inpormasi, ku sabab perpustakaan digital gaduh potensi nyimpen langkung dokumen. Pamakéan téknologi inpormasi dina perpustakaan digital anu bakal ningkatkeun jumlah pangguna sareng ningkatkeun ekspektasi pangguna. Téknologi ogé ngagaduhan efisiensi sareng kualitas dina sektor manufaktur. Kamajuan téknologi ngirangan résiko.Kamekaran hubunganana pakait sareng téknologi sareng tahapan pamekaran manusa parantos sumping parantos kamungkinan tanpa kamajuan téknologi. Tatanén, industri, profesi, kaséhatan, pendidikan, seni, prosés pulitik, rékréasi, kagiatan agama sareng kagiatan kahirupan sapopoé di handapeun pangaruh téknologi ayeuna. Aya sababaraha kamajuan téknologi modern anu maénkeun peran utama dina ngajantenkeun kahirupan urang sapopoé langkung efektif. Televisi ogé hamba anu saé, éta dianggap salaku sumber inpormasi sareng hiburan paling murah ayeuna. Kamajuan téknologi ngan saukur nyayogikeun kami pikeun cara anu langkung éfisién pikeun kamana maju atanapi maju ogé. Hal ieu ngamungkinkeun Kami ningkatkeun kanyamanan kami sareng ngahontal efisiensi dina sadaya séktor kahirupan .kami moal tiasa ngahontal kamajuan atanapi pangwangunan, tanpa téknologi. Urang tiasa modernisasikeun industri urang ku kituna kahirupan janten langkung gampang pikeun urang sareng generasi penerus liwat téknologi maju

  33. Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.
    The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus only attacks primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved into dangerous disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. This year, the Ebola virus is raging, the number of deaths has been increased two times more than in 1976, reported by
    The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused anxiety. Ebola virus which attacks the body’s defense system is similar with the HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.The Most Deadly Virus
    What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing to other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. After attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of kidney failure.

    Waspada tina Ebola EpidemicRecently, wabah Ebola anu nyerang daérah Afrika Kulon, janten perhatian dunya. WHO anu ngaleupaskeun data éta, sahenteuna aya 800 urang anu maot saatos virus Ebola. Panyakit ieu ngagaduhan tingkat kematian anu luhur, 90 persén pasien maot. Hanjakalna, vaksin atanapi ubar pikeun ngobatan Ebola tetep tacan aya.
    Virus Ebola munggaran kapanggih di Afrika di 1976. Asalna, virus ngan nyerang primata sapertos monyét sareng kera. Tapi ayeuna, parantos janten janten panyakit bahaya sabab ebola parantos dikirim ka manusa. Taun ieu, virus Ebola ngaku, jumlah maotna parantos ningkat dua kali langkung seueur tibatan taun 1976, dilaporkeun ku
    Kasalahan ngaronjatna wabah Ebola di Afrika Kulon di taun 2014 nyababkeun karesahan. Virus Ebola anu nyerang sistem pertahanan awakna sami sareng virus HIV. Gejala awal mirip sareng gejala flu sapertos demam tinggi, kalemahan awak, nyeri otot sareng nyeri sirah anu paling sering maot
    Anu ngajantenkeun virus Ebola janten bahaya pisan nyaéta kamampuan anakna. Virus ieu tiasa ngambah sel getih, teras kaayaan ieu tiasa ngahambat getih anu ngalir ka organ séjén. Upami organ kurangna getih, éta bakal ngabalukarkeun sababaraha ruksakna. Saatos nyerang getih, virus ebola ogé nyerang organ-organ sanés, sapertos ginjal, uteuk, peujit, ati sareng saterasna. Seueur pasien ebola maot kusabab gagal ginjal.

    M thoriq albasith Lesmana
    12 Seoul

  34. Budaya
    Indonesia Budaya Indonesia parantos dibentuk ku interaksi panjang antara adat asli sareng sababaraha pangaruh asing. Indonesia ayana di tengah-tengah sapanjang jalur dagang kuno antara Jauh Timur, Asia Kidul, sareng Wétan Tengah, nyababkeun seueur prakték budaya anu dipangaruhan ku seueur agama, kalebet Hindu, Budha, Confucianism, Islam, sareng Kristen, sadaya kuat di kota dagang utama. Hasilna mangrupikeun campuran budaya anu kompleks béda pisan sareng budaya asli pituin. Conto tina fusi Islam sareng kapercayaan Hindu Abangan Hindu, tina campuran agama Hindu, Budha sareng animisme dina Bodha, sareng campuran agama Hindu sareng animisme dina Kaharingan. Tarian Bali gaduh carita perkawis Buddha kuno, sareng karajaan Hindu, sedengkeun bentuk seni sareng arsitéktur Islam aya di Sumatra, khususna di daérah Minangkabau sareng Acéh. Kasenian tradisional, musik, sareng olahraga digabungkeun dina bentuk seni beladiri anu disebut Pencak Silat. Dunya Barat parantos pangaruh Indonésia dina élmu, téknologi sareng hiburan modéren sapertos acara tivi, pilem, sareng musik, ogé sistem politik sareng masalah. India parah mangaruhan pangaruh lagu sareng pilem Indonésia. Lagu lagu anu populer nyaéta dangdut India-irama, anu sering dicampur sareng musik rahayat Arab sareng melayu.Sanaos pangaruh budaya asing, sawaréh wilayah Indonésia jauh tetep ngawétkeun budaya pribumi unik. Grup etnik pribumi Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja, sareng seueur anu sanés masih ngalaksanakeun ritual étnik maranéhna, adat sareng ngagem ageman tradisional.

    The culture of Indonesia
    The culture of Indonesia has been shaped by long interaction between original indigenous customs and multiple foreign influences. Indonesia is centrally-located along ancient trading routes between the Far East, South Asia, and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural practices being strongly influenced by a multitude of religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity, all strong in the major trading cities. The result is a complex cultural mixture very different from the original indigenous cultures.

    Examples of the fusion of Islam with Hindu Javanese Abangan belief, the fusion of Hinduism, Buddhism and animism in Bodha, and the fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan. Balinese dances have stories about ancient Buddhist, and Hindu kingdoms, while Islamic art forms and architecture are present in Sumatra, especially in the Minangkabau and Aceh regions. Traditional art, music, and sport are combined in a martial art form called Pencak Silat.
    The Western world has influenced Indonesia in science, technology and modern entertainment such as television shows, film, and music, as well as political system and issues. India has notably influenced Indonesian songs and movies. A popular type of song is the Indian-rhythmical dangdut, which is often mixed with Arab and Malay folk music.
    Despite the influences of foreign culture, some remote Indonesian regions still preserve uniquely indigenous culture. Indigenous ethnic groups Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja, and many others are still practicing their ethnic rituals, customs and wearing traditional clothes.

    Sharoen Regina Azzahra,12 seoul

  35. Kalila XII Seoul
    Bolivia's former president Evo Morales has departed for Mexico after accepting an offer of political asylum in the wake of what he has described as a "coup" against him by the country's military and opposition.
    Morales' departure comes a day after his resignation as president -- a move which followed military intervention amid mass protests sparked by allegations of "serious irregularities" during last month's election.
    Morales said in a tweet late Monday that he was leaving for Mexico, but will soon "return with more strength and energy."
    "Sisters and brothers, I leave for Mexico, grateful for the detachment of the government of that brother town that gave us asylum to take care of our lives," he said. "It hurts to leave the country for political reasons, but I will always be alert."
    Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard confirmed in a tweet Monday night that Morales had boarded a Mexican government plane and that it had departed.
    "The Mexican Air Force plane with Evo Morales on board has already taken off. In line with existing international conventions he is under the protection of Mexico. His life and integrity are secure," Ebrard wrote.
    The tweet included an image of Morales draped in a Mexican flag while seated on a plane.

    1. Lanjutan di atas
      Deepening political crisis
      Unrest continued in Bolivia on Monday with violent clashes and looting throughout the administrative capital La Paz. Three people have died since the protests began and hundreds have been injured.
      On Monday, the head of the Bolivian Armed Forces, Gen. Williams Kaliman, announced in a televised address that the military will carry out "joint operations" with police in order to "avoid blood and grief."
      Kaliman said the armed forces will use force "proportionally" against "vandal groups that cause terror in the population." He added that the military will "never open fire" on the Bolivian population.
      Protests mounted in the aftermath of the October 20 presidential election as the Bolivian opposition accused electoral authorities of manipulating the vote count in favor of the incumbent Morales -- the country's longtime socialist leader.
      Morales denied the allegations and declared himself the winner over former President Carlos Mesa.
      On Sunday, the Organization of American States (OAS) -- a Washington-based forum -- published a report alleging irregularities that impacted the official vote count. In the aftermath of the report, Morales initially promised new elections would be held and the country's electoral council replaced.
      Analysis by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, another US-based think tank, has cast doubt on the OAS findings, and warned against what it called "the politicization of the electoral observation process."
      Calls for Morales' removal continued to grow however over the weekend, culminating in police joining forces with anti-government protesters and Kaliman calling on the president to step down in order to restore stability and peace.
      Morales claimed he'd been forced out in a coup -- a charge echoed by his allies in South America. Opposition figures said they were engaged in a struggle for "democracy and peace," though serious concerns remain about what role the military will play in the ongoing transition.
      Prominent left-wing US politicians have also criticized his ouster, with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders saying he was "very concerned about what appears to be a coup in Bolivia, where the military, after weeks of political unrest, intervened to remove President Evo Morales."
      "The US must call for an end to violence and support Bolivia's democratic institutions," Sanders said.
      Power vacuum
      With Morales out of the picture for now, many questions still linger about who will be in charge.
      Three officials next in the presidential line of succession, including Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera, all resigned Sunday.
      The second vice president of Bolivia's senate, Jeanine Anez, said she is willing to become the president of the senate, which would make her next in line for the presidency. It's still unclear if Anez, an opposition lawmaker, will be able to take that office or if new elections will be called, as Morales had suggested before being forced out.
      Anez has called for lawmakers to meet Tuesday afternoon to discuss the resignations of the former president and former vice president.

    2. Sunda lanjutan diatas
      Tilas Bolivia Evo Morales parantos angkat ka Méksiko saatos nampi tawaran suaka politik dina hudang naon anu dijelaskeun salaku "kudeta" ngalawan anjeunna ku militer sareng oposisi di nagara éta. Pemergian Morales datang dinten saatosna mundur janten présidén - gerakan anu diteruskeun ku campur tangan militér di tengah protés massa anu dipicu ku tuduhan "nyimpang serius" dina pamilihan bulan panungtungan. Morales nyarios dina tweet Senén yén anjeunna angkat ka Méksiko, tapi bakal enggal "wangsul deui sareng kakuatan sareng énergi." "Saudara sareng sadulur, kuring angkat ka Mexico, hatur nuhun ka detasmen pamaréntah yén kota anjeun masihan suaka pikeun ngurus kahirupan urang," saur anjeunna. "Hésé pisan ninggalkeun nagara kusabab alesan politik, tapi kuring bakal salawasna waspada." Menteri Luar Méksiko Marcelo Ebrard negeskeun dina tweet telat Senén yén Morales parantos naek pesawat pamaréntah Méksiko sareng éta parantos angkat.

    3. Lanjutan diatas
      "Pesawat Angkatan Udara Méksiko sareng Evo Morales parantos diangkat. Luyu sareng konvénsi internasional anu aya anjeunna dina panjagaan Méksiko. Hirup sareng integritas aman," Ebrard wrote. Tweet ieu ngagaduhan gambar Morales dibungkus dina bendera Méksiko nalika diuk dina pesawat.Riots Deepening Krisis politik terus di Bolivia dina Senén kalayan bentrokan telenges sareng nyitaan sapanjang ibukota administrasi La Paz. Tilu urang parantos maot saprak protés mimiti sareng ratusan anu luka. Dinten Senén, kapala Angkatan Bersenjata Bolivia, Jenderal Williams Kaliman, ngumumkeun dina alamat tivi yén militer bakal ngalakukeun "operasi babarengan" sareng pulisi pikeun "nyingkahan getih sareng duka." Kaliman nyarioskeun angkatan bersenjata bakal nganggo gaya "proporsional" ngalawan "kelompok cilaka anu nyababkeun teror di populasi." Anjeunna nambahan yén militer bakal "henteu pernah dibuka seuneu" dina populasi Bolivia. Bantahan dipasang saatos pamilihan présidén 20 Oktober nalika oposisi Bolivia nuduh otoritas pamilihan umum pikeun ngamanipulasi undian pikeun milih pamimpin sosialis kolot Morales anu kaputusan. Morales parantos nampik tuduhan kasebut sareng nyatakeun dirina anu meunangna tilas Présidén Carlos Mesa. Dinten Minggu, Organisasi Amérika Amérika (OAS) - forum anu berpusat di Washington - medalkeun laporan anu nuduh irregularities anu ngagaduhan dampak dina cacah sora resmi. Saatos laporan, pamilihan énggal Morales awalna jangji baris diayakeun sareng déwan Pilkada nagara diganti.Analisis ku Pusat Penelitian Ékonomi sareng Dasar, tanki pikir dumasar AS, ngagaduhan mamang nyungkeun papanggihan OAS, sareng ngingetkeun ngalawan anu disebut "politikisasi prosés observasi pamilihan." Telepon pikeun ngaleungitkeun Morales terus tumuhar tapi dina sabtu minggu, anu atasan dina pulisi ngiringan demonstran anti pamaréntah sareng Kaliman nyauran présidén pikeun mundur dina raraga ngalereskeun stabilitas sareng perdamaian. Morales ngaku anjeunna kapaksa kaluar dina kudeta - muatan anu diguar ku sekutu di Amérika Kidul. Tokoh oposisi nyatakeun aranjeunna aub dina perjuangan "demokrasi sareng perdamaian," sanajan masalah serius tetep aya peran naon anu bakal dimainkeun militer dina alihan. Politisi kénca-kiri ogé kritik kana ragragna, sareng calon présidén Démokratik Bernie Sanders nyatakeun yén "prihatin pisan ngeunaan anu muncul jadi kudeta di Bolivia, dimana militér, saatos minggu tina kaayaan marudah politik, campur tangan pikeun ngaleupaskeun Présidén Evo Morales." "AS kedah nyauran pikeun ngeureunkeun kekerasan sareng ngadukung lembaga demokratis Bolivia," saur Sanders. kakuatan vakum Kalayan Morales teu aya gambar pikeun ayeuna, seueur patarosan anu masih kénéh ngajentrekeun ngeunaan saha anu bakal tanggung jawab.Tilu pejabat salajengna dina barisan presiden gantian, kalebet Wakil Présidén Alvaro Garcia Linera, sadayana dinten mundur. Wakil présidén senat kadua Bolivia, Jeanine Anez, nyatakeun daék janten présidén senat, anu bakal ngajantenkeun anjeunna barisan présidén. Ieu henteu écés naha Anez, MP oposisi, bakal tiasa nyandak kantor atanapi upami pamilihan énggal bakal disauran, sakumaha anu dicarioskeun Morales sateuacan dipaksa kaluar. Anez nyauran anggota parlemén supaya rapat dina Salasa sonten pikeun ngabahas pasisi mantan presiden sareng mantan presiden.

  36. Hiji poé kuring asup kana beus. Kondekturna sumping ka kuring. Kuring mikeun duitna. Ceuk ngaran tempat éta. Tapi konduktor ngambek sareng nyarios, "Naha anjeun buta, anjeun henteu ningal papan beus? Beus ieu moal angkat ka tempat éta." Kuring ngarasa sedih sareng kuring ceurik. Dina waktos éta sadayana énergi dikaluarkeun. Tapi saatosna sakapeung kuring nyarios ka konduktor, "Leres paman. Satengah buta. Kuring ngan ukur gaduh panon. " Kuring sok ngusahakeun nyumputkeun kanyataan kuring. Tapi éta henteu ngeunaan nyumput kanyataan. Éta sadayana perkawis nyarios saha anjeun. Anu dilakukeun ku konduktor éta, cenah ka supir liren kana beus. Sareng ngabantosan kuring asup ka beus anu angkat ka tempat anu sami. Babaturan réréncangan abdi, urang kedah nyobian nyumputkeun realitas urang. Entong sapertos kitu. Upami anjeun hoyong ngahontal hiji hal saalam dunya bakal ngabantosan anjeun. Tapi anjeun kedah leres. Janten motivasi ka batur. Anu janten satengah buta keur berkah Gusti. Sigana abdi henteu janten cacad. Kusabab Kuring diajar seueur hal ngalangkungan éta.
    Zaza Shalinisa 12 seoul

  37. One day I got into a bus. The conductor came near me. I gave him the money. I said the name of the place. But the conductor got angry and said, "Are you blind, you didn't saw the bus board? This bus will not go to that place.” I really felt sad and I cried. At that time all energy drained out. But after sometimes I said to the conductor, "Yes uncle. Am half blind. I only have one eye sight."

    I always tried to hide my reality. But it’s not about hiding reality. It’s all about telling who you are.

    What that conductor did was, he said to the driver to stop the bus. And he helped me to get into another bus which goes to the same place.

    My dear friends, we always try to hide our reality. Don’t do like that. If you want to achieve something the whole world will help you. But you have to be true. Be a motivation to others. Being half blind for me is a God's blessing. I don't think it’s a defect. Because am learning many things through it.

  38. Aldrick BP XII Seoul

    We are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded with a sleep. Shakespeare

    Does this sentence make you think? What does it make you think about? Shakespeare was a dreamer, and some say he was a philosopher too. In this sentence he tells us that our lives are short but we can think up big and important ideas in that short time.

    The two Greek words – 'philo', which means love, and 'sophia', which means wisdom – are the beginnings of the word we use today: philosophy, the love of wisdom.

    Most people have a philosophy on life. Everybody has an idea of what is right and what is wrong, and why things are the way they are, and who they are and who to trust. A lot of people believe somebody else’s philosophy. That person may be a religious or political leader, or anybody you look up to. Some people have their own philosophy on life, which might be a mixture of theories. Others are philosophers – people who want to know the truth about life for themselves and spend their time studying, thinking and asking questions.

    One of the earliest Eastern philosophies was Taoism, which came from China. We are all aware of the yin and yang halves of the universe – nothing can exist without its opposite. Another great Eastern philosophy is Buddhism, which is a religion and also a system of beliefs which help us to understand ourselves and others better. One branch of Western philosophy, existentialism, is very similar to Buddhist ideas. Both ask questions about what really exists in life and help us to decide what is important.

    The first Western philosophers lived in Greece. They encouraged people to find their own answers to questions about life instead of believing the gods did everything. Socrates was the most famous of these. He is one of the most famous philosophers in the world, yet he said, ‘One thing I know and that is that I know nothing.’ This is why he never wrote or lectured. He only discussed. He did not believe he could tell anybody anything, that it was better to encourage individual thinking.

    Today philosophers are still encouraging people to think. Schools in some countries teach philosophy to children. Reading books written by old philosophers can be difficult because the language is from the past. So stories are used to help schoolchildren make their own decisions about what is right and wrong and think about the best way to solve problems.

    Why do we need philosophy? There are plenty of people who think that killing animals is cruel, but eating animals is fine. If you are one of these people, you should ask yourself why. Why is killing animals cruel? Why is it OK to eat animals? You might find that the answer to each question is very different and you could have an argument by yourself using your own ideas! Go on and argue – you will understand more about what you believe. You will begin to understand the subject more deeply. And this helps you to feel comfortable with it. And you might change something or you might not. When we ask ourselves questions, we start to understand ourselves and our lives, and it’s up to us to make changes or not. If the ideas in your head agree, this means you have integrity. What you say and what you do are the same. Everyone respects someone who has integrity!

    By thinking and questioning, we can understand more and maybe prevent problems caused by misunderstanding. But philosophy can also cause problems and conflict when people don’t agree. When one group of people choose one philosophy to believe and another group of people choose a different philosophy, when they need to think or make a decision together, they start trying to change each other instead of working together on bigger ideas about life.

    So when you have some spare time, ask yourself the following philosophical questions:

    Does the world own us or do we own the world? Which is more important, humans or stars? If a tree falls where nobody can hear it, does it make a sound? And the Zen Buddhist riddle: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

    1. Kami sapertos barang impian anu dilakukeun sareng kahirupan alit kami dibungkus sare. Ngocok Naha kalimah ieu anjeun pikirkeun? Naon anu anjeun pikirkeun? Shakespeare mangrupikeun ngimpi, sareng aya anu nyebatkeun anjeunna ogé filsuf. Dina kalimah ieu anjeunna nyarios yén kahirupan urang pondok tapi urang tiasa mikirkeun ideu anu ageung sareng penting dina waktos anu pondok. Dua kecap Yunani - 'philo', anu hartosna cinta, sareng 'sophia', anu hartosna hikmah - mangrupikeun permulaan kecap anu kami anggo ayeuna: filsafat, cinta ka hikmah. Kaseueuran jalma gaduh filsafat dina kahirupan. Saha gaduh pamanggih ngeunaan naon anu leres sareng naon anu salah, sareng naha hal-halna nyaéta jalanna, sareng saha aranjeunna sareng saha anu percanten. Seueur jalma yakin kana filsafat batur sanés. Éta jalma tiasa janten pamimpin agama atanapi politik, atanapi saha waé anu anjeun pikahoyong. Sababaraha urang ngagaduhan falsafah sorangan dina kahirupan, anu tiasa janten campuran téori. Batur anu filsuf - jalma anu hoyong terang kabeneran ngeunaan kahirupan pikeun diri sareng nyéépkeun waktos diajar, mikir sareng naroskeun patarosan. Salah sahiji filsafat Wétan anu pangheulana nyaéta Taoisme, anu asalna ti Cina. Urang sadaya sadar ngeunaan hal yin sareng anu alam semesta - teu aya anu bisa aya tanpa sabalikna. Falsafah Wétan anu hadé sanésna nyaéta Budha, anu mangrupikeun hiji agama ogé sistem kapercayaan anu ngabantosan urang ngartos sorangan sareng batur anu langkung saé.Salah sahiji cabang filsafat Kulon, eksistensialisme, ampir sami sareng ide Budha.

    2. Duanana naroskeun patarosan ngeunaan naon anu leres dina kahirupan sareng ngabantosan urang pikeun mutuskeun naon anu penting. Ahli filsafat Kulon munggaran cicing di Yunani. Aranjeunna nyorong jalma pikeun milari jawaban sorangan pikeun patarosan ngeunaan kahirupan tinimbang percanten ka dewa henteu ngalakukeun sagala. Socrates mangrupikeun anu paling kasohor. Anjeunna mangrupikeun salah sahiji filsuf anu paling terkenal di dunya, tapi saur anjeunna, 'Hiji hal anu kuring terang sareng yén kuring teu terang nanaon.' Ieu naha anjeunna henteu pernah nyerat atanapi ngajar. Anjeunna ngan ukur ngabahas. Anjeunna henteu percanten anjeunna tiasa nyarios ka saha waé, yén éta langkung hadé pikeun mendorong pamikiran individu. Kiwari filsuf masih ngadorong jalma-jalma mikir. Sakola di sababaraha nagara ngajarkeun filsafat ka murangkalih. Maca buku-buku anu ditulis ku filsuf kuno tiasa hésé sabab basa éta ti baheula. Kitu carita anu dipaké pikeun ngabantosan barudak sakola sorangan ngeunaan kaputusan anu leres sareng salah sareng pikir ngeunaan cara anu pangsaéna pikeun ngajawab masalah. Naha urang peryogi filsafat? Aya seueur jalma anu nganggap yén nyababkeun sato nyaéta kejam, tapi tuangeun sato henteu rupa. Upami anjeun salah sahiji jalma ieu, anjeun kedah naroskeun ka diri anjeun naha. Naha ngabunuh sato heureuy? Naha henteu kunanaon kanggo tuang sato? Anjeun tiasa mendakan yén jawaban kana unggal patarosan béda pisan sareng anjeun tiasa gaduh argumén ku diri anjeun nganggo ideu nyalira!Pindah sareng ngabantah - anjeun bakal langkung ngartos ngeunaan naon anu anjeun percanten. Anjeun bakal ngawitan ngartos topik anu langkung jero. Sareng ieu ngabantosan anjeun tiasa raoseun. Sareng anjeun badé ngarobih hiji hal atanapi anjeun henteu ogé. Nalika urang naroskeun ka diri urang, urang mimiti ngartos kana diri urang sareng kahirupan urang, sareng anu urang bahkan ngajantenkeun perobahan atanapi henteu. Upami ideu dina sirah anjeun satuju, ieu hartosna anjeun ngagaduhan integritas. Naon anu anjeun nyarios sareng naon anu anjeun lakukeun sami. Sadayana ngahormat batur anu ngagaduhan integritas! Ku cara mikir sareng patarosan, urang langkung ngartos sareng mungkin nyegah masalah anu disababkeun ku salah paham. Tapi filsafat ogé tiasa nyababkeun masalah sareng konflik nalika urang henteu satuju. Nalika salah sahiji kelompok jalma milih hiji filsafat anu percanten sareng grup jalma sanés milih filosofi anu béda, nalika aranjeunna kedah mikiran atanapi ngadamel kaputusan babarengan, aranjeunna mimiti nyobian silih silih gagawe babarengan dina ideu langkung ageung ngeunaan kahirupan. Janten nalika anjeun gaduh waktos santai, tanyakeun ka diri patarosan ngeunaan filosofis ieu: Naha dunya gaduh urang atanapi urang milik dunya? Mana anu langkung penting, manusa atanapi béntang? Upami tangkal ragrag dimana teu aya anu tiasa ngadangukeun, naha éta nyageakeun sora? Sareng rumpakan Budha Zen: Naon sora salah sahiji tangan ditepok?

  39. Panembakan hawa Artik nyapék dua per tilu wétan Amérika Serikat, ngagentos jutaan pikeun ngagabungkeun hawa teu katirisan sateuacanna tibatan biasa sareng nempatkeun jalma dugi ka kidul sareng Texas kalayan résiko salju sareng és.

    Sakitar 70% populasi AS diperkirakeun ningali suhu di atanapi katirisan ku dinten Rebo enjing, sareng ratusan rékaman diperkirakeun turun kalayan suhu umumna 20 40 derajat di handap normal.

    Perjalanan tiasa waé hususna dina 15 nagara tina Texas ka New England, dimana salju sareng és tiasa ngumpulkeun. Di tempat sanés, bagian-bagian ti Deep Kidul sahandapeun jam beku, peringatan atanapi nasihat, kalebet South Texas sareng Florida Panhandle.

    Lovely Ayunda 12Tokyo

    1. A blast of Arctic air is sweeping the eastern two-thirds of the United States, moving millions to bundle up against freezing temperatures earlier than usual and putting people as far south as Texas at risk for snow and ice.

      About 70% of the US population is expected to see temperatures at or below freezing by Wednesday morning, and hundreds of records are expected to fall with temperatures generally 20 to 40 degrees below normal.

      Travel could be tricky especially in 15 states from Texas to New England, where snow and ice could accumulate. Elsewhere, parts of the Deep South are under freeze watches, warnings or advisories, including South Texas and the Florida Panhandle.

    Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home. When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.

    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully. Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.

    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

    sunda :
    Kunaon Pasantrén Findland Éta Jadi Sukses

    Salila sababaraha taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu ngabandingkeun maca, matematika sareng élmu ilmiah umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia henteu ngan ukur nagara Éropa anu luhur tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu nyababkeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu sahingga béda ti batur di dunya kulon. Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finish ngamungkinkeun sadayana murangkalih pikeun prasekolah, anu asalna saatos sakola. Atikan wajib dimimitian dina 7. Guru damel sareng muridna di sakola saloba-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh sakedik imah pikeun dilakukeun nalika balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu sareng murid-murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola anu damel dina kurikulum sareng proyék énggal. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna kéngingkeun angka serelek dibandingkeun nagara-nagara sanés. Kontras jeung bangsa-bangsa sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia mangrupikeun profési anu sangat disukai. Finlandia milih guru-guru kalayan ati-ati. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan. Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik nonoman na. Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging, langkung ti guru nagara sanés anu siap nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun kahirupan.Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran murid meunang pitulung tambahan dina taun SD, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus

  41. For the Nets, this year’s campaign is about cultivating camaraderie and developing the younger players, treading water until the wounded knight in shining armor — Kevin Durant — returns next season. For the Knicks, this season’s motto is most likely some variation of: “There’s always next year. And the year after that.”

    In the meantime, the tenants of Madison Square Garden have been unwatchable. The Knicks are in perpetual bridge mode — but what they’re transitioning to is unclear. The coaches don’t seem to know, which shows in their substitution patterns. The front office has no idea, which shows in the roster construction. It’s in a constant state of flux, and the on-court results are terrible: The Knicks went 1-7 to start the season. They have been outscored by more points on average than any other team in the league.
    Pikeun Nets, kampanye taun ieu nyaéta ngeunaan ngokolakeun camaraderie sareng ngembangkeun para pamuda, ngiringan cai dugi ka satria anu luka dina baju bersinar - Kevin Durant - uih deui usum hareup. Pikeun Knicks, motto usum ieu paling dipikaresep sababaraha variasi tina: "Sok aya taun hareup. Jeung taun sanggeus éta. "

    Samentawis éta, lapak di Madison Square Garden parantos kacekel. The Knicks aya dina modeu sasak anu tetep - tapi naon anu aranjeunna kedahkeun teu jelas. Pelatih sigana henteu terang, anu nunjukkeun pola penggantian na. Kantor hareup teu gaduh ide, anu nunjukkeun dina konstruksi roster. Éta dina kaayaan fluks anu tetep, sareng hasil di pengadilan pikasieuneun: Knicks indit 1-7 pikeun usum. Aranjeunna parantos dikaluarkeun ku langkung seueur titik-titik rata-rata dibanding tim sanés dina liga éta.

    Aldo Kurniawan
    12 Tokyo

  42. Salwa Shakuntala

    Amnah Ali is carefully putting the gray into the body of a spaceship she's painting on a giant mural at the entrance to a tunnel under Baghdad's Tahrir Square. There's a whiff of smoke and a tart catch of tear gas in the air.

    She was five when Saddam Hussein's government was toppled in Iraq and the world watched as American troops and Iraqi civilians dragged his statues to the ground. Since then, she's known nothing but sectarian conflict, war against the US-led occupation, more war against ISIS, crime, insecurity and religious intolerance.

    A part-time artist and full-time English translation student, she's joined tens of thousands of other demonstrators who've taken to the streets across central and southern Iraq in protests against a government that has, in their view, utterly failed them.


    Amnah Ali sacara saksama nempatkeun kulawu dina awak angkasa anu anjeunna lukisan dina mural raksasa di lawang kana torowongan handapeun Dataran Tahrir Baghdad. Aya anu kentel haseup sareng kaseup tangkapan gas luh dina hawa. Anjeunna lima nalika pamaréntahan Saddam Hussein dirobih di Irak sareng dunya ditonton nalika pasukan Amérika sareng sipil Irak nyeret patung-patung na anu ka darat. Ti saprak éta, anjeunna teu dikenal lain-lain tapi konflik séktarian, perang ngalawan penjajahan anu dipimpin AS, perang deui ngalawan ISIS, kajahatan, kerawanan sareng intoleransi agama. Artis part-time sareng mahasiswa tarjamahan Inggris full-time, anjeunna ngagabung puluhan rébu demonstran sanés anu parantos dibawa ka jalan-jalan di tengah Irak tengah sareng kidul pikeun protés ngalawan pamaréntah anu boga, dina pandangan maranéhanana, utamina gagal aranjeunna.

  43. Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home. When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.

    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully. Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.

    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

    Kunaon Pasantrén Findland Éta Jadi Sukses
    Salila sababaraha taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu ngabandingkeun maca, matematika sareng élmu ilmiah umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia henteu ngan ukur nagara Éropa anu luhur tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu nyababkeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu sahingga béda ti batur di dunya kulon. Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finish ngamungkinkeun sadayana murangkalih pikeun prasekolah, anu asalna saatos sakola. Atikan wajib dimimitian dina 7. Guru damel sareng muridna di sakola saloba-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh sakedik imah pikeun dilakukeun nalika balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu sareng murid-murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola anu damel dina kurikulum sareng proyék énggal. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna kéngingkeun angka serelek dibandingkeun nagara-nagara sanés. Kontras jeung bangsa-bangsa sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia mangrupikeun profési anu sangat disukai. Finlandia milih guru-guru kalayan ati-ati. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan. Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik nonoman na. Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging, langkung ti guru nagara sanés anu siap nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun kahirupan.Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran murid meunang pitulung tambahan dina taun SD, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.

    Syifa Kalista 12 Tokyo

  44. Hiji-hijina hal anu ditolak sababaraha purists tinju langkung seueur tinimbang KSI vs Logan Paul rematch nyaéta jumlah perhatian perang tina YouTubers anu katampi. Upami aranjeunna henteu acan nguping naon dua selebriti internét anu ditampi tina kartu DAZN di Los Angeles dina dinten Saptu, beuteungna badé ngancik.

    KSI sareng Logan Paul masing-masing nyayogikeun $ 900,000 pikeun bagianna dina genep baranasan kapal pesiar genep babak anu réngsé kalayan kameunangan kaputusan pamisah pikeun tilas. Kami teu acan ningali nomer dina langganan DAZN atanapi panempo anu dibangkitkeun, tapi upami média sosial henteu aya indikasi, sareng kami terang yén éta, aya sajumlah peminat anu dipikaresep di saluruh dunya.

    Hasilna tweet ti akun Twitter DAZN USA ngahasilkeun leuwih ti interaksi pangguna 126K:

    KSI sareng Paul dilaporkeun ogé ngagaduhan bagian tina penjualan tikét sareng langganan DAZN anu aranjeunna bantosan pikeun ngahasilkeun. Sanaos sanés éta, headliners ngirangan dompét ti ampir unggal pejuang anu sanés dina kartu, sareng éta juara 168-pon, Billy Joe Saunders.

    Devin Haney ngagaduhan $ 1 juta pikeun mertahankeun gelar na ngalawan Alfredo Santiago, tapi henteu mungkin anjeunna ngagaduhan bagian tina jualan tikét atanapi langganan DAZN

    Gumantung kana saham anu dianggo, KSI sareng Paul kamungkinan pisan pikeun langkung ti pejuang sapertos David Benavidez, Anthony Dirrell sareng anu sanés anu ngayakeun tempat-tempat anu dicandak dina kartu tinju anyar.

    Ngahayangkeun atanapi ngasah ka dinya, henteu aya anu mungkir tina kapentingan KSI sareng Paul anu dibangkitkeun. Tulisan anu kuring tuliskeun yén recap gelut parantos ditingali langkung ti 63,000 kali dina waktos tulisan ieu, nalika sawanganna dibaca 44,000 kali. Éta tilu kali langkung saé Canelo Alvarez vs Sergey Kovalev bahkan langkung ti tulisan anu sami diserat ngeunaan UFC 244 anu menampilkeun judul gelut judul "BMF".

    Dumasar minat anu dibangkitkeun sareng artos hasil, abdi ngarep-arep ningali sababaraha patandingan tinju selebriti langkung lami deui.

    The only thing some boxing purists hated more than the KSI vs. Logan Paul rematch was the amount of attention the battle of the YouTubers received. If they haven’t heard what the two internet celebrities earned from main-eventing the DAZN card in Los Angeles on Saturday, their stomachs are about to turn.

    KSI and Logan Paul each earned $900,000 for their part in the six-round cruiserweight bout that ended with a split-decision win for the former. We haven’t seen the numbers on DAZN subscriptions or the viewership that was generated, but if the social media engagement was any indication, and we know that it is, there were a number of interested fans across the world.

    The results tweet from DAZN USA’s Twitter account generated more than 126K user interactions:

    KSI and Paul reportedly also earned a portion of the ticket sales and the DAZN subscriptions they helped to generate. Even without that, the headliners dwarfed the purses of almost every other fighter on the card, and that includes 168-pound champion Billy Joe Saunders.

    Devin Haney earned $1 million for his title defense against Alfredo Santiago, but it’s unlikely he got any share of ticket sales or DAZN subscriptions

    Depending on what those shares turn out to be, it’s very possible KSI and Paul will rake in more than fighters like David Benavidez, Anthony Dirrell and others who have held enviable spots on recent boxing cards.

    Love it or hate it, there is no denying the interest KSI and Paul generated. The article I wrote that recapped the fight had been viewed more than 63,000 times at the time of this article, while the preview was read 44,000 times. That was three times as much as Canelo Alvarez vs. Sergey Kovalev and even more than the same articles written about UFC 244 which featured the popular “BMF” title fight.

    Based on the interest generated and the money earned, I’d expect to see a few more celebrity boxing matches sometime soon.

    Salvaditya Tama XII TOKYO

  45. The First basketball type game may have been played by the early Olmec people of ancient Mexico as early as 500 years go. The Aztec, and Mayan cultures also had a game similar to basketball, only instead of a rubber ball they used the decapitated skulls of their conquered foes. The First true basketball game as we know it was on January 20th, 1892 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Canadian Doctor James Naismith invented the game for the YMCA to play during the winter months. Naismith wrote simple rules for the game, and nailed up two peach baskets for hoops, most of original Naismith rules are still in place today. Some of the rules have changed a bit, and new rules have been added since then, such as in the original game bouncing the ball was prohibited. Of the 13 rules, nine have been modified and kept in the modern game of basketball, the rest have been disregarded.
    The First game consisted of 18 players, or nine to a team which was standard to the baseball teams of the day. Since Naismith or the YMCA didn’t have the money to design a new ball they used a soccer ball. The concept of the game must have been foreign to the players as the game was played for 30 minutes and the final score was 1-0. Halfway though the game however William R. Chase made the ball go into the peach basket, and thus became the first player to ever score in a basketball game. It was during this game that someone suggested a name for this new sport, Basketball.
    Jenis baskét Pertama mungkin parantos dimaénkeun ku jalma Olmec awal ti Méksiko kuno salaku awal taun 500 taun. Budaya Aztec, sareng Mayan ogé ngagaduhan game anu sami sareng baskét, ngan ukur bal bal karét aranjeunna nganggo tengkorak musuh anu diénggalkeun. Pertandingan baskét anu leres sapertos kami terang éta dina tanggal 20 Januari 1892 di disampurnakeun, Massachusetts. Dokter Kanada James Naismith nimukeun kaulinan pikeun YMCA maén nalika bulan usum. Naismith nulis aturan anu sederhana pikeun pertandingan, sareng dipancarkeun dua karanjang peach pikeun hoops, kalolobaan aturan Naismith anu asli masih kénéh lumangsung. Sababaraha aturan parantos dirobih sakedik, sareng aturan énggal parantos parantos ti saprak teras, sapertos di buruan aslina mumbul balna dicaram. Tina 13 aturan, salapan parantos dirobih sareng dijaga dina buruan baskét modéren, sésana parantos diabaikan.
    Pertandingan munggaran diwangun ti 18 pamaén, atanapi salapan kanggo tim anu standar pikeun tim baseball ayeuna. Kusabab Naismith atanapi YMCA henteu gaduh artos ngararancang bal énggal aranjeunna nganggo bal maénbal. Konsep kaulinan ieu kedah asing ka pamaén sanés game ieu dimainkeun pikeun 30 menit sareng skor ahir éta 1-0. Halfway sanaos patandingan William R. Chase ngajantenkeun balna kana baskét peach, sahingga janten pamuter kahiji anu kantos nyetak dina pertandingan baskét. Dina mangsa kaulinan ieu aya saurang anu nyarankeun nami pikeun olahraga anyar ieu, Bola Keranjang.

    Adrian Bravianto
    12 Tokyo

    Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull
    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.
    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.
    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

    Kunaon Pasantrén Findland Éta Jadi Sukses


    Salila sababaraha taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu ngabandingkeun maca, matematika sareng élmu ilmiah umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia henteu ngan ukur nagara Éropa anu luhur tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu nyababkeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu sahingga béda ti batur di dunya kulon.


    Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finish ngamungkinkeun sadayana murangkalih pikeun prasekolah, anu asalna saatos sakola. Atikan wajib dimimitian dina 7. Guru damel sareng muridna di sakola saloba-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh sakedik imah pikeun dilakukeun nalika balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu sareng murid-murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola anu damel dina kurikulum sareng proyék énggal. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna kéngingkeun angka serelek dibandingkeun nagara-nagara sanés.


    Kontras jeung bangsa-bangsa sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia mangrupikeun profési anu sangat disukai. Finlandia milih guru-guru kalayan ati-ati. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan. Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik nonoman na.


    Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging, langkung ti guru nagara sanés anu siap nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun kahirupan. Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran murid meunang pitulung tambahan dina taun sakola dasar, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet did

    Tiara Maharani
    12 Tokyo

  47. Inggris:
    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.
    Salila sababaraha taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu ngabandingkeun maca, matematika sareng élmu ilmiah umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia henteu ngan ukur nagara Éropa anu luhur tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu nyababkeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu sahingga béda ti batur di dunya kulon.

    Angel Bonita
    12 Tokyo

    Urban dictionary kindly defines a fuckboi as: “A guy who tries to get with everyone. A player. A guy who will lie to a girl to make them hook up with them or send pics. They think they are the shit when they aren’t. A guy who will only date a girl for their body. A total ass. A guy that will make a girl cry and laugh, and a guy who lies when they said I love you.”
    They’re practically a new species. How fascinating!
    So ladies, men, animals, aliens, I have a question. Have you ever encountered a fuckboi? I know I have and it seems that this type of behavior is considered the new romance of our generation. I mean, how could you not have butterflies in your stomach when the guy you’ve been talking to follows his good morning text with an inquiry to see your boobs? Delightful.
    Speaking as a single woman, it’s already hard enough to find a promising suitor within the selection of decent men around me, then the world had to go and throw all of these fuckbois into the mix. The future of my love life is looking pretty grim as of late. After numerous tinder dates (fails), flirtatious drinks with that brooding stranger at the bar (a self absorbed fuckboi) and being in a loving relationship for just shy of a year with an amazing man (a 16-year-old fuckboi trapped in the body of a 20-something who was in love with his ex-girlfriend) you’d think that I would be in a comfy and loving place right now. Just my man, my puppy and I in our cute little Urban Outfitters furnished apartment.
    This is quite obviously not the case. Now that you know my current situation (Noo, I’m not bitter…) I called upon a few girlfriends of mine to testify to the fact that this generation has lost hope for true romance and that fuckbois are taking over the world. Let’s take, for instance, my best friend of five years. Let’s call her Heidi. This girl looks like she casually stepped off of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show runway. She’s as funny as popular comedian Aziz Ansari, as sweet as Betty Crocker, yet still SOMEHOW gets fucked over by these men. Sorry…these BOYS.

    1. Kamus kota kota ramah ngahartikeun hiji fuckboi salaku: "Hiji jalma anu nyoba babarengan sareng sadayana. Pamuter. Hiji jalma anu bakal ngabohongkeun awéwé pikeun nyieun aranjeunna ngahubung sareng aranjeunna atanapi ngirim gambar. Aranjeunna nyangka aranjeunna kajahit nalika éta henteu. Hiji jalma anu ngan ukur ngoméan awéwé pikeun awakna. Jumlah total burit. Hiji jalma anu bakal ngajantenkeun budak awéwé ceurik sareng seuri, sareng hiji jalma anu bohong nalika aranjeunna nyarios kuring bogoh ka anjeun. " Aranjeunna parantos spésiés énggal. Kumaha matak! Janten awéwé, lalaki, sato, mahluk luar angkasa, abdi gaduh patarosan. Dupi anjeun kantos mendakan fuckboi? Kuring terang kuring ngagaduhan sareng sigana yén jinis kabiasaan ieu dianggap romantika generasi anyar urang. Maksudna, kumaha anjeun henteu ngagaduhan kukupu dina beuteung anjeun nalika jalma anu parantos dicarioskeun kanggo nuturkeun téks énjing anu saé kalayan anu ningali pikeun ningali buah payudara anjeun? Delicious. Diomongkeun salaku awéwé tunggal, éta parantos cukup pikeun milari tukang suitor anu ngajantenkeun dina pilihan lalaki anu pantes di kuring, maka dunya kedah indit sareng ngalungkeun sadayana fuckbois ieu kana campuran. Masa depan kahirupan cinta kuring katingalina ngagem telat.Saatos seueur tanggal tinder (gagal), minuman pikahibur sareng urang asing anu bar di bar (fuckboi diri anu nyerep diri) sareng dina hubungan anu asih ngan ukur isin sataun sareng lalaki anu luar biasa (fuckboi 16 taun katangkep dina awak hiji 20-hiji anu dina cinta kabogoh na) anjeun bakal mikir yén kuring bakal aya dina tempat anu pikaresepeun sareng dipikacinta ayeuna. Ngan lalaki kuring, anak anjing kuring sareng apartemen Urban Outfitters kami anu lucu lucu. Ieu cukup jelas henteu masalahna. Ayeuna anjeun terang kaayaan kuring ayeuna (Noo, kuring henteu pait ...) Kuring nyauran sababaraha kabogoh milikna kasaksian kanyataan yén generasi ieu kaleungitan harepan pikeun asmara anu leres sareng yén fuckbois ngalahir dunya. Candak, contona, sobat dalit abdi lima taun. Cikan urang Heidi. Budak awéwé ieu sapertos anjeunna kasir ngaleungitkeun jalan pameran acara Rusiah Victoria. Anjeunna lucu sapertos pelawak popular Aziz Ansari, salaku amis sapertos Betty Crocker, tapi tetep SOMEHOW bakal kacau ku lalaki ieu. Hapunten… BOYS ieu.

  49. Inggris

    The model of special education known as inclusion, or mainstreaming, has become more prevalent over the past 10 years, and today, more than 60 percent of all students with disabilities (SWDs) spend 80 percent or more of their school day in regular classrooms, alongside their non-disabled peers (see Figure 1). This is not the full inclusion favored by some disability advocates, wherein all SWDs would be educated in inclusive classrooms all day; however, many supporters celebrate the increasing acceptance of differently abled students in general education as an opportunity to improve the academic and long-term trajectories of these traditionally underserved learners. In theory, inclusion provides SWDs with access to the grade-level curriculum and the same educational opportunities as their peers.

    Unfortunately, research has yielded only weak evidence that inclusion confers benefits on SWDs. Studies that report better academic and behavioral outcomes for SWDs who are taught in a general-education setting suffer from methodological flaws. Even less evidence suggests that general-education teachers are adequately prepared to meet the unique academic and behavioral needs of SWDs. Further, studies of inclusion seem to assume that SWDs are educated in a vacuum; that is, they fail to examine the experiences of non-disabled classmates.

    In this article, I explore policies and existing research on inclusion to describe what we know, what we don’t, and how current knowledge should inform decisions about where to educate SWDs. An underlying theme of this discussion is that inclusion influences not only SWDs but also their peers and teachers. The interplay between and among these three groups suggests areas of research that can inform future discussion about inclusion and how it can work well for all stakeholders.


    Model atikan khusus anu dikenal salaku citakan, atanapi mainstreaming, parantos langkung saé dina 10 taun katukang, sareng ayeuna, langkung ti 60 persén sadaya murid anu cacad (SWD) nyéépkeun 80 persén atanapi langkung dinten sakola di ruang kelas biasa. barengan ka batur anu henteu ditumpurkeun (tempo Gambar 1). Ieu sanés citakan lengkep ku sababaraha pembela cacad, dimana sadaya SWD bakal dididik di kelas inklusif sadayana dinten; Nanging, seueur pendukung ngagungkeun kana nampi paningkatan murid anu béda dina pendidikan umum salaku kasempetan pikeun ningkatkeun trajektur akademik sareng jangka panjang murid ieu anu sacara tradisional. Dina téori, pangangkatan nyayogikeun SWDs pikeun aksés kana kurikulum tingkat-rata sareng kasempetan pendidikan anu sami sareng sebilanganana.

    Hanjakalna, panelitian ngan ukur ngahasilkeun bukti anu lemah anu ngalebetkeun nunjukkeun mangpaat dina SWDs. Panaliti anu ngalaporkeun hasil akademik sareng perilaku anu langkung saé pikeun SWD anu diajar dina setting pendidikan umum kakurangan tina cacat metodologis. Malahan bukti kirang nunjukkeun yén guru atikan umum cekap-siap pikeun nyumponan kabutuhan akademik sareng perilaku SWD anu unik. Salajengna, panilikan citakan sigana nganggap yén SWDs dididik dina vakum; nyaéta, aranjeunna gagal nguji pangalaman sakelas henteu cacad.

    Dina tulisan ieu, kuring ngajalajah kawijakan sareng panalungtikan anu aya dina citakan pikeun ngajelaskeun naon anu urang terang, naon anu urang henteu, sareng kumaha kanyaho ayeuna kudu nginpokeun kaputusan ngeunaan tempat ngadidik SWDs. Téma anu dibahas dina diskusi ieu nyaéta nyakup pangaruh henteu ngan ukur SWD tapi ogé para kanca sareng guru. Interplay antara sareng diantara tilu kelompok ieu nunjukkeun bidang riset anu tiasa nginpiskusikeun diskusi kahareup ngeunaan citakan sareng kumaha tiasa jalan saé pikeun sadayana pamangku kapentingan.

  50. Alex has performed extremely well since his debut with the team in Belgium and his results – seven finishes in the top six – speak for themselves,” said Red Bull Team Principal Christian Horner. It’s extremely hard to deny that level of consistency and in tandem with a growing reputation as a tenacious, fiercely committed racer, Alex has proved that he fully deserves to continue his progress with Aston Martin Red Bull Racing. There is plenty of potential still to unlock and we look forward to seeing Alex alongside Max in 2020.”   “I am really excited to be partnering Max again for next year,” said Albon. “And I know how fortunate I am to be given this opportunity. I’m hugely thankful that Red Bull have put their trust in me and believed in my results since I joined the team and for them to keep me in the car next year is a big deal.ence to improve and fight at the front in 2020.”
    However, his performance in Formula 2 last season – where he finished third, behind current Williams and McLaren drivers George Russell and Lando Norris – persuaded Red Bull to offer him the Toro Rosso drive for 2019, as a replacement for Brendon Hartley, before he was promoted again to the Red Bull seat at the start of this year’s summer break.

    Albon’s announcement, meanwhile, will come as a blow for several drivers on the grid, particularly Gasly and Toro Rosso team mate Daniil Kvyat, with neither driver’s return to the Red Bull team they were demoted from – Kvyat in 2016, Gasly on the back of his difficult start to 2019 – looking imminent.

    More obliquely, the news shuts down another potential avenue for out-going Renault driver Nico Hulkenberg, who had been linked in some quarters to the second seat at Red Bull.
    Alex parantos ngalaksanakeun pisan saé ti mimiti debut sareng tim di Bélgia sareng hasilna - tujuh réngsé di genep luhur - nyarios pikeun dirina, "saur Kepala Sekolah Red Bull Tim Christian Horner. Hésé pisan pikeun nampik tingkat konsistensi sareng salaras sareng reputasi anu tumuwuh salaku pembalap anu teguh, komitmen anu ganas, Alex parantos ngabuktikeun yén anjeunna leres-leres pantes neraskeun kamajuanna sareng Aston Martin Red Bull Racing. Aya poténsi anu masih pikeun muka konci sareng kami ngarepkeun ningali Alex di sisi Max taun 2020. "" Kuring bungah pisan pikeun hasil deui Maskapai deui pikeun taun payun, "saur Albon. "Sareng kuring terang kumaha untung kuring dibéré kasempetan ieu. Kuring hatur nuhun pisan yén Red Bull parantos percantenkeun ka kuring sareng percanten kana hasil kuring saprak kuring ngagabung tim na pikeun aranjeunna jaga kuring dina mobil taun hareup nyaéta deal gedé. "Taun ieu mangrupikeun sataun anu luar biasa pikeun kuring sareng nyauran dugi ka Red Bull pertengahan usum ieu parantos léngkah anu ageung, ku kituna ayeuna kuring bakal ngagunakeun pangajaran ti usum ieu sareng ngagunakeun pangalaman pikeun ningkatkeun sareng tarung di hareup di 2020 . ” Warta ieu teruskeun ngabalikeun anu luar biasa dina kaberhasilan karir Albon anu, anu dirojong ku Red Bull salami karir karting nya, mendakan diri turun tina program SMP Australi taun 2012 saatosna parantos ngamimitian pikeun karir tunggal-seater.Nanging, pagelaranna dina Formula 2 musim kamari - dimana anjeunna réngsé katilu, tukangeun driver ayeuna Williams sareng McLaren George Russell sareng Lando Norris - ngabéréskeun Red Bull nawiskeun anjeunna drive Toro Rosso taun 2019, salaku ngagantian Brendon Hartley, sateuacan anjeunna promosikeun deui korsi Red Bull di mimiti istirahat usum panas taun ieu. Pengumuman Albon, samentawis éta, bakal datang salaku jotosan pikeun sababaraha supir dina tabél, khususna Gasly sareng Toro Rosso mitra pésta Daniil Kvyat, kalayan henteu sasar deui uih tim Red Bull ku aranjeunna ditolak ti - Kvyat di 2016, Gasly di pungkur. mimitian hese na 2019 - katingali caket. Langkung terang, warta éta nyababkeun jalan poténsial sanés pikeun supir Renault kaluar Nico Hulkenberg, anu parantos dikaitkeun kana sababaraha tempat ka korsi kadua di Red Bull.


  51. Aa indi


    Virtual Worlds are Useful for Children
    A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice what they will do in real life. They are also a powerful and attractive alternative to more passive adventures like watching TV. The research was done with children using the BBC’s Adventure Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. It surveyed and interviewed children who were the first to test the game.

    The online world is a themed island built for the BBC’s children channel by Belgian game maker Larian. Children explore the world alone but they use message boards to share what they find and what they do in the different creative studios they find around the virtual space.

    Teks Bahasa Inggris Tentang PENDIDIKAN Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

    At times children were explorers and at others, they were social climbers eager to connect with other players. Some were power users looking for more information about how the virtual space really worked. The children could try all kinds of things without having to be afraid of the consequences that would follow if they tried them in the real world. They learned many useful social skills and played around with their identity in ways that would be much more difficult in real life.

    According to the study what children liked about virtual worlds was the chance to create content such as music, cartoons, and videos.

    The publishers of the report say that virtual worlds can be a powerful, engaging and real interactive alternative to more passive media. They urged creators of virtual spaces for children to get young people involved very early on because they really do have good ideas to add and they are very good critical friends.

    Dunya henteu terbatas Mangpaat kanggo Barudak
    Hiji laporan panalungtikan nyatakeun yén alam maya tiasa janten tempat anu penting dimana barudak ngalaksanakeun naon anu bakal dilakukeun dina kahirupan nyata. Aranjeunna ogé mangrupakeun alternatif anu kuat sareng pikaresepeun pikeun petualangan langkung pasif sapertos ningali TV. Panalungtikan dilakukeun sareng barudak anu nganggo dunya maya BBC's Adventure Rock maya, anu dituju ka jalma yuswa 6-12. Éta surveyed sareng ngawawancara barudak anu pangheulana pikeun nguji pertandingan.

    Dunya online mangrupikeun pulo bertema anu diwangun pikeun saluran barudak BBC ku produsén game Belgian Larian. Barudak ngajelajah dunya nyalira tapi aranjeunna nganggo papan pesen pikeun ngabagikeun naon anu aranjeunna mendakan sareng naon anu aranjeunna lakukeun dina studio kreatif anu béda anu aranjeunna mendakan di rohangan maya.

    Teks Bahasa Inggris Tentang PENDIDIKAN Lengkap Nganggo Terjemahan sareng Daftar Kosakata Baru

    Dina waktos murangkalih janten jelema penjelajah sareng anu sanés, aranjeunna pendaki sosial hayang pisan nyambung sareng pamaén sanés. Sababaraha mangrupikeun pangguna kakuatan anu milari seueur inpo ngeunaan kumaha rohangan maya leres-leres damel. Barudak tiasa nyobian sagala jinis hal tanpa kedah sieun aya akibat anu bakal nuturkeun upami aranjeunna nyobian di dunya nyata. Aranjeunna diajar seueur kaahlian sosial anu kapaké sareng dimaénkeun kalayan idéntitasna ku cara anu langkung hésé dina kahirupan nyata.

    Numutkeun kana pangajaran anu dipikaresep ku murangkalih ngeunaan dunya maya mangrupikeun kasempetan pikeun nyiptakeun kontén sapertos musik, kartun, sareng pidéo.

    Publikasi laporan nyebutkeun yén alam maya tiasa janten alternatif anu kuat, narik sareng interaktif nyata pikeun média langkung pasip. Aranjeunna ngadesekkeun panyipta ruang maya pikeun murangkalih para nonoman pikeun awal-awal pisan sabab leres-leres gaduh ideu anu hadé pikeun tambihan sareng babaturan kritis anu pohara saé.

  52. English :v
    JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one the most outrageous and joyous series I have ever watched. You owe it to yourself to experience it.
    Describing what JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is about is much harder than describing its pedigree. It’s one of the most famous and influential mangas ever, which was finally adapted into an anime in 2012, and will soon enter its fifth season. Many of the character concepts, images and ideas—like “Stands,” a physical manifestation of a psychic power—have become frequently-used tropes in other anime, manga, and even games. The seminal manga group CLAMP began their careers making fan comics based on JoJo characters, and the Persona series in particular owes a lot JoJo’s, as the titular personas are just Stands by another name. Hirohiko Araki, JoJo’s writer and artist, is so renown that his work has been shown at the Louvre. That last fact alone was enough for me to give the show a try, but I had no idea what I was actually in for
    JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is the story of the Joestar family, starting with Jonathan, a mild mannered Englishman who strikes up a rivalry with Dio Brando, his adopted brother. Because of a cursed mask, Dio becomes a powerful vampire, and Jonathan swears to stop him. After learning a fighting move called the “Ripple,” which allows Jonathan to kill vampires by punching the sun into them, he goes on a quest to defeat Dio for good. How does this already weird concept get weirder, you ask? Well, you’re in for a ride.
    Each arc of the manga and anime follows the life of another member of the Joestar family, tracing their adventures through the generations. After Jonathan comes his grandson Joseph, who must defeat the vampiric Pillar Men, and then his grandson Jotaro Kujo, who develops a Stand and goes on an international trip to finally kill Dio. Each of the eight arcs of the series takes a new Joestar descendent on a dramatic new quest, each one exploring a new and more inventive setting and genre of storytelling. After globetrotting with Jotaro, we join Joseph’s illegitimate son Josuke in the small town of Morioh and track down a Stand-using serial killer. Next comes Giorno Giovanna’s mafia story in Italy, then Jolyne Cujoh’s jailbreak, then a deadly horse race set in an alternate universe, and most recently, the pygmalion tale of another Josuke, who also has bifurcated pupils and two sets of balls. Each time you meet a new JoJo and settle in for their new story it is a delight to see creator Araki find new heights of drama, new ideas for psychic powers, and new fashion boundaries to push with his outlandish designs
    you’re never going to be bored, which is a true delight. As you spend time with the current protagonist’s group of friends and allies, seeing them learn to work together, trust each other, and learn how to use their offbeat powers in creative ways, even the more out-there villain plots seem intimate and understandable. The idea of a serial killer with psychic powers in a sleepy town who murders women for their hands is, on its face, completely bonkers. In terms of things that happen in the JoJo’s universe, it’s just another day.
    This doesn’t even touch of the beauty of Araki’s art and his references to high fashion, or his obsession with American pop music, which he names many characters and Stands after—my favorite being the character of Robert E. O. Speedwagon. There are small touches that amuse me about JoJo’s, like Araki’s very obvious obsession with Italian culture that he shoehorns in more and more as the series goes on, or the more fantastical individual episodes like the one where Josuke punches a plate of pasta into its component parts. On the whole, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is an invitation into a melodramatic, technicolor world, and you should give yourself the gift of seeing it for yourself.

  53. Pariwisata JoJo nyaéta salah sahiji séri anu paling luar biasa sareng gumbira anu kuring kantos diawaskeun. Anjeun ngahutang kana diri anjeun pikeun ngalaman éta. Ngajéntrékeun ngeunaan naon anu di Baléi Bizarre JoJo nyaéta langkung hésé tibatan ngajéntrékeun silsilahna. Éta salah sahiji mangas anu kawéntar sareng pangaruh anu kantos, anu tungtungna diadaptasi janten anime dina taun 2012, sareng engké bakal usum usum kalima. Seueur konsep, gambar sareng ideu sapertos "Ngadeg", wujud fisik kakuatan psikis-parantos sering dianggo tropis dina anime, manga, bahkan kaulinan. Klompok manga mani CLAMP mimiti karirna nyieun komik kipas dumasar kana karakter JoJo, sareng séri Persona hususna berhutang pisan ka JoJo, sakumaha personas titular ngan nangtung ku nami sanés. Hirohiko Araki, panulis sareng seniman JoJo, namina janten karyana parantos ditingalikeun di Louvre. Éta kanyataan anu nyalira cekap pikeun kuring masihan acara anu dicobian, tapi kuring henteu terang naon anu kuring lereskeunJoJo's Bizarre Adventure mangrupikeun carita kulawarga Joestar, dimimitian ku Jonathan, saurang Inggris anu rame Inggris anu ngadamel saingan sareng Dio Brando, adi angkatna. Kusabab tina topeng anu dikutuk, Dio janten vampir anu kuat, sareng Jonathan sumpah pikeun ngeureunkeun anjeunna. Saatos diajar pertarungan anu disebut "Ripple," anu ngamungkinkeun Jonathan maéhan vampir ku ngantebkeun panonpoé kana éta, anjeunna ngauntungan pikeun eleh Dio pikeun anu saé. Kumaha konsép anu anéh ieu kéngingkeun weirder, anjeun naros? Sumur, anjeun naek. Masing-masing busur tina manga sareng anime nuturkeun kahirupan anggota kulawarga Joestar anu sanés, ngalacak petualangan na turun-temurun. Saatos Jonathan sumping incu puterna Joseph, anu kedah ngelehkeun Pillar Men vampiric, teras puter na Jotaro Kujo, anu ngembangkeun hiji Stand sareng angkat perjalanan internasional pikeun tungtungna maéhan Dio. Masing-masing dalapan busur séri nyokot turunan Joestar énggal dina usaha anyar anu dramatis, masing-masing ngajajah setting anu énggal sareng énggal sareng genre penceritaan. Saatos globetrotting sareng Jotaro, urang gabung putrana Yosua di Yosua di Morioh leutik sareng ngalacak pembunuhan séri anu maké. Seterusna asalna carita mafia Giorno Giovanna di Itali, teras jailbreak Jolyne Cujoh, teras balap kuda anu maot dina jagat anu silih ganti, sareng anu pang anyarna, dongéng pygmalion of Josuke anu sanés, anu ogé ngagaduhan murid anu bifurasi sareng dua sét bal. Unggal-unggal anjeun mendakan JoJo anyar sareng netepkeun carita énggalna, gumbira upami ningali panyipta Araki mendakan luhur carita drama, ideu anyar pikeun kakuatan psikis, sareng wates fashion anyar pikeun nyorong nganggo desain luar nagri na, anu paling dipikaresep ku nyaéta. Hat Jotaro ogé nyaéta rambutna.anjeun moal pernah bosen, anu mangrupikeun kabungahan anu leres. Nalika anjeun nyéépkeun waktos sareng réncang babaturan sareng protagonis ayeuna, ningali aranjeunna diajar gawé bareng, saling percanten, sareng diajar kumaha ngagunakeun kakuatan offbeat na ku cara kreatif, bahkan plot-plot villain luar sigana sigana teu jelas sareng kaharti. Gagasan pembunuhan séri anu gaduh kakuatan psikis di kota tunduh anu maéhan awéwé pikeun panangan aranjeunna, dina pameunteu, bonéter lengkep. Dina hal-hal anu kajantenan dina jagat raya JoJo, éta ngan ukur lain dinten. Ieu bahkan henteu nyabak kaéndahan seni Araki sareng acuanna pikeun busana luhur, atanapi obsesina pikeun musik pop Amérika, anu anjeunna namina seueur karakter sareng Sumping-anu janten karesep kuring nyaéta karakter Robert E. O. Speedwagon. Aya sentuhan leutik anu ngahibur kuring ngeunaan JoJo's, siga obsesi anu jelas pisan Araki sareng budaya Itali anu anjeunna langkung seueur bari séri-séri éta, atanapi épisode individu anu langkung fantastis siga anu di mana Josuke menumbuk piring pasta kana komponénna patempatan. Sepanjang ayeuna, Pakakas Bizarre JoJo mangrupikeun ulem pikeun melodramatic, dunya téknologi, sareng anjeun kedah masihan ka diri anjeun pikeun ningali éta sorangan. -gabriel

  54. Sundanese

    Dina Senén, anu mimiti dina kahirupanna, Needham Mayes janten Samaun dina Poé Veterans. Rakit rumah sakitna jauh tina parade naon waé, tapi pangakuan jasa jasa bangsa urang teu bénten ti sasama pejabat sanés anu marak handapeun umbul ngapung. Éta mangrupikeun perang anu susah, salah anu kantos nyandak umur sawawa yuswa 85 taun dugi. Anjeunna parantos janten prajurit di Angkatan Darat, diantara prajurit hideung munggaran di Benteng Bragg, N.C., saatos militér disegregated. Anjeunna ngagaduhan catetan parantos telat langkung ti dua taun. Éta sadaya parantos aya dina perang bar di 1955. Mr. Mayes dipecat tina Angkatan Darat kalayan micu anu henteu hina. Hukuman éta sacara teu sopan sacara kasar sareng hiji bangsa anu parantos maénkeun bagian, saur pendukungna. Anjeunna ngalih ka Brooklyn, dimana anjeunna ngamimitian sareng karir di padamelan sosial sareng terapi, pamimpin di komunitas paling miskin di borough. Tapi sakumaha anjeunna ageung sareng awak najis, anjeunna ningali deui jasa na sareng naroskeun yén pembuanganna ditingkatkeun ka status anu terhormat.

    1. English

      On Monday, for the first time in his life, Needham Mayes was a veteran on Veterans Day.

      His hospital bed was far from any parade, but the nation’s recognition of his service was no different from that of his fellow officers marching beneath flying flags. It was an honor hard fought, one that had taken the 85-year-old man’s entire adult life to arrive.

      He had been a paratrooper in the Army, among the first black soldiers at Fort Bragg, N.C., after the military was desegregated. He had an exemplary record for more than two years. It all ended in a bar fight in 1955.

      Mr. Mayes was dismissed from the Army with a dishonorable discharge. The punishment was disproportionately harsh and one in which race may have played a part, his supporters said.

      He moved to Brooklyn, where he started over with a career in social work and therapy, a leader in the borough’s poorest communities. But as he grew old and his body weakened, he looked back at his service and sought to have his discharge upgraded to an honorable status.

  55. Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home. When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.

    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully. Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.

    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.


    Naha Sakola di Finlandia janten Suksés Leuwih taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu nyoba ngabandingkeun kaahlian maca, matematika sareng élmu ti umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia sanés ngan ukur nagara anu pangsaéna di Éropa, tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu ngajadikeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu béda pisan ti batur di dunya kulon. Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finlandia mempermudah sadayana murangkalih atikan prasekolah, anu asalna saatos PAUD. atikan wajib dimimitian dina yuswa 7 taun. Guru damel pikeun mempermudah murid-muridna di sakola salaku gancang-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh PR di bumi badé sakedik balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu nganggo murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola pikeun diajar kurikulum sareng proyék anyar. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna naha tingkat serelekna rendah dibandingkeun sareng nagara-nagara sanés. Beda sareng nagara-nagara sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia nyaéta profésional anu sangat kaget. Finns milih guru kalayan ati-ati pisan. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan.Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik generasi ngora na. Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging langkung saé tibatan guru nagara anu sanés, aranjeunna nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun hirup. Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran mahasiswa nampi bantosan tambahan dina taun sakola dasar, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.

  56. Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.

    Andi rafly
    12 sydney


    1. Awas tina Epidemik Ebola Anyar, wabah Ebola anu nyerang wewengkon Afrika Kulon nyababkeun sadunya. WHO ngaluarkeun data, sakurang-kurangna 800 urang anu maot saatos virus Ebola. Panyakit ieu ngagaduhan tingkat kematian anu luhur, 90 persén pasien maot. Hanjakalna, vaksin atanapi pangobatan pikeun ngubaran Ebola tetep teu acan dipanggihan. Virus Ebola munggaran kapanggih di Afrika di 1976. Mimitina, virus ieu ngan nyerang primér sapertos monyét sareng kera. Tapi ayeuna, éta parantos janten panyakit bahaya sabab Ebola parantos dikirim ka manusa. Taun ieu, virus Ebola ngaku, jumlah maotna parantos ningkat 2 kali langkung seueur tibatan taun 1976, dilaporkeun ku Ngaronjatkeun kasus wabah Ebola di Afrika Kulon di 2014 ngabalukarkeun kahariwang. Virus Ebola anu nyerang sistem pertahanan awakna sami sareng virus HIV. Gejala awal sapertos sareng gejala flu sapertos demam tinggi, kalemahan awak, nyeri otot sareng nyeri sirah. Virus Anu Paling Agawe Anu ngajantenkeun virus Ebola janten bahaya pisan kamampuan kalikeun. Virus ieu tiasa ngagem sél getih, kaayaan ieu tiasa nyegah getih tina ngalir ka organ sanés. Upami organna kakurangan dina getih, éta bakal nyababkeun sababaraha karusakan. Saatos nyerang getih, virus Ebola ogé nyerang organ-organ sanés, sapertos ginjal, uteuk, peujit, ati sareng saterasna. Seueur pasien Ebola maot tina gagal ginjal.Pangiriman gancang pisan Pangiriman virus Ebola tiasa lumangsung tina kontak sareng cairan awak, getih, sareng sadaya hal anu parantos dianggo ku pasien. Ku alatan éta, pasien Ebola kedah diasingkeun pikeun nyegah kontak langsung sareng batur. Tim médis anu ngadamel penderita ogé kedah nganggo baju khusus pikeun nyegah sumebarna virus. Ayeuna, salah sahiji warga AS parantos katépaan ku Ebola. Menteri Kaséhatan Indonésia sorangan parantos ngaluarkeun peringatan perjalanan pikeun jalma anu bakal nganjang ka nagara Guinea, Sierra, sareng Liberia. Aya sababaraha cara pikeun nyegah virus Ebola. Urang kedah tetep beresih sareng henteu langsung ngahubungan sareng penderita. Muga-muga, vaksin sareng obat-ubatan bakal kapendak supaya angka maotna tiasa ngirangan

  57. A Star Ejected from the Milky Way's 'Heart of Darkness' Has Reached a Mind-Blowing Speed

    As humankind's ancestors were learning to walk upright, a star was launched out of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy at a staggering 3.7 million mph (6 million km/h).

    Five million years after this dramatic ejection, a group of researchers, led by Sergey Koposov of Carnegie Mellon University's McWilliams Center for Cosmology, has spotted the star, known as S5-HVS1, in the Crane-shaped constellation Grus. The star was spotted traveling relatively close to Earth (29,000 light-years away) at unprecedented, searing speeds — about 10 times faster than most stars in our galaxy.

    "The velocity of the discovered star is so high that it will inevitably leave the galaxy and never return," Douglas Boubert, a researcher at the University of Oxford and a co-author on the study, said in a statement.

    "This is super exciting, as we have long suspected that black holes can eject stars with very high velocities. However, we never had an unambiguous association of such a fast star with the galactic center," Koposov said in the statement.

    The star was discovered with observations from the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), a 12.8-foot (3.9-meter) telescope, and the European Space Agency's Gaia satellite. The discovery was made as part of the Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5), a collaboration of astronomers from Chile, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia.

    Now that the star has been spotted, researchers could track the star back to Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. It also serves as an incredible example of the Hills Mechanism, proposed by astronomer Jack Hills 30 years ago, in which stars are ejected from the centers of galaxies at high speeds after an interaction between a binary-star system and the black hole at the center of the galaxy.

    "This is the first clear demonstration of the Hills Mechanism in action," Ting Li, a fellow at the Carnegie Observatories and Princeton University who led the S5 collaboration, said in the statement. "Seeing this star is really amazing as we know it must have formed in the galactic center, a place very different to our local environment. It is a visitor from a strange land."

    "While the main science goal of S5 is to probe the stellar streams — disrupting dwarf galaxies and globular clusters — we dedicated spare resources of the instrument to searching for interesting targets in the Milky Way, and voila, we found something amazing for 'free.' With our future observations, hopefully we will find even more!" Kyler Kuehn, deputy director of technology at the Lowell Observatory who is part of the S5 executive committee, added in the statement.

    This discovery was published in a study on Nov. 4 in the journal the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

    1. Béntang Anu Dikeluarkeun tina Bima Sakti 'Hati Peteng' parantos ngahontal Speed-Blowing Speed Nalika karuhun manusa diajar diajar leumpang tegak, hiji lintang diluncurkeun kaluar tina liang hideung supermassive di puseur galaksi urang dina ngeureunkeun 3.7 juta mph (6 juta km / jam). Lima juta taun saatos éngkat anu dramatis ieu, sakelompok peneliti, anu dipimpin ku Sergey Koposov tina Carnegie Mellon University of Cosmology, parantos nunjuk béntang ieu, anu katelah S5-HVS1, dina rasi lintang Crane anu ngawangun. Béntang anu ditingali jarakna caket ka Bumi (29,000 taun-taun jauh) dina kaayaan anu teu pernah sateuacana, laju ngagancangkeun - sakitar 10 kali langkung gancang tibatan kalolobaan bintang dina galaksi urang. "Laju bentang anu dipanggihan luhur pisan sahingga teu bakal tinggalkeun galaksi sareng henteu kantos uih deui," Douglas Boubert, hiji panaliti di University of Oxford sareng panulis koji dina pangajaran, saur dina hiji pernyataan. "Ieu super seru, sabab kami parantos lami disangka yén liang hideung tiasa nyéépkeun béntang kalayan laju anu luhur pisan. Namung, urang henteu kantos ngagaduhan asosiasi anu saé sapertos anu gancang ku pusat galaksi," saur Koposov dina pernyataan éta. Béntang dipanggihan ku pangamatan ti Telepon Kélopél Anglo-Australia (AAT), teleskop 12.8-kaki (3.9-meter), sareng satelit Gaia Badan Éropah.Pamanggihan éta dilakukeun minangka bagian tina Survey Spectroskopis kidul Stellar Stream (S5), kolaborasi para astronom ti Chili, A.S., U.K. sareng Australia. Ayeuna yén béntang éta aya, paneliti tiasa ngalacak béntang balik deui ka Sagittarius A *, liang hideung di tengah Bima Sakti. Éta ogé janten conto anu luar biasa tina Hills Mékanisme, anu diusulkeun ku ahli astronom Jack Hills 30 sababaraha taun ka pengker, dimana béntang-bintang disebrangan ti pusat galaksi dina kecepatan luhur saatos interaksi antara sistem binér-bintang sareng liang hideung di tengah. galaksi "Ieu demonstrasi anu écés mimiti dina mekanisme Hills dina aksi," Ting Li, sasama di Carnegie Observatories sareng Princeton University anu mingpin kolaborasi S5, saur dina pernyataan éta. "Ningali bentang ieu bener-bener endah pisan sabab urang terang yén éta kedah ngawangun di pusat galaktik, tempat anu béda pisan sareng lingkungan lokal urang.Éta téh ngunjung ti bumi anu anéh. " "Nalika tujuan ilmiah utama S5 nyaéta pikeun nalungtik aliran stellar - ngaganggu galaksi kerdil sareng kluster global - kami nyiptakeun sumber cadang alat pikeun milarian target anu pikaresepeun dina Bima Sakti, sareng voila, urang mendakan hal anu luar biasa pikeun gratis. ' Kalayan pengamatan masa depan urang, mudah-mudahan urang bakal mendakan langkung seueur! " Kyler Kuehn, timbalan sutradara téknologi di Lowell Observatorium anu bagian tina panitia eksekutif S5, tambah dina pernyataan éta. Pamanggihan ieu dipedalkeun dina diajar dina 4 Nopémber dina jurnal Notis Bulanan tina Royal Astronomical Society.

      C. Arel, 12-Sydney


    Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.
    The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus only attacks primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved into dangerous disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. This year, the Ebola virus is raging, the number of deaths has been increased two times more than in 1976, reported by
    The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused anxiety. Ebola virus which attacks the body’s defense system is similar with the HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.The Most Deadly Virus
    What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing to other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. After attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of kidney failure.
    Very Fast Transmission
    Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body fluids, blood, and all the things that have been used by patient. Therefore, ebola patients must be isolated in order to avoid a direct contact with other people. The medical teams who handle the patients also have to wear special cloth in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of the United States has been infected with ebola. Indonesian Health Ministry itself has issued a travel warning for the people who will visit the countries of Guinea, Sierra and Liberia.
    There are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have to keep clean and do not make direct contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs will be discovered so the number of dead can be decreased


      Waspada tina Ebola EpidemicRecently, wabah Ebola anu nyerang daérah Afrika Kulon, janten perhatian dunya. WHO anu ngaleupaskeun data éta, sahenteuna aya 800 urang anu maot saatos virus Ebola. Panyakit ieu ngagaduhan tingkat kematian anu luhur, 90 persén pasien maot. Hanjakalna, vaksin atanapi ubar pikeun ngobatan Ebola tetep tacan aya.

      Virus Ebola munggaran kapanggih di Afrika di 1976. Asalna, virus ngan nyerang primata sapertos monyét sareng kera. Tapi ayeuna, parantos janten janten panyakit bahaya sabab ebola parantos dikirim ka manusa. Taun ieu, virus Ebola ngaku, jumlah maotna parantos ningkat dua kali langkung seueur tibatan taun 1976, dilaporkeun ku

      Kasalahan ngaronjatna wabah Ebola di Afrika Kulon di taun 2014 nyababkeun karesahan. Virus Ebola anu nyerang sistem pertahanan awakna sami sareng virus HIV. Gejala awal sami sareng gejala flu sapertos demam tinggi, kalemahan awak, nyeri otot sareng nyeri sirah anu paling sering maot

      Anu ngajantenkeun virus Ebola janten bahaya pisan nyaéta kamampuan anakna. Virus ieu tiasa ngambah sel getih, teras kaayaan ieu tiasa ngahambat getih anu ngalir ka organ séjén. Upami organ kurangna getih, éta bakal ngabalukarkeun sababaraha ruksakna. Saatos nyerang getih, virus ebola ogé nyerang organ-organ sanés, sapertos ginjal, uteuk, peujit, ati sareng saterasna. Seueur pasien ebola maot kusabab gagal ginjal.

      Pangiriman Kacida Gancang

      Pangiriman virus Ebola tiasa kajantenan tina kontak cairan awak, getih, sareng sadaya hal anu parantos dianggo ku pasien. Ku alatan éta, pasien ebola kedah diasingkeun supados henteu ngahubungan kontak langsung ka jalma sanés. Tim médis anu ngurus pasién ogé kedah ngagem lawon khusus pikeun nyegah panyebaran virus. Ayeuna, warga Amérika Serikat parantos katépa ku ebola. Kamentrian Kaséhatan Indonésia parantos ngaluarkeun peringatan perjalanan pikeun jalma anu bakal nganjang ka nagara Guinea, Sierra sareng Liberia.

      Aya sababaraha cara pikeun nyegah virus ebola. Urang kedah tetep bersih sareng henteu milarian kontak langsung sareng pasien. Mudah-mudahan enggalna, vaksin sareng ubar bakal kapendak janten jumlah mayit tiasa turun.


    It began as a cheap, off-the-shelf tactic.

    Buy a commercially available drone, strap a bomb to it and let it fly.

    It didn’t take long for the tactic to catch on, spreading across the battlefields of Iraq and Syria as the Islamic State group tried to hold onto its territory against advancing U.S.-backed Iraqi forces.

    The homemade flying bombs were not the terrorists’ most effective tool—truck bombs were still far deadlier—but they achieved their intended purpose and drove the U.S. Army and other services to rush to find effective ways to counter this new threat.

    “It’s the first time any military has ever had to look up since the Korean War, especially when the U.S. military’s involved, because we’ve had air superiority,” said retired Maj. John W. Spencer, chair of urban warfare studies with the Modern War Institute at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York.

    1. Éta mimiti salaku mirah, taktik pareum. Mésér drone anu sayogi sacara komersil, tali bom ka éta teras ngantét. Éta henteu nyandak panjang pikeun taktik pikeun ngauntar, nyebarkeun dina perang medan Irak sareng Suriah nalika gugatan nagara Islam nyobian nahan daérahna ngalawan kamajuan Iraq. Bom ngalayang buatan bumi sanés mangrupikeun alat teroris anu paling efektif — bom treuk masih langkung maot - tapi aranjeunna ngahontal tujuanna sareng ngadorong Tentara A.S. sareng jasa anu sanés pikeun buru pikeun milarian cara anu efektif pikeun nentang ancaman anyar ieu. "Éta kahiji waktos militér anu kantos kantos milari saprak Perang Koréa, khususna nalika militér AS terlibat, kusabab kami ngagaduhan kakuatan anu luhur," saur pensiunan Maj. John W. Spencer, korsi studi perang kota sareng Institut Perang modérn di Akademi Militer AS di West Point, New York.

  60. Bianca Farazetti
    12 Sydney

    Nepal Bans Solo Mountain Climbers
    In an attempt to reduce the number of accidents and make climbing safer, Nepal has banned solo mountaineers from climbing Mount Everest and other peaks. In addition, beginning in January 2018, all foreign climbers will need a guide. The new law also prohibits blind and double amputee climbers from trying to reach the top peaks.
    More than 200 people have died in an attempt to reach Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain, since 1920. The majority of deaths have occurred within the last 40 years. Recently, an 85-year-old mountaineer died in an attempt to be the oldest human to reach the top of Mount Everest. Two Europeans died while making a solo climb last spring.
    Although mountaineers die for a number of reasons, almost every fifth death is caused by acute mountain sickness. Authorities have announced that they will check medical certificates of climbers to see if they are physically capable of such a demanding task.
    In addition to more safety, Nepalese authorities hope that the new law will createmore jobs for mountain guides in the country. The government will also give Everest climbing certificates to high altitude guides and workers hired by foreign climbers.

    Local citizens have welcomed the new law, but some officials fear that banning physically handicapped people from climbing could get them into conflict with human rights organisations.
    According to statistics, 4,800 climbers have reached the top of Mount Everest since Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary's historic climb in 1953..

    Nepal Nyaram Gunung Pendaki Solo Dina usaha pikeun ngirangan jumlah kacilakaan sareng ngajantenkeun langkung aman, Nepal ngalarang gunung-gunung solo ti naék gunung Everest sareng puncak sanésna. Salaku tambahan, dimimitian dina Januari 2018, sadaya pendaki asing kedah bimbingan. Hukum anyar ogé nyaram pendaki buta sareng duaan pikeun ngahontal puncak. Langkung ti 200 urang maot dina usaha dugi ka Gunung Everest, gunung pangluhurna di dunya, ti saprak 1920. Mayoritas maotna parantos aya dina 40 taun katukang. Anyar, saurang gunung gunung yuswa 85 taun dina upaya pikeun janten manusa pangkolotna ngahontal puncak Gunung Everest. Dua urang Éropah pupus nalika naek solo musim semi. Sanajan pendaki gunung maot kusabab sababaraha alesan, ampir unggal kalima maot disababkeun ku panyakit gunung akut. Otoritas parantos ngumumkeun yén aranjeunna bakal nguji sertipikat médis jelema pikeun ningali naha aranjeunna sacara fisik sanggup ngalaksanakeun tugas anu nungtut pisan. Di sagigireun henteu aman, otoritas Nepal ngarep yén hukum énggal bakal nyiptakeun padamelan pikeun panduan gunung di nagara éta. Pamaréntah ogé bakal nyayogikeun sertipikat pendak Everest pikeun panduan luhur luhur sareng padamelan anu disewa ku pendaki asing. Warga satempat ngabagéakeun hukum anu énggal, tapi sawaréh para pejabat sieun yén nyaram jalma cacad fisik pendakian tiasa nempatkeun aranjeunna bertentangan sareng organisasi hak asasi manusa. Numutkeun statistik, 4.800 pendaki parantos dugi ka puncak Gunung Everest ti saprak Tenzing Norgay sareng pendakian bersejarah Sir Edmund Hillary di 1953.

  61. Bahasa Inggris

    Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.

    The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus only attacks primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved into dangerous disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. This year, the Ebola virus is raging, the number of deaths has been increased two times more than in 1976, reported by

    The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused anxiety. Ebola virus which attacks the body’s defense system is similar with the HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.The Most Deadly Virus

    What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing to other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. After attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of kidney failure.

    Very Fast Transmission

    Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body fluids, blood, and all the things that have been used by patient. Therefore, ebola patients must be isolated in order to avoid a direct contact with other people. The medical teams who handle the patients also have to wear special cloth in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of the United States has been infected with ebola. Indonesian Health Ministry itself has issued a travel warning for the people who will visit the countries of Guinea, Sierra and Liberia.

    There are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have to keep clean and do not make direct contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs will be discovered so the number of dead can be decreased.


    Fashion is anything that becomes a rage among the masses. We see different fashion trends pouring in and taking the market by storm. Clothing is especially one such arena that sees changing fashion trends that are followed by vast number of people.

    People these days love to dress up well in order to look presentable in the society. To keep up with the changing times, people upgrade their style according to the latest trend in the market.

    Women are particularly inclined towards following the fashion and thus keep a tab on the latest trends. A few years back long kurtis were in fashion. Almost every woman, especially those living in the urban areas, was seen wearing long kurtis in different designs, patterns and style. After a few years, the trend of wearing short kurtis came in and women instantly switched to short kurtis. Anyone wearing a long kurti while the shorter ones were in trend looked rather weird. In today’s times, people have become very particular about the fashion as it gives them a sense of belonging. It makes helps them be one with the society and not look the odd one out.

    Fashion has thus become more than a style these days and almost has become a necessity of everyone.


    Pantun mangrupikeun sagala anu janten murka di kalangan massa. Urang ningali tren fashion anu beda-beda ngalir sareng nyandak pasar. Baju mangrupikeun hiji pakalangan anu ngarobih tren busana anu dituturkeun ku jalma réa. Jalma-jalma ayeuna resep nganggo baju saé ngarah katingali rapih di masarakat. Kanggo tetep sareng waktos parobihan, jalma ningkatkeun gaya numutkeun tren pang anyarna di pasar. Awéwé condong nuturkeun gaya fashion sahingga ngajantenkeun tren anu pang anyarna. Sababaraha taun ka tukang kurtis lami aya dina vogue. Ampir unggal awéwé, khususna anu cicing di perkotaan, katingali nganggo kurtis panjang kalayan desain anu béda, pola sareng gaya. Sanggeus sababaraha taun, tren ngagem kurtis pondok sumping sareng awéwé énggal-énggal janten kurtis pondok. Saha waé anu ngagem kurti panjang bari langkung pondok dina tren sigana rada anéh. Dina dinten ieu sareng umur, jalma-jalma khusus pisan ngeunaan busana sabab masihan aranjeunna raos. Éta ngajantenkeun aranjeunna hiji sareng masarakat sareng henteu katingalina anéh. Pantun parantos janten langkung ti ukur gaya akhir-akhir ieu sareng ampir kabutuhan pikeun sadayana.

  63. bahasa inggris
    Global warming or climate change has today become a major threat to the mankind. The Earth’s temperature is on the rise and there are various reasons for it such as greenhouse gases emanating from carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, burning of fossil fuels or deforestation.
    Impact of Greenhouse Gases
    The rise in the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) leads to substantial increase in temperature. It is because CO2 remains concentrated in the atmosphere for even hundreds of years. Due to activities like fossil fuel combustion for electricity generation, transportation, and heating, human beings have contributed to increase in the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
    Global Warming: A Gradual Phenomenon
    Recent years have been unusually warm, causing worldwide concern. But the fact is that the increase in carbon dioxide actually began in 1800, due to the deforestation of a large chunk of North-eastern American, besides forested parts of the world. The things became worse with emissions in the wake of the industrial revolution, leading to increase in carbon dioxide level by 19.
    Cause of Concern
    According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global temperature is likely to rise by about 1-3.5 Celsius by the year 2100. It has also suggested that the climate might warm by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 100 years.
    Impact of Global Warming
    * The sea levels are constantly rising as fresh water marshlands, low-lying cities, and islands have been inundated with seawater.
    * There have been changes in rainfall patterns, leading to droughts and fires in some areas, and flooding in other areas.
    * Ice caps are constantly melting posing a threat to polar bears as their feeding season stands reduced.
    * Glaciers are gradually melting.
    * Animal populations are gradually vanishing as there has been a widespread loss of their habitat.

    bahasa sunda
    Pamanasan global atanapi parobahan iklim ayeuna janten ancaman utama umat manusa. Suhu Bumi parantos najis sareng aya sababaraha alesan sababna sapertos gas rumah kaca aya tina émisi karbon dioksida (CO2), ngaduruk bahan bakar fosil atanapi hutan. Pangaruh tina Gas Tangkuban Parahu Naékna tingkat karbon dioksida (CO2) ngabalukarkeun kanaékan suhu anu ageung. Hal éta kusabab CO2 tetep konsentrasi dina suasana bahkan ratusan taun. Kusabab kagiatan sapertos bahan bakar fosil pikeun generasi listrik, transportasi, sareng pemanasan, manusa parantos nyumbang kana konsentrasi CO2 dina suasana. Panas Global: Fénomena bertahap Taun-taun ayeuna parah haneut, nyababkeun perhatian dunya. Tapi kanyataanna éta paningkatan karbon dioksida saleresna mimiti taun 1800, kumargi ngirangan hutan ageung Amérika Kalér-wétan, kalebet hutan belahan dunya. Hal-hal éta janten parah ku émisi nalika révolusi industri, nyababkeun naékna tingkat karbon dioksida ku 19. Panyabab Prihatin Numutkeun kana Panel Intergovernmental on Change Change (IPCC), suhu global dipikaresep naék sakitar kira-kira 1-3.5 Celsius ku taun 2100. ogé nunjukkeun yén iklimna tiasa haneut ku 10 derajat Fahrenheit dina 100 taun ka hareup. .Pangaruh Warming Global * Tingkat laut terus-terasan naek salaku wewengkon cai tawar, kota anu anduh, sareng pulo parah dieusi cai laut. * Aya parobihan pola curah hujan, nyababkeun kana karana sareng kebakaran di sababaraha daérah, sareng banjir di daérah sanés. * És topi terus lebur nunjukkeun ancaman pikeun ngasuh kutub nalika usum dahar masing-masing dikirangan dikirangan. * Glasier laun laun. * Populasi sato laun bakal ngiles sabab parantos aya anu leungiteun tempat tinggalna.

    Srifah rosyidah
    12 sydney

  64. Upcycling
    Reusing is an approach to individuals for the rubbish issues. Consistently Indonesia produces no less than million ton trash. The trash is sent to landfills, where a large portion of them dirty the area and air. As an aftereffect of reusing, rubbish that would have been discarded are reused rather in new items.
    What Gets Recycled
    There are numerous things that can be reused including natural and inorganic trash. A few specialties can be produced using inorganic refuse, for example, glass, containers, paper, magazines, and plastics. Inorganic rubbish likewise can be useful for individuals. Fertilizing the soil is a decent case in reusing. It includes sparing certain nourishment squanders and blending them with leaves and grass. This procedure will make a supplement rich blend that can be helpful for planting. Indeed, even water additionally can be reused. It must be decontaminated and cleaned at a waste-water treatment plant before it is reused.
    Sorts of reusing.
    There two sorts of reusing. They are inner and outside. A case of inward reusing is the reusing of waste items from assembling inside of the same processing plant. For instance, when copper tubing is being made, the finishes of tubes are trimmed. These copper closures will be dissolved down and used to make new tubing.
    In outside reusing, individuals can gather recyclable materials. Recyclables will be conveyed to reusing offices, where it will be cleaned, sorted, and arranged to be sold. At that point the businesses purchase the material and use it to make new items.
    The Importance of Recycling
    The legislatures and gathering of individuals that attempt to ensure the earth must urge individuals to reuse. They need to give a recognition that reusing is critical for their life. It can decreases contamination of air, land, and water. In this way, individuals will acknowledge and attempt to reuse the discarded materials.the thrown away materials.

    Daur mulang Daur mulang ogé mangrupikeun cara ngabantosan manusa pikeun masalah runtah. Unggal taun Indonésia ngahasilkeun sahenteuna 1 milyar ton runtah. Runtah dikirim ka TPA TPA, anu seueur najis taneuh sareng hawa. Salaku hasil daur ulang, limbah anu kedah dibaskeun henteu dianggo deui dina produk énggal. Naon Anu Bisa Daur-ulang Aya seueur hal anu tiasa didaur ulang, kalebet runtah organik sareng teu organik. Sababaraha kerajinan tiasa dilakukeun tina runtah anorganik sapertos kaca, botol, kertas, majalah, sareng plastik. Runtah organik ogé tiasa nguntungkeun pikeun manusa. Komposting mangrupikeun conto daur ulang. Ieu ngalibatkeun nyimpen tuangeun anu tangtu sareng nyampur ku daun sareng jukut. Proses ieu bakal nyiptakeun campuran anu séhat pisan anu tiasa dianggo pikeun pertanian. Nyatana, cai ogé tiasa didaur ulang. Ieu kedah dimurnikeun sareng dibersihkeun di pabrik perawatan limbah sateuacan dianggo. Jenis Daur ulang Aya dua jinis daur ulang. Aranjeunna internal sareng eksternal. Hiji cinta daur ulang internal nyaéta dipaké deui runtah produk anu henteu dianggo ti pabrik anu sami. Salaku conto, nalika pipa tambaga nuju dilakukeun, tungtung pipa ieu bakal dipangkas. Tungtung kakuatan ieu bakal dilebur sareng dianggo deui pikeun nyieun pipa anyar. Dina daur ulang éksternal, jalma tiasa ngumpulkeun bahan daur ulang.Bahan ieu bakal dibawa ka fasilitas daur ulang, dimana éta bakal dibersih, diurutkeun sareng disusun kanggo dijual. Teras industri bakal ngagaleuh bahan sareng dianggo pikeun produk anyar. Pentingna Daur-ulang. Pamaréntah sareng kelompok masarakat anu nyobian ngajaga lingkungan kedah nyorong jalma-jalma didaur ulang. Aranjeunna kedah masihan persepsi yén daur ulang penting pikeun kahirupan maranéhanana. Ieu tiasa ngirangan polusi dina hawa, taneuh sareng cai. Janten, jalma bakal sadar sareng nyobian didaur ulang bahan boros.

    Shavira Fatma N. Simatupang
    XII sydney

  65. Basa Sunda

    Waspada tina Ebola EpidemicRecently, wabah Ebola anu nyerang daérah Afrika Kulon, janten perhatian dunya. WHO anu ngaleupaskeun data éta, sahenteuna aya 800 urang anu maot saatos virus Ebola. Panyakit ieu ngagaduhan tingkat kematian anu luhur, 90 persén pasien maot. Hanjakalna, vaksin atanapi ubar pikeun ngobatan Ebola tetep tacan aya. Virus Ebola munggaran kapanggih di Afrika di 1976. Asalna, virus ngan nyerang primata sapertos monyét sareng kera. Tapi ayeuna, parantos janten janten panyakit bahaya sabab ebola parantos dikirim ka manusa. Taun ieu, virus Ebola ngaku, jumlah maotna parantos ningkat dua kali langkung seueur tibatan taun 1976, dilaporkeun ku Kasalahan ngaronjatna wabah Ebola di Afrika Kulon di taun 2014 nyababkeun karesahan. Virus Ebola anu nyerang sistem pertahanan awakna sami sareng virus HIV. Gejala awal mirip sareng gejala flu sapertos demam tinggi, kalemahan awak, nyeri otot sareng nyeri sirah anu paling sering maot Anu ngajantenkeun virus Ebola janten bahaya pisan nyaéta kamampuan anakna. Virus ieu tiasa ngambah sel getih, teras kaayaan ieu tiasa ngahambat getih anu ngalir ka organ séjén. Upami organ kurangna getih, éta bakal ngabalukarkeun sababaraha ruksakna. Saatos nyerang getih, virus ebola ogé nyerang organ-organ sanés, sapertos ginjal, uteuk, peujit, ati sareng saterasna. Seueur pasien ebola maot kusabab gagal ginjal.Pangiriman Kacida Gancang Pangiriman virus Ebola tiasa kajantenan tina kontak cairan awak, getih, sareng sadaya hal anu parantos dianggo ku pasien. Ku alatan éta, pasien ebola kedah diasingkeun supados henteu ngahubungan kontak langsung ka jalma sanés. Tim médis anu ngurus pasién ogé kedah ngagem lawon khusus pikeun nyegah panyebaran virus. Ayeuna, warga Amérika Serikat parantos katépa ku ebola. Kamentrian Kaséhatan Indonésia parantos ngaluarkeun peringatan perjalanan pikeun jalma anu bakal nganjang ka nagara Guinea, Sierra sareng Liberia. Aya sababaraha cara pikeun nyegah virus ebola. Urang kedah tetep bersih sareng henteu milarian kontak langsung sareng pasien. Mudah-mudahan enggalna, vaksin sareng ubar bakal kapendak janten jumlah mayit tiasa turun.

  66. English: Hong Kong awoke to a third straight day of chaos on Wednesday (Nov 13) following a night of intense battles between protesters and riot police on a university campus that saw some of the most violent scenes in more than five months of unrest. Morning commuters were faced with closed metro stations, a suspended rail line and dozens of cancelled bus services a day after police warned that the rule of law in the territory was on "the brink of total collapse". On Tuesday, the Chinese University of Hong Kong campus was the epicentre of the protests. The clashes raged well into the night, despite faculty and staff trying to mediate, with flames lighting up the night sky and dense clouds of acrid smoke.

    Sunda:Hong Kong bangun dina kaayaan rusuh katilu dinten Rebo (Nov 13) saatos malem perang anu kuat antara demonstran sareng pulisi huru hara di kampus universitas anu ningali sababaraha pamandangan anu paling telenges dina leuwih ti lima bulan kaayaan marudah. Komentos isuk énjing disayogikeun sareng stasion metro katutup, jalur rel nu ditunda sareng puluhan jasa beus anu dibatalkeun sadinten saatos pulisi ngingetkeun yén aturan hukum di daérah éta "lebar total runtuh". Salasa, Universitas Cina Hong Kong kampus mangrupikeun pusat pamrotes. Patempuranna ngempur lebet kana wengi, sanaos fakultas sareng staf anu nyobian, nganggo seuneu nyalinde langit wengi sareng mérek padap tina haseup.

  67. Bahasa Sunda: Poé Kaséhatan Méntal Dunya kaping 10 Oktober: Ieu mangrupikeun 14 alesan anu saé naha anjeun kedah nyandak dinten kaséhatan méntal. Tiap produk dipilih sacara dipilih ku éditor urang. Upami anjeun ngagaleuh ngeunaan tautan kami, urang tiasa nampi komisi afiliasi. Naon ari Poé Kaséhatan Méntal Dunya? pita kasadaran kaséhatan méntal CHINNAPONG / SHUTTERSTOCK Tandaan almenak anjeun: 10 Oktober 2019, mangrupikeun Dinten Kaséhatan Méntal. Unggal taun Organisasi Kaséhatan Dunia mendesain dinten anu didédikasikeun pikeun ningkatkeun kasadaran masalah kaséhatan méntal di jagat ieu sareng ngorbankeun upaya pikeun ngadukung kaséhatan méntal. Taun ieu fokus dina pencegahan bunuh diri. WHO hoyong sadayana terang betapa ageung masalah ieu - unggal 40 detik batur kaleungitan bunuh diri-na yén aya hal anu tiasa dilakukeun pikeun nyegah bunuh diri, boh dina anu dipikacinta sareng diri anjeun. (Upami anjeun atanapi batur anu anjeun terang gaduh pamikiran ngeunaan ngarugikeun ka diri anjeun tiasa nyauran National Leicide Pencegahan Lifeline di 1-800-273-8255 kanggo nampi pitulung.) Naon dinten kaséhatan jiwa? sapatu anu nyanghareupan tasik View laut cinta pasangan hiking kaséhatan méntal KAJIAN / SHUTTERSTOCK Salaku tambahan pikeun Poé Kaséhatan Méntal resmi WHO, penting pikeun jalma nyandak dinten kaséhatan méntal anu teu biasa pikeun dirina, saur David A. Merrill, MD, PhD, saurang ahli psikologis sareng psikiater di Pusat Kaséhatan Providence Saint John di Santa Monica, California ."Poé kaséhatan méntal" mangrupikeun istilah sosial anu henteu aya hartos médis anu tepat tapi seueur dokter masih nyarankeun éta cara pikeun masihan diri istirahat sareng fokus dina ngurus kaséhatan psikologis anjeun, anjeunna ngécéskeun. "Masalah mental kudu dirawat sakumaha parah sakumaha anu serius," cenah. "Pikiran anjeun sareng awak damel babarengan sareng masalah dina hiji tiasa nyababkeun masalah dina masalah anu sanés." Nyandak dinten kaséhatan méntal tiasa ngabantosan ngarobih saraf.

    English: World Mental Health Day is October 10th: Here are 14 great reasons why you deserve to take a mental health day yourself.
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    What is World Mental Health Day?
    mental health awareness ribbon

    Mark your calendars: October 10, 2019, is World Mental Health Day. Every year the World Health Organization designates a day dedicated to raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. This year the focus is on suicide prevention. The WHO wants everyone to know how big this problem is—every 40 seconds someone loses their life to suicide—and that there are things you can do to prevent suicide, both in loved ones and yourself. (If you or someone you know is having thoughts about self-harm you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 to get help.)

    What is a mental health day?
    boots overlooking Mountain View lake love couple hiking mental health

    In addition to the WHO’s official World Mental Health Day, it’s important for people to take regular informal mental health days for themselves, says David A. Merrill, MD, PhD, a neurologist and psychiatrist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. “Mental health day” is a social term with no precise medical definition but many doctors still recommend it as a way to give yourself a break and focus on taking care of your psychological health, he explains. “Mental issues should be taken just as seriously as physical ones,” he says. “Your mind and body work together and problems in one can lead to problems in the other.” Taking a mental health day may help prevent a nervous breakdown.

    Gracia angel christy
    XII Sydney

  68. Ester

    Bahasa Inggris

    Technology is a product produced by the man with the benefit and usefulness to make people’s lives easier, more advanced, and modern. With the updates from time to time technology kept shows his prowess and sophistication that can be utilized by humans to support their daily activities as well as helping people to enhance work productivity.

    With the cutting edge technology of humans can benefit from the technology for a variety of things which is positive. As with any web technology, the sophistication of web technologies can be used to search for source of information online in just seconds. Kahadiran course web technologies can provide numerous conveniences for mankind in conducting a wide range of activities.

    Every individual is actually required to benefit from the technological sophistication for things to its build. Is an error and very unfortunate condition when the sophistication of the technology that‘s already remarkable like this now not put to best possible to support activities which are useful and provide benefits for the life of that person.

    The sophistication of the technology should be put to the greatest extent possible, because basically the technology itself was created to facilitate a wide range of activities or work of man.

    So an example of a brief article about the technology, it may be useful to you. This article is just an example, you can perform an adjustment to improve articles about the technology that you will write.

  69. Humaira M. A.
    XII - Sydney

    google and fibit

    Fitbit is a company that makes wearable technology that you can wear to track your fitness or exercise. Google and Fitbit made a deal for Google to acquire Fitbit. Google says that Fitbit is worth about $2.1 billion.
    The deal helps both companies because both of them are struggling with wearable technology. For Google, Apple and Samsung are the leaders of the technology, and for Fitbit, other companies have more money to spend.
    Fitbit said that it is going to keep its health and fitness data private, and it is not going to use its data for Google ads.

    google sareng serat

    Fitbit mangrupikeun perusahaan anu nyiptakeun téknologi anu tiasa dipakai anu tiasa anjeun pakai pikeun ngalacak kabugaran atanapi olahraga. Google sareng Fitbit nyieun deal pikeun Google pikeun kéngingkeun Fitbit. Google nyarios yén Fitbit patut sakitar $ 2,1 milyar. Anu nganyahokeun ngabantosan duanana perusahaan sabab duanana aya bajoang sareng téknologi anu tiasa dipakai. Pikeun Google, Apple sareng Samsung mangrupikeun pamimpin téknologi, sareng Fitbit, perusahaan sanés gaduh langkung seueur artos. Fitbit nyarios yén éta bakal ngajaga data kasehatan sareng kabugaran pribadi, sareng éta henteu nganggo data-data na iklan Google.

  70. Ester

    Basa Sunda

    Téknologi mangrupikeun produk anu dihasilkeun ku manusa kalayan kauntungan sareng dianggo pikeun ngajantenkeun kahirupan manusa langkung gampang, langkung maju, sareng modern. Kalayan pembaruan ti jaman ka jaman téknologi terus nunjukkeun kaéndahan sareng kaéndahan anu tiasa dimanfaatkeun ku manusa pikeun ngadukung kagiatan sapopoéna sareng ngabantosan manusa ningkatkeun produktivitas padamelan. Kalayan téknologi pang anyarna, manusa tiasa ngagunakeun téknologi pikeun sababaraha hal positip. Sapertos téknologi wéb, kecanggihan téknologi wéb tiasa dimanfaatkeun pikeun milari sumber inpormasi online dina sababaraha detik. Ayana téknologi wéb pasti tiasa nyayogikeun seueur kamampuan pikeun manusa dina ngalaksanakeun sababaraha kagiatan. Masing-masing jalmi leres-leres diperyogikeun pikeun ngamangpaatkeun kecanggihan téknologi pikeun hal-hal anu konstruktif. Kasalahan kasalahan sareng kaayaan anu paling alit nalika kecanggihan téknologi anu luar biasa sabab ayeuna henteu dimanfaatkeun sabisa pikeun ngadukung kagiatan anu mangpaat sareng nyayogikeun manfaatkeun sorangan pikeun kahirupan jalma. Sophistication téknologi kedah dimanfaatkeun dugi ka maksimal, sabab dasarna téknologi sorangan didamel pikeun ngagampangkeun rupa-rupa kagiatan manusa atanapi padamelan.

  71. National Father's Day, UNICEF Speaks About the Role of Stepfathers - National Father's Day, which is celebrated on November 12 each year, is also commented on by the UN Agency for UNICEF children, regarding the presence of step-fathers, aka connecting fathers.
    The presence of a connected father is very necessary if the situation of one family is not ideal, such as divorced parents or father died. Continued fathers play an important role to replace the father's position which is very important in child growth and development.

    "Sometimes the situation is not ideal, but most importantly the figure of a father himself, a father can not only be provided by a biological father, in a sense, a divorced family and his mother remarried. Then his new husband is very solid to act as a father, that too figure of a good father, "said the representative of UNICEF Indonesia, Debora Comini, to at the National Library of Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Monday (11/11/2019).
    New dad is not the only solution. If a mother does not allow remarriage, then brothers from the mother's family can take part, such as grandfather, uncle, or even from the child's father's family.

    "For example there is a grandfather, uncle, his mother's brother and everything else, but most importantly he can still get a picture of a father figure like what," said Debora
    The rest, Deborah also reminded the role of a father as important as the role of a mother. It's not just that fathers are just people who make a living, especially now that mothers usually take part in the economy, so it should be done in educating children with cooperation.
    "If then the mother has to work and take care of the child, it means the double burden is only carried by the mother, while here the father also plays a role, when the father helps his mother replace, when the mother works he (the father) takes care of the child," he said.
    Debora, who recently appointed Nicholas Saputra as the new UNICEF Indonesia National Ambassador, said fathers not to forget playing with children. Although not breastfeeding, by playing with children will support his wife, and become a father of ASI.
    "We are talking about children also need to feel safe. When there are fathers and mothers, that role is very important, because children will learn and experience firsthand how fathers and mothers interact. Fathers need to spend or use their time for their children and not just special moments even though he works, "he concluded.

    Audrey indriani XII Sydney

    1. Poé Bapa Nasional, UNICEF Ngomong Ngeunaan Peran Ibu Bapa - Hari Bapa Nasional, anu dirayakeun dina 12 Nopémber unggal taun, ogé dikomentar ku Badan PBB pikeun barudak UNICEF, ngeunaan ayana bapa-bapa, alias ngahubungkeun bapa.
      Ayana bapa nu nyambung pisan dipikabutuh upami kaayaan hiji kulawarga henteu idéal, sapertos sepuh atanapi cerai maot. Bapa-bapa anu teraskeun ngagaduhan peran anu penting pikeun ngagantikeun posisi bapa anu penting pisan dina kamekaran sareng pamekaran anak.

      "Sakapeung kaayaan éta teu idéal, tapi anu paling penting inohong bapa nyalira, bapa henteu ngan ukur disayogikeun ku bapa biologis, dina rasa, kulawarga anu cerai sareng indungna kawin deui. Teras ku salakina énggal solid pisan janten bapak. tokoh bapa anu saé, "saur wakil UNICEF Indonésia, Debora Comini, ka di Perpustakaan Nasional Indonésia, Jakarta Tengah, Senén (11/11/2019).
      Ayah sanés ngan ukur sanés. Upami indung henteu ngijinkeun pernikahan, maka duduluran ti kulawarga indung tiasa milu, sapertos raina, paman, atanapi bahkan ti kulawarga bapa urang.

      "Contona aya datuk, paman, lanceuk indungna sareng sadaya anu sanés, tapi anu paling penting anjeunna masih tiasa nampi gambar tokoh ramana sapertos naon," saur Debora
      Saterasna, Deborah ogé ngingetkeun peran bapak salaku pentingna salaku indung. Henteu ngan ukur yén bapa-bapa téh ngan ukur jalma-jalma anu milari, utamana ayeuna yén ibu-ibu biasana milu dina ékonomi, ku kituna éta kedah dilakukeun dina ngadidik barudak kalayan gotong royong.
      "Upami teras indung kedah ngurus sareng ngurus anak, éta artos beban ganda ngan ukur dilaksanakeun ku indung, bari didieu bapa ogé maénkeun peran, nalika bapa ngabantosan indungna ngagentos, nalika indung damel anjeunna (bapa) ngurus anak," saurna.
      Debora, anu nembé nunjuk Nicholas Saputra salaku duta Nasional UNICEF Indonésia, nyatakeun bapa henteu hilap maén sareng murangkalih. Sanaos henteu nyusuhan, ku cara maénkeun sareng murangkalih bakal ngadukung pamajikanana, sareng janten bapak ASI.
      "Kami ngobrol ngeunaan murangkalih ogé kedah karasa aman. Nalika aya bapa sareng ibu, éta peran anu penting pisan, sabab barudak bakal diajar sareng ngalaman heula kumaha bapa sareng ibu berinteraksi. Bapa kedah nyéépkeun atanapi nganggo waktosna pikeun barudakna sareng henteu ngan ukur waktos anu khusus sanajan anjeunna damel, "anjeunna atos.

  72. Feren Amelia XII Sydney

    Naha Sakola di Finlandia janten Suksés Leuwih taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu nyoba ngabandingkeun kaahlian maca, matematika sareng élmu ti umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia sanés ngan ukur nagara anu pangsaéna di Éropa, tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu ngajadikeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu béda pisan ti batur di dunya kulon. Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finlandia mempermudah sadayana murangkalih atikan prasekolah, anu asalna saatos PAUD. atikan wajib dimimitian dina yuswa 7 taun. Guru damel pikeun mempermudah murid-muridna di sakola salaku gancang-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh PR di bumi badé sakedik balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu nganggo murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola pikeun diajar kurikulum sareng proyék anyar. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna naha tingkat serelekna rendah dibandingkeun sareng nagara-nagara sanés. Beda sareng nagara-nagara sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia nyaéta profésional anu sangat kaget. Finns milih guru kalayan ati-ati pisan. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan.Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik generasi ngora na. Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging langkung saé tibatan guru nagara anu sanés, aranjeunna nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun hirup. Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran mahasiswa nampi bantosan tambahan dina taun sakola dasar, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.

    Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home. When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.

    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully. Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.

    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

  73. Zahra Zhahira Bahirah Samodra Putri . XII SYDNEY
    English Article
    The human brain is a wonder. Through folds of tissue and pulses of electricity, it lets us perceive, attempt to understand, and shape the world around us. As science rapidly charts the brain’s complex structures, new discoveries are revealing the biology of how the mind functions and fails. Given the centrality of the brain to human health, its malfunctions should be a priority, separated from stigma and treated on par with the diseases of the body. We aren’t there yet, but the transformation is underway.

    Mental disorders affect nearly 20 percent of American adults; nearly 4 percent are severely impaired and classified as having serious mental illness. These disorders are often associated with chronic physical illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. They also increase the risk of physical injury and death through accidents, violence, and suicide.

    Suicide alone was responsible for 42,773 deaths in the United States in 2014 (the last year for which final data are available), making it the 10th leading cause of death. Among adolescents and young adults, suicide is responsible for more deaths than the combination of cancer, heart disease, congenital anomalies, respiratory disease, influenza, pneumonia, stroke, meningitis, septicemia, HIV, diabetes, anemia, and kidney and liver disease.

    Artikel Sunda
    Otak manusa mangrupikeun heran. Ngaliwatan tilep jaringan sareng pulsa listrik, éta urang tiasa ngartos, nyobian ngartos, sareng bentuk dunya di sakitar urang. Nalika élmu gancang nyetél struktur kompléks uteuk, penemuan anyar ngungkabkeun biologi kumaha fungsi akal sareng gagal. Dibikeun satengahna otak kana kasehatan manusa, kalepatanna kedah janten prioritas, dipisahkeun tina stigma sareng parawatan kalayan panyakit awak. Urang teu acan aya, tapi transformasi anu dijalankeun.

    Gangguan méntal mangaruhan ampir 20 persén sawawa Amérika; ampir 4 persén parah pisan sareng digolongkeun kana gering méntal anu serius. Gangguan ieu sering aya hubunganana sareng panyakit fisik kronis sapertos panyakit jantung sareng diabetes. Éta ogé ningkatkeun résiko tatu fisik sareng maotna ngaliwatan kacilakaan, kekerasan, sareng bunuh diri.

    Ngabunuh diri nyalira tanggung jawab kanggo 42,773 maotna di Amérika Serikat di 2014 (taun ka tukang anu data ahirna sayogi), janten anu nyababkeun 10 anu ngabalukarkeun pati. Diantara rumaja sareng dewasa anom, bunuh diri mangrupikeun langkung seueur maotna tinimbang gabungan kanker, panyakit jantung, anomali bawaan, panyakit engapan, influenza, pneumonia, stroke, meningitis, septicemia, HIV, diabetes, anémia, sareng panyakit ginjal sareng ati.

  74. Azzahra ervina salsabila

    The culture of Indonesia
    The culture of Indonesia has been shaped by long interaction between original indigenous customs and multiple foreign influences. Indonesia is centrally-located along ancient trading routes between the Far East, South Asia, and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural practices being strongly influenced by a multitude of religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity, all strong in the major trading cities. The result is a complex cultural mixture very different from the original indigenous cultures.
    Examples of the fusion of Islam with Hindu Javanese Abangan belief, the fusion of Hinduism, Buddhism and animism in Bodha, and the fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan. Balinese dances have stories about ancient Buddhist, and Hindu kingdoms, while Islamic art forms and architecture are present in Sumatra, especially in the Minangkabau and Aceh regions. Traditional art, music, and sport are combined in a martial art form called Pencak Silat.
    The Western world has influenced Indonesia in science, technology and modern entertainment such as television shows, film, and music, as well as political system and issues. India has notably influenced Indonesian songs and movies. A popular type of song is the Indian-rhythmical dangdut, which is often mixed with Arab and Malay folk music.
    Despite the influences of foreign culture, some remote Indonesian regions still preserve uniquely indigenous culture. Indigenous ethnic groups Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja, and many others are still practicing their ethnic rituals, customs and wearing traditional clothes.

    1. Budaya Indonesia
      Budaya Indonesia parantos dibentuk ku interaksi panjang antara adat asli sareng sababaraha pangaruh asing. Indonesia ayana di tengah-tengah sapanjang jalur dagang kuno antara Jauh Timur, Asia Kidul, sareng Wétan Tengah, nyababkeun seueur prakték budaya anu dipangaruhan ku seueur agama, kalebet Hindu, Budha, Confucianism, Islam, sareng Kristen, sadaya kuat di kota dagang utama. Hasilna mangrupikeun campuran budaya anu kompleks béda pisan sareng budaya asli pituin.
      Conto fusion Islam Islam sareng Hindu Jawa Abangan kapercayaan, gabungan tina agama Hindu, Budha sareng animisme di Bodha, sareng campuran agama Hindu sareng animisme dina Kaharingan. Tarian Bali gaduh carita perkawis Buddha kuno, sareng karajaan Hindu, sedengkeun bentuk seni sareng arsitéktur Islam aya di Sumatra, khususna di daérah Minangkabau sareng Acéh. Kasenian tradisional, musik, sareng olahraga digabungkeun dina bentuk seni beladiri anu disebut Pencak Silat.
      Dunya Barat parantos pangaruh Indonésia dina élmu, téknologi sareng hiburan modéren sapertos acara tivi, pilem, sareng musik, ogé sistem politik sareng masalah. India parah mangaruhan pangaruh lagu sareng pilem Indonésia. Lagu lagu anu populer nyaéta dangdut India-irama, anu sering dicampur sareng musik rahayat Arab sareng melayu.
      Sanaos pangaruh budaya asing, sawaréh wilayah Indonésia jauh tetep ngawétkeun budaya pribumi unik. Grup etnik pribumi Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja, sareng seueur anu sanés masih ngalaksanakeun ritual étnik maranéhna, adat sareng ngagem ageman tradisional.

  75. Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull


    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.


    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.


    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.


    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

    Alihkan Navigasi


    Naha Sakola di Finlandia janten Suksés Leuwih taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu nyoba ngabandingkeun kaahlian maca, matematika sareng élmu ti umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia sanés ngan ukur nagara anu pangsaéna di Éropa, tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu ngajadikeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu béda pisan ti batur di dunya kulon. Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finlandia mempermudah sadayana murangkalih atikan prasekolah, anu asalna saatos PAUD. atikan wajib dimimitian dina yuswa 7 taun. Guru damel pikeun mempermudah murid-muridna di sakola salaku gancang-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh PR di bumi badé sakedik balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu nganggo murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola pikeun diajar kurikulum sareng proyék anyar. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna naha tingkat serelekna rendah dibandingkeun sareng nagara-nagara sanés. Beda sareng nagara-nagara sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia nyaéta profésional anu sangat kaget. Finns milih guru kalayan ati-ati pisan. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan.Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik generasi ngora na. Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging langkung saé tibatan guru nagara anu sanés, aranjeunna nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun hirup. Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran mahasiswa nampi bantosan tambahan dina taun sakola dasar, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.
    M. Rezza A.
    12 Sydney

  76. Are Intern Children Eligible to Get Salaries? The internship said, maybe it was already familiar, especially for students. Usually, practical work, aka apprenticeship, is the first step for a student to get involved in the world of work. If likened, before entering the gate, at least you already know what the shape of the gate is like. So, when you have graduated and applied for a job, you don't need to do a lot of adaptation. However, apart from the benefits gained from internships, such as experience, and networking, there are some things that become anxious for each intern. One of them is about salary. Not all interns understand whether they are entitled to a salary or not. Well, according to Gita Nurani as a Lecturer in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, in fact apprentices especially students have the same rights as employees, namely getting a salary. "But, what is clear is that the salary of interns does not exceed the salaries of permanent employees. Of course, each company has different valuation components or numbers, "said Gita, when contacted by the coil some time ago. Not only that, the facilities or benefits obtained by interns also have laws, you know. In the Manpower Law, based on article 22 paragraph (2), it explains that apprentices are entitled to their rights. "The rights in question are, such as pocket money or transportation, social security for workers, collateral for work accidents, and special death of apprentices. So, even though you are only an apprentice, it has been explained in accordance with the Law, what rights you should have obtained during your internship, "explained Gita. You should also pay attention to this when signing the contract. Usually the company will make a collective agreement and tell them what rights and obligations the intern must undergo, so there is no misunderstanding. "There is a clear contract, one that you must pay attention to. Starting from working hours, the benefits obtained, both material and non-material, it's important you know, "he explained. But, when the agreement in the contract does not match your experience at the time of your internship, you don't need to worry. At least you already have a clear foundation, through a contract that has been mutually agreed upon. "That's why there still needs to be a contract, so companies don't dare break the rules. So when one day you find something that is not in accordance with the agreement or a kind of 'enslaved', yes, you still have a foundation that is a work contract, and the company can be sued, "concluded Gita.

    Tania Natasha XII Sydney

    1. Naha Barudak internal tiasa nampi Gaji? Ceuk magang, sigana ayeuna parantos biasa, khusus pikeun mahasiswa. Biasana, pagawéan praktis, alias magang, mangrupikeun léngkah munggaran pikeun mahasiswa janten aub dina dunya pagawéan. Upami dipigatkeun, sateuacan lebetkeun gerbang, sahenteuna anjeun parantos terang naon bentukna gerbang sapertos kitu. Janten, nalika anjeun parantos lulus sareng nerapkeun padamelan, anjeun teu kedah seueur adaptasi. Nanging, sajaba ti pedah anu ditampi tina magang, sapertos pangalaman, sareng jaringan, aya sababaraha hal anu janten hariwang pikeun unggal intern. Salah sahijina nyaéta ngeunaan gaji. Henteu sadayana interns ngartos naha aranjeunna berhak gaji atanapi henteu. Nya, saur Gita Nurani salaku Dosen di Psikologi Industri sareng Organisasi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, nyatana magang khusus murid-murid ngagaduhan hak anu sami sareng karyawan, nyaéta meunang gaji. "Tapi, anu jelas nyaéta gaji interns teu langkung seueur gaji karyawan permanén. Tangtosna, unggal perusahaan ngagaduhan komponén pangajen atanapi angka anu béda," saur Gita, nalika dihubungi ku coil sababaraha waktos ka pengker. Henteu ngan ukur éta, fasilitas atanapi kauntungan anu diala ku interns ogé ngagaduhan undang-undang, anjeun terang. Dina UU Manpower, dumasar kana tulisan 22 paragraf (2), éta ngécéskeun yén magang berhala pikeun hakna. "Hak anu ditaroskeun nyaéta, sapertos duit saku atanapi transportasi, kaamanan sosial pikeun pagawé, jaminan pikeun kacilakaan padamelan, sareng maot khusus magang. Janten, sanaos anjeun ngan ukur magang, éta parantos dipedar luyu sareng UU. naon hakna anu kedah dipilampah salami magang anjeun, "écés Gita. Anjeun ogé kedah nengetan ieu nalika tandatangan kontrak. Biasana perusahaan bakal ngadamel kasepakatan koléktif sareng nyaritakeun naon hak sareng kawajiban anu intern anu kedah kajantenan, sahingga henteu aya salah paham. "Aya kontrak anu jelas, salah sahiji anu kedah anjeun perhatikeun. Ngawitan ti jam kerja, pedah diperyogikeun, boh bahan sareng bahan henteu, éta penting anjeun terang," jelasna. Tapi, nalika perjanjian di kontrak teu cocog sareng pangalaman anjeun dina waktu magang anjeun, anjeun teu kedah hariwang. Sahenteuna anjeun parantos ngagaduhan yayasan anu jelas, ngalangkungan kontrak anu saling satuju. "Éta sababna masih kedah janten kontrak, janten perusahaan henteu wani ngarusak aturan. Janten nalika hiji dinten anjeun mendakan hal anu henteu luyu sareng kasepakatan atanapi jinis 'hamba-hamba', leres, anjeun masih gaduh yayasan anu mangrupikeun kontrak kerja, sareng perusahaan tiasa digugat, "pungkas Gita.

  77. Anindiani N.F hehehehe
    12 Sydney

    Basa sunda

    Disangka bom bunuh diri di Polisi HQ di Medan Indonésia Perwira pulisi ngamanca markasna di Medan, Sumatra Kalér, dina 13 Nopémber 2019, saatos serangan bunuh diri nalika lumangsung ngagero énjing-énjing. JAKARTA (REUTERS, AFP) - Bocah dina jero kantor pulisi di kota Indonésia Medan di Sumatera Kalér nyaéta disangka bom bunuh diri, juru carios pulisi saur Rebo (Nov 13). Tatan Dirsan Atmaja, juru carios pulisi Sumatra Kalér, nyatakeun ku telepon yén bom disangka ngabunuh bunuh dina serangan éta. Anjeunna nyatakeun sababaraha perwira pulisi anu rujit dina ledakan anu kajantenan jam 8.40 isuk lokal (9.40am di Singapura). Sajumlah saluran televisi Indonésia nunjukkeun gambar jalma rurusuhan ka gedong-gedong ngurilingan markas. Numutkeun kana Jakarta Post, sahenteuna saurang jalma anu luka di tempat parkir. Juru bicara Pulisi Nasional Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo parantos mastikeun yén ngabeledug lumangsung. "Leres, éta disangka ... bom bunuh diri. Pelaku disangka maot, tapi tim (pulisi) masih kénéh ningali pamandangan kajahatan, ”saur Dedi dina laporan langsung ku Kompas TV. Cenah ledakan kasebut lumangsung dina hiji parkir mobil caket wewengkon anu dieusian ku jalma pikeun ngahapus surat tina pulisi. Kéngingkeun wawasan ekslusif ngeunaan Asia tina jaringan korespondensi kami Teraskeun sareng énggal-énggal di daérah sareng buletin ST Asian Insider, dikirimkeun ka koropak anjeun unggal dinten minggu "Kami waspada ayeuna," saur Dedi ka Kompas TV. "Beledug anu henteu ngahontal pusat kanggo palayanan surat clearance, éta waé dina tempat parkir." Dedi nyatakeun anggota tanaga tim Polres Nasional Nasional Densus 88 sareng skuat counterterrorism Polres Sumatera Kalér Indonésia nyaéta Inpisasi Fingerprint Identification Indonésia (Inafis) parantos sumping di tempat pamantosan pikeun ngabantosan panalungtikan. Anjeunna nyatakeun yén pulisi bakal masihan inpormasi salajengna ngeunaan anu dituduh bom bunuhan bunuhna nalika réngsé panalungtikan di darat. Pulisi narékahan milari bahan bahan peledakan anu mungkin parantos sumebar di lokasi kalayan bantosan anjing sniffer, lapor MetroTV. Wartawan AFP di tempat éta ningali awak anu bohong dina taneuh di luar stasion. Sumber pulisi anu henteu hoyong namina ngawartoskeun ka AFP yén serangan éta kaberesihan ku sahenteuna dua bom bunuh diri, tapi éta henteu resmi dikonfirmasi. Laporan média lokal anu henteu dipastikeun nyatakeun sahanteuna hiji perwira pulisi anu bergegas ka rumah sakit saatos bom tapi kondisinana henteu langsung dikenal. Dina taun-taun ayeuna, radikal Islam, sababaraha anu terikat ka grup militan inspirasi Nagara Islam, Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), parantos nargétkeun pulisi dina sababaraha serangan. Serangan pang anyarna sumping sabulan saatos disangka anu Islamis ditusuk sareng luka Wiranto, tilas menteri kaamanan Indonésia, anu nganggo hiji nami. Dina bulan Agustus, otoritas Indonésia nembak sareng narékahan saurang militan anu diserang para perwira pulisi di stasion di kota kadua paling gedé di Surabaya.

  78. Anindiani N. F
    12 Sydney

    Basa inggris

    Suspected suicide bombing at police HQ in Indonesia's Medan

    Police officers secure their headquarters in Medan, North Sumatra, on Nov 13, 2019, after a suicide attack occured during their morning roll call.

    JAKARTA (REUTERS, AFP) - A blast inside the police headquarters in the Indonesian city of Medan in North Sumatra is a suspected suicide bombing, a police spokesman said on Wednesday (Nov 13).

    Tatan Dirsan Atmaja, a spokesman for the North Sumatra police, said by telephone that the suspected suicide bomber had died in the attack. He said some police officers had been wounded in the blast that occurred at 8.40am local time (9.40am in Singapore).

    A number of Indonesian television channels showed footage of people rushing out of buildings around the headquarters.

    According to the Jakarta Post, at least one person was injured at the parking lot.

    National Police spokesperson Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo has confirmed that the explosion took place.

    “Yes, it is suspected to be... a suicide bombing. The perpetrator is suspected to have died, but the team (of police) are still examining the crime scene,” Dedi said in a live report by Kompas TV.

    He said the blast happened in a car park near an area where people were queuing for clearance letters from police.  

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    “We’re on alert right now,” Dedi told Kompas TV. “The explosion didn’t reach the centre for the clearance letter service, it was just in a parking lot.”

    Dedi said personnel from the National Police’s Densus 88 counterterrorism squad and the North Sumatra Police's Indonesia Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (Inafis) had arrived at the scene to assist in the investigation.

    He said the police would give further information about the alleged suicide bombing upon finishing the investigation on the ground.

    The police was trying to find explosive materials that might have dispersed  in the location with the assistance of a sniffer dog, MetroTV reported.

    An AFP reporter at the scene saw a body lying on the ground outside the station.  

    A police source who did not want to be named told AFP that the attack was perpetrated by at least two suicide bombers, but that was not officially confirmed.  

    Unconfirmed local media reports said at least one police officer had been rushed to hospital after the bombing but that his condition was not immediately known.  

    In recent years, Islamic radicals, some tied to the Islamic State-inspired militant group Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), have targeted police in a series of attacks. 

    The latest attack comes a month after a suspected Islamist stabbed and wounded Wiranto, Indonesia’s former security minister, who uses one name.

    In August, Indonesian authorities shot and arrested a suspected militant who attacked police officers at a station in the country’s second-biggest city Surabaya.

  79. Damaghita (12 Seoul)
    Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

    For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

    First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.

    In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.

    Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

    1. Terjemahan:
      Kunaon Pasantrén Findland Éta Jadi Sukses

      Salila sababaraha taun sistem sakola di Finlandia parantos suksés. Dina survey PISA, anu ngabandingkeun maca, matematika sareng élmu ilmiah umur 15 taun di sakumna dunya, Finlandia henteu ngan ukur nagara Éropa anu luhur tapi ogé bersaing sareng raksasa Asia sapertos Shanghai, Singapura sareng Koréa Kidul. Nanging naon anu nyababkeun sistem pendidikan di nagara leutik ieu sahingga béda ti batur di dunya kulon.

      Anu mimiti, pamaréntah Finish ngamungkinkeun sadayana murangkalih pikeun prasekolah, anu asalna saatos sakola. Atikan wajib dimimitian dina 7. Guru damel sareng muridna di sakola saloba-gancang. Aranjeunna gaduh sakedik imah pikeun dilakukeun nalika balik ka bumi. Nalika guru henteu sareng murid-murid aranjeunna nyéépkeun waktos di sakola anu damel dina kurikulum sareng proyék énggal. Aranjeunna ngajar dina tim upami diperlukeun pikeun ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun ngahontal tujuan. Éta pisan sababna kéngingkeun angka serelek dibandingkeun nagara-nagara sanés.

      Kontras jeung bangsa-bangsa sanés anu ngajar di Finlandia mangrupikeun profési anu sangat disukai. Finlandia milih guru-guru kalayan ati-ati. Ngan mahasiswa anu berbakat tiasa neraskeun pendidikan ka universitas sareng nampi gelar master dina pendidikan. Finlandia ngan ukur nyandak anu saé pikeun ngadidik nonoman na.

      Sakola di Finlandia leutik, sahenteuna pikeun standar internasional. Nanging, langkung ti guru nagara sanés anu siap nyiapkeun murangkalih pikeun kahirupan. Dina sababaraha kasus aranjeunna terang unggal murid di sakola maranéhanana sareng tiasa saluyukeun kana aranjeunna. Guru nyobian sadayana pikeun suksés kalayan muridna. Kaseueuran murid meunang pitulung tambahan dina taun SD, boh ku guru nyalira atanapi ngalebet dididik sacara khusus.
